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Everything posted by Maura

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Papel picado sets the scene perfectly too...you can make your own or order it from a party store: I must say papel picado is a MUST HAVE for any real Mexican party Quote: Originally Posted by starchild We put small pails of Mexican candy out on the tables, like mango pops, de la rosas, pulparindos, etc. And canels gum, the little square chewing gums. We hired 2 people to set up a taco stand and cook tacos to order for guests. That was a fun touch and very Mexican. Jamy is a rockstar because the Mexican candy is also a great idea - there are lots of yummy things you could put out. and As far as the taco stand, this is the #1 recommendation I have - my FI's parents do this when they host garden parties and its amazing and so fun. Especially if you can get someone to do tacos al pastor...yum!
  2. Maura

    New Here

    and congratulations richard there are plenty of us here from both of your possible locations for you to ask questions. happy planning!
  3. Maura

    PBSB Bride

    from another cabo bride! i'm not getting married at PBSB but if you have other questions about cabo, i'm happy to help with what i can! happy planning
  4. omg trisha, i cant imagine the heart attack you must be having right now. have you/will you do a drive by today to find out what's going on with the storefront? i suggest that regardless, you immediately call the BBB and report them. in the meantime, what can we do to help you?
  5. michelle! where will you be getting married?
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by JODEY Hey girlies, Thank you all for the advice, You've sooo put my mind at rest! I think I will stick to what I know suits me instead of trying to wear a dress that I think he would prefer, feeling a bit more positive now, thanks for the support !! jodey let me remind you also that most boys dont know jack about wedding dresses, and whatever you pick i guarantee he will love, if for no other reason just than the fact that you're wearing it! definitely pick whatever makes YOU feel pretty and "bridal" haha
  7. My family has vacationed in the Bahamas twice without me when I was in college and couldn't go because my spring break didn't coincide with my sister's/their work schedules. They stayed at the Atlantis the first time and their biggest complaint was that everything (food & drink) was so expensive and just really not worth the expense. The second time they went, they stayed somewhere nearby and bought alcohol from a local store to make mixed drinks in their rooms. But I guess since your company's paying you dont have to worry haha One thing my sister did that she LOVED was swimming with the dolphins... the dolphins apparently loved her and were behaving so well that the people videotaped it and now use it for their demo video - they sent her home with a copy which was cool.
  8. there's a good thread that mikkistreak (maria) posted with detailed instructions on how to do it. you can find it by using the advanced search and searching her username.
  9. in case anyone didnt see this yesterday... becks (my BDW twin!) will be in from NY so we are getting drinks around 6 tomorrow night if anyone wants to join us!
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn3878 LOL you beat me to it! Glad you found a place nearby! Is it a 2 piece dress? I like the top quite a bit but I would rather have a different bottom portion....?? No it's one piece. The top and bottom are available in different colors. Check out the davinci site, i think i saw another similar dress with a different bottom. i am making phone calls right now to see which stores have the dress! woo!
  11. how funny that somebody bumped this, it's just over 2 months old, and made me smile to look at it again! thanks for all the sweet comments!
  12. I missed the post by Michelle! Michelle --- THANK YOU!!!!!!! xoxoxoxoxo You and Morgan are my heroes!
  13. i would also like to nominate morgan... in addition to all her awesome craftiness and DIY spirit, she is such a search guru and found out the designer of the dress i want, that i no joke, spent like the last 6 weeks trying to figure out. i shoulda put my post up about it 6 weeks ago! without morgan, i'd have probably spent the extra money to have it made. WOOOO MORGAN!!
  14. MORGAN!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There are like a million and freaking one (ok, 48 to be exact) stores that carry the actual designer gown within 5-60 minutes of my house!!!! i am sooooooooo excited!!!!!! now i can try it on before i make a decision. you have NO idea how much i have agonized over whether or not to order this dress sight unseen because i loved it so much. you TOTALLY just made my entire WEEK!!!!! And the price is reasonable to boot!!! Way less than I feared I'd end up spending! Thank you!!!!!!!!! I OPENLY PROFESS MY LOVE FOR YOU MORGAN!! hahahaha
  15. gary! lovely photos. and how interesting a DW in dubai! you'll have to tell us all about it!
  16. what a cute idea, and so sweet of you!
  17. Hey Chicagoans: Let's get together! Because let's be honest, we all spend a good portion of the day on here talking to each other anyway, so why not extend it into the evening haha. I'll be happy to organize if people wanna throw out some dates and suggestions of times/places.
  18. after reading this thread, im also wondering what the cost would be... anyone have any input?
  19. Maura


    from another cabo bride! happy planning
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv That Watter's dress is definitely similar. So far, I can't find your exact dress, but I think with enough *similar* pics ... a seamstress can do it w/o a problem. What website were you ordering from? Maybe someone on BDW has some experience with them and can offer some insight/feedback. Here's the link. I'm also inclined to say its not a Watters copy because they have a Watters section, and this gown doesnt fall under it. It's grouped in with other A-line gowns, that don't say who the designers are (obviously the ones sold by this Chinese company are copycats) but some are clearly brand identifiable. Wedding dresses, bridesmaid dresses for your wedding day! - A-Line 0031 style New Formal Bridal Wedding Dresses Wedding Gowns
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by kiahjane Yup, the one I am thinking of is on the Watters website, style #9826. They show it in black and white. close....very very close, but no cigar. the watters pickup skirt is significantly different from the one im looking for.
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