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Everything posted by Maura

  1. awesome can you post some of the websites/contact info for your vendors so i can check them out? i know how you feel about the room block. my FMIL refuses to sign the contract until its written in a way that isnt designed to screw us! we are expecting around 80 guests to show up out of the 150 invited, because many are just courtesy invites who we know will never come but are friends of his parents' or people living overseas we wouldnt expect to come. how many are you having?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Doc2B&LosCabosBride2B That audiovidual quote isn't bad....are you guys finding things cheaper with outside vendors? We're doing some logo projections during the reception as well and some uplighting. Are the outside vendors you're finding capable of something like this? So far the only outside vendors I have is the florists, photographer, decor for ceremony and reception and we're doing our rehearsal dinner off site. Ceremony is on the beach and reception is in Arricifes. We're doing a welcome reception on the beach as well.....using La Playa and the beach area right in front of it. Do any of you have room blocks with the Westin as well? What other outside vendors is everyone else using? Thanks things are def. cheaper with outside vendors. we arent doing any audio/visual stuff thats complicated. we are going to hire a DJ, so i assume they will have a mic we can use if necessary. we havent really gotten into talking about DJs yet but we need to! so any suggestions are welcome. who did you book for flowers, photographer and decorations? i only have my photographer booked, bradley fraser. i need to look into flowers from an outside vendor because the prices we got from the WC are pretty high. and i have not even thought about decorations yet haha. we have a room block that we set up through karina, i would be happy to share the info with you if you'd like. did you do a room block? we've been having problems with the contract coming back to us with incorrect stuff on it several times, so i dont know 100% whether or not my FMIL has signed the contract for the room block yet. we wanted to use la playa for our reception but it turns out that we will likely have too many guests so looks like we are headed for the pool deck now, which is less private, but still nice.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes oh - i lheart you girls! here's another super-nice thing she said: when i said that my family/friends were all working on getting their passports - she replied in her usual snotty tone "what kind of people don't have passports." she is from the UK, and travels internationally a lot. i think she's just an unhappy person. suddenly things make a little more sense now that you say shes from the UK must be her stiff upper lip! haha, just kidding, not all people from the UK have a stick up their butt like her. and dont feel bad about the passport crack. my dad doesnt have one, hes 58 and has never traveled abroad. he called me at work today to ask questions about it because he doesnt know what to do!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Adamsgrrl Sadly, I think we should try to reschedule for sometime at the end of Feb so that everyone who wants can come. What does everyone think?? i'm down with that -- how does the weekend of the 23rd look for everybody?
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes You are so right. I'm so assertive with people in my everyday life, and wouldn't put up with this for a second ... from anyone else. I guess I've just been holding onto the hope that I could end up having a decent relationship with her. Then again, maybe that will happen if I set up some boundaries, and let her know when she's crossed them. And no, she's not paying for the wedding. She basically said since there wouldn't be any rehearsal dinner (at least not one that costs $) her obligations were fulfilled. FI asked her if she wanted to contribute to the cost of our reception (we're having it at an off-site restaurant) and she was all indignant - saying that it's not "tradition" for the groom's family to pay for anything like that. Whatever. She can keep her money. omg. "obligations fulfilled" and "not tradition for grooms parents to pay for anything" --- what a BEOTCH! seems like she's just dying to get on your nerves at every freaking chance she gets. you can tell her your friend maura's FMIL is footing the entire bill for our wedding in cabo because when you love your children and you have money, that's what you do, offer it to them if they need it. your FMIL is just an indignant, snotty butt-er-inner!
  6. oh yes, haha that certainly will make a difference! but i agree with you angela, i think the whole band is kind of too much for me. regardless, for the trio $150/hour is a great price.
  7. i would guess that its probably fine to use your shortened names during your vows so long as your legal document has your proper, legal names, but yes definitely talk to your WC about that.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes Anyways, in the spirit of including her in the wedding, I forwarded her a proof of my invites (beautiful - thanks to prim & pixie - will post soon!). She immediately calls on the phone, and starts nit-picking them. "Why did I do this? Why didn't I try that?" You get the picture. Is she paying for your wedding? It was good-hearted of you to try to include her even though she keeps screwing with you. But STOP. There is no amount of including her that is going to change the way she acts. It's YOUR wedding, these are YOUR invitations (which i'm excited to see!). Call her back and tell her thanks but no thanks for the opinion. They're done and you were just showing her because you were trying to include her. End of story. Oftentimes, family members especially, think you showing them something wedding related that's basically done means that you are asking for their opinion. You aren't, you're just saying here, this is what it is. Just showing you in advance. If they don't like it they should keep their mouths shut. I had this problem with my dad criticizing my photographer choice because we picked a photojournalist style and my dad wanted traditional posed photos, which FI and i HATE. Quote: Originally Posted by AlmostMrsForbes Then, she talking away ... mainly about nothing ... and stops to ask whether FI and I have talked about/considered pre-marital counseling. Are you freaking serious? And ... she's not religious, so her concern is not coming from there. I am so annoyed at this point. All I could do is stammer something about having to get off the phone, etc. I didn't even stand up to her or call her out on it. I feel like I never stand up to her because she is FI's mother, etc. You really need to get your FI to talk to his mom. Why can FIs never control their mothers when it comes to wedding stuff? They need to just tell their moms to shut up and smile, because the mom already got her own wedding! Second issue -- why the F would she bring up premarital counseling? Especially if it wasnt a suggestion for religious premarital counseling (like in the catholic church, we do pre-cana and you meet several times with your priest just to discuss marriage basically). Girl, I hate to say it but you gotta grow a pair when you talk to his mom. You have to stand up for yourself now, or else she's going to continue to treat you like crap and walk all over your feelings for the rest of her life.
  9. hmm perhaps the price being $150 is because it's june and not high wedding time. a lot of quotes we've gotten for other vendors had been a bit lower than we expected just because we are getting married in hot-as-hell august instead of spring or fall when there tends to be more weddings going on there...
  10. wooo! here's who i have down for sure: me monika lori and a maybe: beachbride08 - michelle right?
  11. did you see the thread yesterday by angela about mariachi internacional los cabos? she contacted them on her own, and they quoted her $150/hour! she also posted their contact info. heres the thread: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t14296
  12. therese, we will just have to get together again in march so you can join us! everyone else -- let's say for sure feb 9th and i will be happy to make reservations if i can get a head count!
  13. what a freakin bummer have you looked anywhere else that you like? that seems outrageously expensive.
  14. yay, bre! welcome back, cant wait to see photos and hear all about it!
  15. If you are familiar with iphoto on a mac, you have the ability to create your own coffee table book --both hardcover and softcover, at an EXTREMELY reasonable price. In fact, I am planning on doing that, and making extras to give to our parents as gifts after the wedding. Here's a link on how to do that: Apple - iLife - iPhoto - Print Products I've seen one in person and it looked fantastic. Create a Snapfish account (its an HP product for Windows/PC users) at Digital Photo Printing, Free Online Photo Albums & Digital Photo Sharing - Snapfish:. Go to gifts by occasion and then click wedding. The softcover books start at $11.99 and the hardcover ones start at $19.99 I believe. Both are really good alternatives to spending a ton of money, but still getting a great product.
  16. looks great erica! how is it pricewise?
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by Adamsgrrl Feb 9 or 10 is fine for me. I've never been to Bin 36, does anyone know how it is?? feb 9 or 10 works for me too. actually i was at bin36 last night with my bdw twin and it was great! ive been there a bunch of times before. i think the tastings are kind of expensive though, because you either have to do a private one or one on an "event" night. if there aren't too many of us, it might be cheaper to just make a reservation for a table and order wine flights and a couple appetizers.
  18. congratulations lauren!! hope you get some good photos to share with us
  19. according to mexican law, i was told that you only need to have 2 witnesses for the legal marriage when we looked into whether we cared about being legally married in mexico. so i really think you ought to NOT sign that contract. they're taking advantage. there are sooo many places in cabo other than O&O, you might want to look into them.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Indecisive Bride to be Hello everyone! I'm not too sure how i even stumbled onto this web site but i'm so glad i did!!! We have our trip booked April 26th-May 3rd & have decided we want to skip the wedding at home and do it while we are in Cabo. Sounds good right?? We are staying at the Riu Palace and after reading some of the reviews i'm thinking i would not want to get Married there. We are only bringing a couple close friends with us so in total 8-10 people. Nothing big. I want small & intimate. So i have not booked anything just starting to look into it. have any of you used a photog from Cabo? what about Limo service? I'm really liking the Mona Lisa for a small reception dinner. Any advice or helpful tips? Help! I'm freaking out and really don't have much time to really plan. the only thing i can be of help to you on is the photog - check out bradley fraser. i have him booked for my aug 9th wedding and his prices are extremely reasonable! there are lots of things about him on here if you do an advanced search. good luck!
  21. oh galit. shit. WTF was your FI thinking?! i guess just stay calm and tell her you dont hate her, but you do feel like she's overstepped her boundaries as a FMIL in your wedding planning business. she needs to realize its not her wedding, so whatever you do is your decision, and if she views your choices as reflecting poorly on her, shes going to have to swallow that and keep it to herself. i feel you on wanting to tread somewhat delicately because she's paying for the wedding, im in the same situation. your FI REALLY needs to be there to back you up on this stuff though, not rat you out -- no matter how mad he is at his dad, what you say about each others parents should always stay behind closed doors. ugh. sending you a big hug! let us know what happens when her phone charges!
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