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Everything posted by Maura

  1. holy cow, i must say ive noticed how quickly my pages now load since the shoutbox was removed... i love the shoutbox, but wow, my pages load instantly now!
  2. rebecca im so freakin jealous! have an amazing time, cant wait to see photos when you get back!
  3. there have been a bunch of posts on this recently in the cabo forum. one that was mentioned is mariachi internacional los cabos. angela posted their contact info because they quoted her $150/hour. Advanced search still works if you are having trouble with the regular search.
  4. here's mine, nothing too fancy... but funny story with it is that it is from the day i arrived in mexico city. it was the first time i had seen his family since we got engaged in nov. so they made a big deal about flaunting my ring in every photo they took at lunch. i had just gotten off a 4 hour flight and had not even been to the bathroom yet, so i was shaking my bling and like ok can i go pee now?
  5. haha how funny morgan. i wish i was that savvy with photoshop! unfortunately i only have it on my computer at work and im often too busy to be playing with photos while doing stuff here. whenever i do have the time, i call the art director to ask him how to do it haha
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR oh yea, i realize that - and that's INSANE! lol I mean, who does that!? in the words of my FI, people who do that are "pinches nacos" hahaha
  7. abbie, i have to tell you i can def. sympathize on this issue. jose tells me to do whatever i want, but then when i do, he bitches about it and says he doesnt like it. we got into a fight last night because he said his opinion never matters and that our wedding is turning into everything i want and nothing he wants. which i think is BS, but whatever. he doesnt do anything for the wedding planning, and i am so irritated that when he DOES take two seconds to interject, it often completely derails what we already agreed upon. like yesterday he was mad that i said i didnt want his stupid friends making mix cds for our wedding reception. i dont have the same taste in music, and dont like many of the things his stoner friends would choose. sorry, not letting his idiot friends do the music. he's mad that all i seem to talk about is wedding stuff --- im sorry our wedding is 6 months away we dont have a lot of time to plan and we need to do things like order invitations and pick bridesmaid dresses NOW because these things take time to order! then he tells me also last night that he plays peacemaker between me and his mom because apparently, his mom disagrees with like all of my choices, but just dumps that on him and never mentioned it to me, and he never told me because he didnt want me to be confrontational with his mom. at this point im sorry we ever agreed to let his parents pay for the wedding. he is so stressed out because he hears about wedding shit from his mom because she calls him multiple times per day at work, and then he hears it from me at home. i agreed to not talk about wedding today because its his birthday. but he just sent me a freaking IM at work that the stupid priest in mexico told his mom that he never received anything from our church here in Chicago that we started all of our preparations, so he sent me a message saying "deal with it" --- as for favors, forget us ever agreeing on them.
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR actually, i think in Mexico they just give $$ for showers ... crazy, eh? i think that's what Anny said anyway. ann, that's correct -- for showers they give cash, but the invitation i was talking about was the actual wedding invitation that had the inserts asking for cash. I got all cash (both USD and pesos) at my Mexican bridal shower.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ticia277 I've heard all the negative comments about us having a DW. When I had one of my bridezilla moments, I replied to the person saying ' Well, we will weed out all the phony people in our lives and after the wedding we'll know who our TRUE friends are". I never heard a negative comment after that. um, hilarious. i am going to have to come up with some smart @$$ things like that to say because i am at my wit's end. the comments never came from friends, all of our negative guests have been from my family -- who fully expect an AHR, which we refuse to do. We will gladly have family who can't make it over for dinner, but we arent throwing another freakin reception. my one aunt who is throwing my shower (she told me she was, not asked if i wanted her to) is not coming to our wedding because she claims they cant afford to, yet they are finishing their basement to turn it into a luxurious $40K SECOND family room, when both of their kids are grown and not living at home. she repeatedly annoys me with emails about my shower which is at the end of june -- HELLO it is JANUARY! and my 80 year old grandmother is racist so the fact that im marrying a mexican is not going over well with her, and apparently she told all my cousins that anyone who voted for barack obama for president was getting cut out of her will. WTF. keep your money grams, i dont need that OR your old school backwards negativity. i just have to let it roll off my back, but it's hard. i never knew how horrible people in my family were until i got engaged!
  10. candace! wow, next week! try clicking around the mexico section, you should find plenty of threads to do with any RIU resorts.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Wow, not only is that tacky, it's also VERY unsafe. Why would ANYONE put their bank account information out there in black and white for anyone to steal or gain access? That is ridiculous ... and that is also why there are honeymoon registries. We have a honeymoon registry (only my sister has used it, though) and AAA Vacations also set up an account if anyone wanted to contribute -- but no one has. I think we will likely get a lot of money for gifts at our AHR ... but it would have been nice to have to help get things paid for ahead of time. lol Either way, we really are not in need of anything, so we have asked for no gifts, regardless. We only registered b/c people kept asking -- so I tried to give different options (Honeymoon Registry, AAA Vacations account, Macys, Bed Bath and Beyond, and Home Depot). totally agree with you tami -- just dumb to put your numbers out to so many people. i keep telling myself sometimes that i have to remember its a totally different culture, although asking for cash is a faux pas no matter where youre from i think, and judging by my FI's reaction. we are not in need of a lot either, so we are registering for a minimal number of gifts and hoping that all the gifts get bought up and the rest of what we receive comes in cash. according to my FI, most of our guests from mexico will probably give cash since we arent registering at any mexican stores. any physical gifts we didnt ask for that get sent to his parents house will for the most part be returned for cash because we dont want to pay shipping for our wedding gifts to get to chicago. i have been trying to talk jose into a honeymoon registry so he can stop worrying about paying for it, but i havent done enough research yet. and nylalany --- i know a couple of brides who were involved in plannning their showers so the bride's name and phone number were also on the invite as an alternate RSVP if people didnt know the hostess and werent really comfortable calling her. not the most tactful way to do your shower invites, but personally knowing these people for their situations it was ok (mostly people with divorced parents, things like stepmom didnt want to call real mom's sister who was hosting because they didnt get along or whatever).
  12. Paula everything is totally fantastic. I somehow also missed the post with your dress so this was the first time I saw it -- te ves guapisisisima! I will have to talk to you about your welcome books when you get back. I hope you and Jeremy have an amazing time! Looking forward to talking to you when you get back and seeing all your beautiful photos!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan On bluenile's website go down to the bottom where it says to refer a friend. If you have two email addresses, use one to refer the other. Or have someone refer you. Refer a friend and you can both save: $20 on your order of $100 or more $50 on your order of $500 or more $100 on your order of $1000 or more The person who is referred gets the disount right away. AWESOME, Thanks Morgan!!!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Nic D Wow Yari, that really sucks.. I would ask to speak to the "director of events" supervisor. If that doesn't get you anywhere ask to speak to his supervisor... and up the ladder until you get to some one that can do something about it.. I would consider speaking to some one at Marriott Corportate as well. sorry to hear that, ~ nic totally redic! didnt someone else just post that they had a problem with casamagna? you should absolutely complain higher up the ladder. talk about bad business practices. i would personally never do business with that chain again. dont they know how much money is involved in the wedding industry and that brides talk to other brides
  15. Maura

    Brand New

    this forum is a great resource. sorry to hear about your original plans getting cancelled, but maybe you can find some fun new ideas and a location with our help
  16. transcabo is one of the services my WC recommended. however, she did explain to me that the on call thing for $180 means one roundtrip ride, not a shuttle to go back and forth to pick up a bunch of guests.
  17. oh hell no, trisha! i am on your side girl! however, i say give him a few weeks and if he brings it up again, tell him what jason said: the bride and groom cant both wear dresses. i come from a heavily irish family, but beach and kilts just DONT mix.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 I like the enclosure cards in shower invites. I was brought up in an old-school family where it was inappropraite to print that info. When I registered I got the little cards and passed them along to my mom, who will hand them out to the shower hostess. After much debate, I did put the like to our registry on our web-site. I can't BELIEVE someone would register for cash. That is the most uncouth thing I have ever heard! I wouldn't send them a present either, Maura! I was also brought up pretty old school that it was inappropriate to print the info on invitations. I think the enclosures are good for showers, but never for wedding invitations, but just MHO. That's a good idea to pass those little cards along to the shower hostess, I will have to remember that. We weren't even really going to register because we don't need a lot and wanted people to come to our wedding instead of getting us presents, but then so many people kept asking us where we're registered so we decided to do it and when we are done and add the link to our website, we are going to put something like "Your presence is our present. We are so lucky to have friends like you. But for those of you who still insist, we are registered at the following:" Because we also have people who already know they arent coming who have told us they want to send us gifts, and some friends who arent even invited (let me tell you that was kind of an awkward convo) who said they wanted to send us gifts anyway too. And yeah -- the gift requesting cash by putting their bank accounts is THE most uncouth, tacky and disgustingly in poor taste thing ever. I think my FI's exact words were "pinches nacos de la verga" -- for those of you who dont speak spanish, that's very very naughty to say about somebody. The little enclosure said something to the effect of, at your kind disposition, here are our bank account numbers. I should say also that the people were wealthy, which made it even worse. He was so offended, he threw the invitation out.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil oooh ... I forgot --- On the invitation - I thought it might be nice to change town square to "Plaza Mijares" ... just a thought! Ah thanks, I could not remember the name of the Plaza!! I know the church has a formal street address, but I cant find it online anywhere, and Padre Juvencio doesn't seem to like to answer his phone or return calls very often. My FMIL is aware that if she gets a hold of him before I do, to ask for the address to put on the invitations. But in the meantime, does anyone else know the formal address?
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by JamaicaBride062108 How pretty Maura! I LOVE your e-ring! I'm thinking of getting mine re-mounted in a similar setting. We'll most likely get our rings from Shane Co. We've had great customer service from them and we both need custom sizes. I'm a 5 and he's a 14! thanks Erin, my ring was a custom design based on the tiffany novo, but is cathedral set so the stone doesnt stick so far out from the band. And since you and Abbie both mentioned it, I've never heard of shane & co. so I will have to browse their website! haha like i need MORE jewelry...
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil What a great find Maura! AND - your e-ring is beautiful!!! You are so on top of things ... we need to get on the ball with getting ours ... instead of getting the one that matches my e-ring, we going to do a temporary for right now since we just bought a house! (which is TOTALLY ok with me!!!). But --- we really should start thinking about ordering or purchasing! UM WHAT...you bought a house?!?!? when were you going to tell me!! you better post a thread with some photos!
  22. this is word for word copied and pasted from my contract with the westin, the portion about the taxes. the room rate is taxed at 17% there: Tarifas en Dólares Americanos, por habitación, por noche, plan E.P. (sin alimentos), en ocupación sencilla o doble, sujetas al 10% de IVA y al 3% de Impuesto Sobre Hospedaje. Las tarifas estan sujetas al 4% de cargo por servicio, el cual incluye: § Café diario en la habitacion via cafetera § Dos botellas de Agua en la Habitacion por estancia § Acceso al Seaside Putting Green § Acceso al gimnasio powered by reebok § Servicio de ama de llaves Keep in mind that this does not include the service fee for the bellhop (which is $6.50/pp, one time fee on arrival). Also, La Palmilla is one of the most expensive hotels in Los Cabos, so I would expect your tax on rooms to be a bit higher because it may include things that rooms at less expensive hotels don't have or don't include.
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by AnnR since it's not you that sends out the invites for your shower, typically, the people hosting DO put the registry info. on the invites. however, i do think it's tacky to include it on your wedding registry, since you're the one sending those out. good point ann, i wasnt thinking about that. now that im remembering the last 3-4 shower invites i got, it didnt have any registry info on it, though. but i think if you have nothing to do with sending the invites, its perfectly acceptable to put a little insert with where you're registered on it. my aunt sent me an email about my shower (which is at the end of june...she is so anal) and how to include our registries with the shower info (as well as proceeding to tell me where to register). but yes, definitely not on the wedding invite or enclosed with it, that just gives me the yucks.
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