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Everything posted by shannon

  1. Hey! I had the same concerns... We got our translated documents in the mail about a week or 2 after we got home. We also had documents given to us at the resort when we left, that I believed might have been "enough" to take to Social Security office, but I waited until I had the mailed translated documents before hauling down to the SS office.. I called like 14 (literally) times to the courthouse in Raleigh, NC to make sure everthing was legal- I was slightly paranoid about it. They explained it to me, saying that it would be the same thing if I gotten married in another state and then moved, I wouldn't have to refile our marriage certificate in the new state. That if Mexico recognized our marriage as a legal union, that applied to the US also. All I had to do when I got home, was take all the paperwork, marriage certificate, birth certificate and passport over to the SS office and get my new SS card with my new last name, then once I got that, you can go to the DMV and get your new license, etc... At the DMV, I did have to fill out a special affavadit (and get it notarized) bc we got "married in a foreign country" due to "new terrorism laws"-- but other than that, it was no problems!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by Rhonda Has anyone had any experience with any of the "approved" photographers/videographers at EDR? My FI and I have decided to use one of the resorts photographers to avoid the $500 fee. The choices are Caribe Photo; Royale Photo; Claudia Rodriguez, or Mexican Wedding Photos. I know a lot of people on this forum have said positive things about Claudia, but, I'm wondering about the others....the prices vary quite a bit, so, I'm wondering what the best choice is... Any help would be greatly appreciated! WOW- that is new. I am glad to hear that EDR is trying to change some of their policies and offering more options when it comes to photographers. I always thought they should include some more local photogs as vendors. I agree with Mandy- out of those, I'd go with Claudia Rodriguez I think...
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Kits55 Shannon: How long did it take for you to receive the translated legal documents? Umm-- maybe a week or 2?? Not very long. We had documents when we left too- I get confused about what is what.. Right now, I have about 5 documents- some of them are copies I think though, and some are in Spanish and some in English. I just took all of them to the Social Security's office and the DMV when I went to change my name and had no problems.
  4. LOVE LOVE your dress and hair! your pix are absolutely beautiful! CONGRATS!
  5. We didn't have as many guests as you- only 22 total- so we were able to have the private white glove cocktail party right after the ceremony at the Sky Palapa- which I loved. The guests went there directly after the ceremony and cooled down and got to eat and drink while Vince and I took our "romantics" pictures. They set up a completely full bar there, and had waiters in white gloves walk around and serve 6 different apps- the apps were so so so so good. I believe it was $21/person for everything....This was after the ceremony and before the "free dinner" at Fuentes... You can click on our link from our photographer-- if you go to page 45- that is the beg of the pictures from the cocktail party-- from page 45-48-- those are pictures from the cocktail party.... Vince & Shannon After our "free dinner" at Fuentes we did the reception at Tucanes. We had the chocolate fountain party- with fresh fruit and pastries and a choc fountain. It was $14/person, but then we had to pay another $8/person for a 2 hour bar-- so it was really $22/person. If you go to our link and go to page 57 Vince & Shannon From page 57 to end of pictures- those are the ones at Tucanes- there are pictures of the fountain and food..... I totally agree with Mandy-- everyone was so full- I think people picked at the food, but it looked barely touched at the end! - we also did like Mandy and paid the $250 for speaker/iPOD setup. The speaker system was great-- no problems there...
  6. It looks awesome!! The guests will so much appreciate the information- something fun to read and look over beforehand and while they are on the plane! The drive from the Cancun airport to the resort only took like maybe 20 minutes? We had one other couple in the van with us and they stopped at Moon Palace, which is like 5-8 minutes from airport--- the ride to the airport was really short.... Your pre-travel book looks awesome!!
  7. This is the outline we had at EDR for our legal ceremony... We did our personal vows, ring exchange and sand ceremony set after this.. She moved the "kiss the bride and I now pronounce you..."until after our ring exchange-- but it was before our sand ceremony ceremony. They go over the outline and what you want to add, etc-- in your meeting with the WCs when you arrive. I had the email I had sent to Valeria stating what I wanted with our personal add-ins, and gave them a copy at the meeting..
  8. We had a small guest list- we only had 20 guests- and the majority were female! I think we had only 8 male guests- we got them all cufflinks, and monogrammed black flasks.....
  9. We got married there legally. At first, I was going to do symbolic, but changed a few months ahead of time. I have the script at home- I'll post it tonight! Vince was like -"I can't believe you got us going down there and it being in spanish, etc" -but he was sold after the ceremony and said he was glad we did it legally there... The ceremony was kinda blurry for me-honestly-- i had a slight freakout right as we were driving up in our golfcart and my dad (who coached me in basketball all during HS) was telling me to get my "game face on" and my sister (also in the golf cart) was telling me to lean over and "throw up and get it over with"---- so it was good times- hehe ...... we laugh about that now... The judge would say something and then the WC would translate.... the legal part. But they had something about a Mexican philosopher and how important marriage is (like a nice speech) that was totally in English done by the WC. Only the legal part was done by the judge and done in Spanish and translated. Then we were able to do our own vows, our own ring exchange and the sand ceremony-- and that was all done by the WC in English- the judge didn't do any of that-- there was no translation done for that... So the parts I remember-- I enjoyed! and it seemed to go really smoothly and we still got our personal parts in just English......I'm glad we did it legally there. They mailed us the translated documents and I had no problem getting my name and everything changed here with doing it legally in Mexico....
  10. It sounds like it is different with different resorts-- but for us, we were legally married in Mexico at El Dorado Royale resort-- we got there on Tues and got married on Friday. Most of our guests arrived Wed and stayed until Sunday. Good luck!
  11. Hey! Yea, they used to do reservations- but don't anymore... Reservations are not required, or done- by non-Casita guests. If you are a Casita guest, you can make a reservation for dinner---otherwise, they'll give you pager (like in the US) and you can have drinks at a close bar until your pager buzzes and you can be seated! So only Casita guests are allowed to make reservations. We tried to make reservations for a party of 6- and they wouldn't let us- the biggest reservation they allowed us tomake is for a party of 4... So the first night we all went to JoJo's (22 of us) and Vince and I couldn't make a reservation for the group- so we just hung out at the bar right beside JoJo's until they were able to seat everyone. Which was nice, actually--- bc obviously, they couldn't sit all of us at one table, so it gave us all the chance to chit-chat, etc... The dress code applies to all enclosed restaurants. There was no dresscode at JoJos', none at the pizza cabana place--- we ate at La Isla twice for dinner and I wasn't paying attention--- not sure if dresscode is enforced there-- it is "open" (no walls)?!?! But Fuentes, Cocotal and the Italian place- all enforce dresscode. Most of the guys wore khaki pants, polo shirts and closed shoes-- like work, business casual- and the girls wore sun dresses or capris with sandals or heels...
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nolaroy724 Thanks Shannon. You have really helped to alleviate a lot of stress with your glowing review of EDR! Hope you are enjoying life as a newlywed! I know you guys have been together for a long time. Does it still feel like you guys are newlyweds or does it feel the same? Micah and I have been living together for 6 years so I am curious. Hmm-the name change has been super weird, but other than that-- it doesn't feel hugely different-- though, it's always catches me off guard to hear someone say "wife" or "husband"- like who are they talking about!- and when I call the bank or something and they say "mrs watkins" -I giggle to myself -but other than that- not really... but we are like you guys- been together --it'll be 11 yrs this fall- and lived together the past 5..... it's been fun-- but not hugely hugely different.. I did chop 7 inches off my hair- kinda randomly- I think that and the name change has big the biggest differences since we got back!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ctpetch I still have to find time to do my review...a little behind. Yet got my photos a week ago if you would like to check them out. Tracy and Chris hey Tracy- I got the sneak preview of the pics -- once again, they are just beautiful!!! CONGRATS!
  14. Aww- hearing all the "July brides" makes me want to do it again!!! I'm so going through Mexico/EDR withdrawals! Just want to let the future brides know that EVERYTHING will work out-- the timing of photographer, the location of your ceremony-everything. They are so amazing there with coordinating and organizing. I think we've had brides (on this forum) get married at almost every location on the resort, and they have all been so beautiful-- so it's def a win-win! You guys will have such an amazing time- just enjoy every second of it! Wish I was going back with you guys!!!!
  15. Abbie- everything looks so amazing-- your colors are just perfect!!! your flower girl dress is so cute w/ the polka dots! It all just looks so awesome-- congrats and can't wait to see the pix!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by nde062010 Does anyone know what the maximum number of people is for a basic room? I'm wondering because we have some singles that are friends and it might be cheaper for them to room together. Also is the minimum night stay 3 or 2? I don't know about the minimum night stay-- but you can have up to 3 people in a room-- but the price is the same as if you had 2. For us and the time period we were there-- it was $180 per person per night in the least expensive room--- and that is if there were either 2 or 3 of you. If one person stayed in a room by themself- they had to pay $247 per night..... The reason it isn't cheaper to have 3 people in a room vs 2 is bc it is all-inclusive so all of the person's food and drinks are included. but it is def cheaper (if the people aren't married or are paying separately) to have at least 2 in a room...
  17. It sounds like you have had decent luck with the hotel manager. I would send an email/letter to the hotel manager basically stating what you did here. That you are very frustrated and are considering changing resorts- you just want what they told you, you were getting! Don't get too discouraged- if you have the "evidence" or "backup" (ie contract)- then I don't think there is much they can do. Let us know what happens! Good luck!!
  18. Amy- your stuff looks so awesome- WOW. I love it all- don't even know where to begin! You have so much cool stuff- from personlized shot glasses to the hangover kits! Your dress is beautiful and I can't wait to see the pix of the whole wedding party on the wedding day-- everything just looks so well put together! Congrats!!!!! We'll be looking for pictures!!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by animaldoc Hi Shannon, I have a question about Cancun Studios. I have hired them for my wedding and I am trying to come up with a timeline, would you mind posting your timeline? Also, did you have 2 photographers or one? I am having trouble figuring out how to get getting ready shots of both the groom and the bride. Thank you, Jennifer Hey! Augustyn (I know I spelled that wrong) was our photographer and he was so great! He had a very good way of making everyone feel at ease and directing in the pictures, etc. I sent them a list of poses that I wanted to make sure was included in the shots- and he got every single one, plus added some extra touches to some of them-- I have nothing but praise for them! I forget the name of the package we had- but it was the 5 hour package (and then we ended up adding another thirty minutes that was an additional $75 I think).... The photographer was actually a little early, so it just made it a really easy transition. He checked in at the lobby and Vince's brother met him at the lobby and brought him to Vince's dad's room first. He took the shots really quickly, but I never felt rushed at all-- as you can see from our link, I think we def got a ton of pictures-- he was very "efficient" with the timeline. 3:00 - shots of groom and family in dad's room -getting ready 3:30 -shots of bride and family in our room- getting ready * we stayed in casita 2912 and it was literally about 100 yards to our ceremony site (which wasn't planned) -but it made it easier for the photographer and for us with the timeline 4PM- ceremony 4:30-5PM- shots of family and friends groupings on the beach, and shots of bride and groom "romantics" **our private cocktail party was at the sky palapa, which was maybe 30 yards from ceremony site- so our guests went to sky palapa and started on apps and drinks about 4:45 and could actually see us on the beach taking our romantics 5-5:45PM- private cocktail party at Sky Palapa *the photographer rode the shuttle with us from the cocktail party to the dinner (which was on other side of resort), and we stopped several times to take pictures through the resort... 6-7:45PM- dinner at Fuentes. *we met with the head waiter when we got to Fuentes and was really clear that we needed to be done with dinner by 7:45PM due to the photographer's timeline- and they got us out at 7:45 on the dot! 8PM-8:30- reception at Tucanes *Tucanes was pretty close to Fuentes so we all walked and that was kinda nice--- the photographer, once again, was able to get shots of us through the resort, walking to Tucanes. **we did our cake cutting and toast right away-- then did the first dances and the garter so he could get all of those shots in.. We had Tucanes reserved until 11PM- but he left at 8:30- which was fine.. There are so many talented photographers in Mexico- but Cancun Studios fit our budget and I definitely felt as if we got above what we paid for!
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy Here's a shot of La Isla at lunch. This was our last day at EDR, and my friend Rachel had just gotten engaged the night before! She was a little excited about the ring. She's actually on the forum (rachel), she just hasn't had time do anything but the Newbie post. She's getting married in Hawaii. (Aren't you glad you know all that now!) Aww what a cute picture!!! Are you guys going to the wedding in Hawaii? I've been totally trying to get all of my single or dating gfriends sold on the destination wedding- the best excuse ever for a vacation in amazing places!
  21. Okay- your dress was amazing and your cake was amazing!! Sounds like you had a little excitment! - but everything in the pictures looks beautiful! Congrats!!!
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