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Everything posted by shannon

  1. I love your dress!! wow-- these "planning posts" are my favorite posts- but I swear every week I want to go buy another dress! LOL
  2. I'm sorry about the situation--- sounds super frustrating... I am not having a a bridal party--everyone that is going would basically be my bridal party- so we are just trying to include the guests in photos, etc.. We are only have about 20 guests.... My sister, sister-in-law, and mom are giving me a shower- with all my relatives that couldn't afford to go (it's not worded like that- but basically how it turned out!).... My girlfriends that live in the same city as me-- they are coming to the wedding, so I certainly don't want any of them to throw me a shower/buy a gift when they are paying over a grand to come to the wedding! We live within driving distance from a beach -so I am thinking I will try to plan and pay for a Friday and Saturday night at a condo for all the girls that are coming to the wedding as a sorda "bachorlette" weekend....
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Mandy I will be there 5/16 to 5/23, so it looks like I'll miss this meeting. Drats! Mandy-my wedding is 5/16 at 4PM at Faisanes Gazebo- if you want to sneak some peeks! :):)
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by ctpetch Shannon how long you going to be at the EDR? We will be getting there 5/24-6/2. I thought it would be nice to meet some of the brides there if anyone will be there during the same time. If anyone or yourself will be there let me know? Also I tried to do the tickerfactory. I'm not sure where to paste it or what I have to be in to do it. I got as far as being able to post & couldnt get it to paste. Can you help me out there? Hey!! sorry I've been MIA some- of course work and grad school decide to get out of control at the same time!! Just put tickerfactory link on your signature-- copy the link on TF that is for forums then just paste under your signature under userCP....Hope that helps!! We'll just miss you!!! We are there from 5/13-5/21....
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by MoWife I am in a wedding this summer and we just ordered our dresses. They are Jim Hjelm and the cost was $227.00 but we ordered them on a day that salon was having a Jim Hjelm trunk show and we got 20% off. I totally want this to just wear in Mexico the week of the wedding!!! Jim Hjelms can be highly addictive!!
  6. Ooh-- it's gorgeous- love the mermaid shape!! Congratulations!!!
  7. Ugh- that is frustrating- so sorry.... I'm also asking the question of what the $80/person is for?!!? I say if you love the resort- stay with it- let us know what you decide!
  8. Aww man-- I love both the laterns and the paper flowers!! I want to keep adding!!! I think either one will look beautiful...
  9. I just got a text from one of my girls that is coming to the wedding -she said they had cute coverups at Target-- so with her text, and this post-- will def have to move my Target trip up on the priority list!
  10. I agree with all the other posts- keep it and wear it! It's beautiful- and will be a piece of jewerly that you can hand down to your kids.... he sounds like an awesome FI
  11. I love your dress--- absolutely perfect. your wedding looked so sweet and beautiful- can't wait to see more pictures!!!!!
  12. Thanks everyone for their posts!! It's so much fun to talk wedding-day with girls who have the same location!! Brigopen-- thanks for input--its very reassuring to have someone who's been there have such positive feedback!!!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by ctpetch That would be great if you could show me the inside of your program too, for an idea. I really like the outside of them. I love them too! -- would love to see more pics! Also, approx how long was the actual ceremony?!?
  14. thank you so much for posting pictures- I love the planning pictures!! Everything looks amazing!! Just perfect!!! Can't wait to see pictures when you get back!!! Congrats!!!
  15. i love that story -he sounds very romantic--- congrats!
  16. Good luck on planning and dates! I don't know much about Cabo- but there's lots of info on forum for Cabo locations.... WELCOME!!!!!!
  17. Hey Alesha!! Congrats on engagement!! WELCOME!!!!!!
  18. Congrats on upcoming wedding and WELCOME!!! :)
  19. Hey Myda!! Congrats on engagement- YAH!! :) You'll find so much information on here- you'll love it! WELCOME!!
  20. This will be perfect for you guys- I felt the exact same way! Congrats on engagement and WELCOME!!!
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