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Posts posted by shannon

  1. Quote:
    Originally Posted by ctpetch View Post
    Is there a spreadsheet that I need to fill out on all the amentities we are requesting for our ceremony & private party? Do I just email all the arrangements to WC and she will send the confirmation. What about for appointments for hair & nails if I am doing that? NEED INFO ASAP HAVE TO SEND REQUEST IN TOMMORROW.

    Hey-- yea, I sent in all my of requests and Valeria sent back an organized spreadsheet with everything broken down and w/ prices... I had sent her pictures of some of the things I wanted and she had those on the spreadsheet too-- to send to the on-site coordinators.. The last page of the spreadsheet has our "rooming list" -a list of all of our booked guests--- with any special rooming requests...the WC will do all of that for you... I knew me and my sister were getting our hair done, and I am getting the "exotic grape treatment" that morning- so I went ahead and scheduled those through her.. All of my requests were sent through email, and she did the actual spreadsheet... If you want to see my spreadsheet- just PM me... :) Hope this helps!!
  2. Okay- we have been to Mens Wearhouse, S&K Wearhouse, Macys, Nordstroms, and JCPenny..... My FI, evidently, has weirdly long arms -which worked out great when he was playing bball, but sucks when it comes to suits. His suit size is a 42 xtra long-- he is 6'5"- 6'6" -and weighs 185-195 (We have his weight gainer and my slim fast in the pantry- nice!), so the "big and tall" stuff is too big for him bc of his slender frame... We've been told that with light colored or tan suits they can't take out the hem in the sleeves bc it will show-- so it looks like even though he wants a tan colored suit, we might have to get a dark one... Did anyone have a FI with "weird" measurements-- or does anyone have any ideas!??!? Thanks for any help!!

  3. Quote:
    Originally Posted by timelsel View Post
    Valeria has been very explicit that if we bring anything from home other than place cards that there will be a $5 charge PER PERSON to put everything out, even though I've told her I would do it myself. She said the staff can't allow that, but we may try to bring some stuff anyway.
    You know- I think I read that in an earlier post-- from someone else, also... Valeria hasn't said anything to me about that- and in the spreadsheet she sent us -(and we just "signed off on and paid"!)- she had written, "bride will bring her own votives, please place 5 votives on each high table (for cocktail party and chocolote fondue party) and place 22 votives with centerpieces on tables at Las Fuentes." - she didn't have a charge on the spreadsheet for setting up the votives...... If they try and charge us when we get to the resort,, it might turn a little ugly---we'll see...... :)
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Melba View Post
    Shannon, did you say where you bought your supplies for the sand ceremony from?

    And what is everyone doing about the bag candles or floating candles or tiki torches?
    Here is website I bought my sand unity ceremony set from--- they turned out really cute - I'll pull them out tonight and take a picture and post...They packed it really well, so I'm not worried about them breaking during the trip.....
    Sand Ceremony Sets, Sand Ceremony Examples, Sand Ceremony

    for our reception at tucanes, we are doing 10 tiki torches and 15 floating candles (I'm bringing my own votives)... we are having a private dinner on the beach the following night, with our guests, we are having 10 tiki torches, and 30 beach candles and my votives from home....
  5. Quote:
    Originally Posted by jfwolfe72 View Post
    I just spoke to an international FedEx representative and told her what we wanted to ship. She said that she wouldn't do it and advised to take our stuff on the plane. She said that Mexico is very, very picky and one item (especially toiletries or medication or stuff made in China) could cause the whole package to get returned. On top of that, the rates to ship it could be as high as $200 and that's not including the customs taxes and fees. She also said that even if it did make it through customs, it could be delayed days or even weeks.
    Thanks for information--- this is VERY informative!! Definitely just hauling everything with me!
  6. I know the Sand ceremony reading is in the default ceremony, but do they supply the colored sand and jar or do you have to bring your own?


    Valeria said I could add the sand vases and colored sand for the unity ceremony to my spreadsheet- which I'm sure means there would be a charge. I had already bought my online, so I told her I was bringing mine from home- but they do have those at the resort -I don't know how they cost, though...

  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by timelsel View Post
    We were told the wooden walkway was not available anymore, and that to have a colored runner (other than the red) was $40. Also, the fabric on the gazebo is $100 for 2 colors. We are also doing the dessert buffet at $20 per person.
    The colored runner was originally priced to me at $40... Valeria confirmed last week about the wooden walkway- so you might want to re-question her about that-- the total for the portable wooden walkway and the colored runner is $100...
    We are paying $340 for Deluxe Gazebo-- that includes 4 large corsages, 2 colors of fabric and petals from 48 roses...
    What is the "dessert buffet" ? We are doing the chocolate fondue fountain at our reception (after dinner)---choc fountain w/ fresh fruits and breads for $14/person and then open bar for 2 hours is anther $8/person -for a total of $22/person--- am I getting jipped?!?!

    Thanks again for all the info!
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by timelsel View Post
    The blue/aqua gazebo is how my daughter is hoping hers will look.

    "Through our "free sweet wedding package" - we got our first 12 chairs decorated with white covers and colored (red/pink) bows for $6 a chair. Every chair after the first 12, was $12 a chair to have the white covers and colored bows..."
    We were told the chairs were $7 and $14. I find it interesting that we have all been quoted different prices on the chairs. Maybe we should check prices on everything else?
    Yes - I doublechecked my spreadsheet from Valeria- and we are paying $72 total (white covers, colored bows) for the first 12 chairs; and then $12 for each additional decorated chair---- I do agree about comparing prices... I doublechecked what she told me against what you said about the other accessories---- the chair thing seems sketchy!
  9. Quote:
    Originally Posted by timelsel View Post
    We also received these prices from Valeria:
    Floating candles: 5.00usd each.
    Tiki torches: 7.00usd each
    beach candles: 2.00usd each
    glass votives: 2.00usd ea
    There is not fee to charge if you are only bringing place cards and menus, even thou, the Hotel will provide menus for dinner at Las Fuentes.

    Also, I had her send me a copy of the excel spreadsheet that she uses. It includes everything we have ordered, including menus, people booked, and photos of the colors of the runner and gazebo fabrics. I'd advise everyone to ask for a copy.

    Thanks for information-- your daughter's wedding sounds beautiful! can't wait for pix!! -- I can confirm that I received the same information from Valeria regarding prices for tiki torches, floating candles and beach candles... All of our grandparents have passed away- so we are having a decorated chair at the ceremony, empty-- and we are each carrying 4 long stem roses (one for each grandparent) and placing in the chair at beginning of ceremony-- the 8 long stem roses were just $15....
  10. I thought the chairs without covers were $7 but the chairs with covers and bows were $13. With that said, if you have in writing (email) that they quoted you $7 for chairs with bows, then maybe you would have some leverage.


    Speaking of ceremony's, can everyone please tell me what you are doing for your ceremony as far as decorations if you are having a beach ceremony?


    1. Are you doing the hanging corsages? -yes, 4

    2. Are you doing chair covers and bows (what color bows)? yes, red-pink color-see picture!

    3. Are you having a runner? I'm paying $100 for the portable wooden walkway (not having red aisle runner, and having a colored runner-- same color as bows on chairs- the red-pink color

    4. What color runner?

    5. Are you doing rose petals? yes-- doing rose petals on top of isle runner- a mixture of colors-- red, hot pink, orange, yellow, turquoise blue--a mixture of "tropical colors".

    6. Any other decorations (ie fans?) -no, just simple cerermony programs that I'm making and I'll have them in each chair, secured by shells.

    7. What bouquet choices are you doing if doing it from the lomas site? I didn't see mine on the website- so I posted a picture- it will be a mixture of roses and tulips in hot pink and orange.

    8. Any unique elements (ie sand ceremony, songs, readings, etc.) -having a sand ceremony- actually bought sand vases and colored sand online- and they look really good-I'll post the site...


    Hi everyone!! Hope all EDR brides are doing well! smile159.gif Through our "free sweet wedding package" - we got our first 12 chairs decorated with white covers and colored (red/pink) bows for $6 a chair. Every chair after the first 12, was $12 a chair to have the white covers and colored bows...


    We are doing the "deluxe gazebo" at Faisanes.. here is descriptions--- 4 poles with sheer fabric, 4 large hanging corsages with 25 pastel or tropical flowers each one, and petals from 48... I answered the above questions in Red!


    Here is picture of my "theme color" -in between a red and pink...

    Click the image to open in full size.


    Picture of my bouquet...

    Click the image to open in full size.


    This is the picture I saw and decided I wanted a wooden walkway with a colored aisle on top....

    Click the image to open in full size.


    This is how I hope my fabric on my deluxe gazebo (except I want it in white and my red-pink color) will look!

    Click the image to open in full size.

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