Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley Bahamas is top on my list at this point, but I will let you know when I get back from Barbados from my vacation.
Morgan, I will have a lot of photos when I get back and you are welcome to use them Bahamas is nice, we love Diving there usually but when we go there for Weddings it always seems that the clients end up getting married on the "less than nice" beach areas, where the waves are often too rough to really do much in the water. Like at the Atlantis, we found their beach to be highly unusable. At least the entire week we were there.
Pretty to look at but nothing but warning signs about entering the water.
The one and only club just up the beach has a much nicer beach area but same situation with the water.
Of course this is all Nassau/Paradise island. If you head to the out islands you truly have some of the most remote and gorgeous tiny islands in the Carribean, bar none. To us, thats where its at!