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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Nope but I grew up in North Alabama! Lived there till I was 19!
  2. Bumping these for the fall. It's that time again. And I'm making these to take to work. YUMMMMM!!!
  3. Thanks for the advice! I don't need suits though. Just nice skirts and slacks and cute tops. So I don't need any expensive items just stuff to mix and match. And cute shoes!!
  4. Ok girls I need some input. I finally got an awesome job. It's a reception kind of job. I already work at my husband's practice but we are super casual. We wear jeans and flip flops. But this is no jeans professional attire and I don't have ANY clothes that fit that. So I have to go shopping. I live in a SUPER tiny town. The only store we have is Maurice's and JCPenny (ugh). I want to get a card and buy a whole wardrobe. My choices are get a card to Maurice's and go in and shop online . Or get one somewhere and shop online. I've never shopped clothes online so I'm scared. But I'm worried. What store do you get your professional clothes at. I only want to get one card. I really love Kohl's clothes. But our closest Kohl's is 4 hours. For this week I'm running to Target (1 hour away) to get something for right now. I need really cute but professional. No cleavage allowed.
  5. Speaking of names in the sand. You should check out this site. To Write Their Names In The Sand This site is very popular for women who have lost their babies. This lady writes the children's names in the sand. It's a beautiful site that I thought I would share b/c this thread reminded me of it.
  6. Anyone see where they went and she didn't drink at all. Saw the pic today of the e-ring. 9 carats! WOW!
  7. My Dad paid for half of our wedding and my FIL paid for the other half. We were very lucky. But our wedding was nowhere as expensive as the pp's. Also DH was in school and I had just moved to be with him so we didn't have the money to pay for a wedding.
  8. Wow! That's a gorgeous bag. I love it! Good find!
  9. Nicholas Cage: Knowing I LOVE me some Nicholas Cage so I had to answer this one
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by Weddingin2010 I started watching Big Love this year on Netflix and breezed through seasons 1 and 2. Now I'm bummed that I won't be able to watch the 3rd season until December! Great show! You can watch online....let me get the link. Big Love- TV videos - TV episodes, TV shows, TV series - TV Shows: Only place that would actually work. Enjoy!
  11. Laurell K. Hamilton has a GREAT vampire series. Anita Blake. My favorite vamp series. I'm currently watching true blood and watched Vampire Diaries too. Too many vamp stuff everywhere!
  12. I'm trying. My DH had to tell me to shutup. Cause he wants to watch it too. So I'm trying to think of it as an entirely new show and not keep thinking of the books.
  13. Well I watched part of episode one once and didn't really like it. B/c I read the books religiously and didn't want to be so disappointed. But I hear everyone rave about all the time I finally caved. I just watched the entire episode 1 with DH. It was ok I'm hoping it picks up.
  14. Just got season 1 disc 1 from netflix today! YAYAYAYAYA!
  15. Just saw this on tv..then on Perez. So weird. Here's the link. So would you use it or not?? Women can pee standing up with Go Girl | Go Girl Female Urination Device
  16. YAY!...I finished season 2 but season 3 doesn't come out till December on dvd!...It's funny you said that Meghan. I was raised LDS and my DH was for a while so when we watch we definitely get more than I guess non-mormons do. Like the music they play in the background and some of the things they say. I really want to see Season 3. And Margie is my favorite too. She cracks me up!
  17. I have 2 cats. They are both indoors. First, I live in the country and there is too much wildlife for our cats to be out. They would die. No lie we have mountain lions. Second our cat got very sick. He had his first vaccine and had a reaction and he almost died. So our vet recommended no more vax's for him (which I was very glad for). So they could contact something from another cat outside which wouldn't be good. Plus the cat who almost died is now handicapped and cannot walk or run very well and can't jump at all. He wouldn't be able to defend himself. Our second cat though has become an escape artist. So to fix the problem we are enclosing our front porch and they have a kitty door. So they will be "outside" but not able to escape. The lady I got our cat from did the same thing. She had a window in her garage that was open and then a pen outside made from chicken wire and cat climbing posts so the cats can go outside but not run free. It's what helped make our idea. Plus it puts the litter boxes outside and not in the house!
  18. Does anyone watch Big Love I got the first season on my netflix and am about to watch the last 2 of Season 1. I had heard it was good but was kinda hesitant but I LOVE it! My mom isn't too enthused (I was raised Mormon) and the church tried to get this show taken off the air. But I am really really enjoying it.
  19. Is this for you or for him? If it's for your Dh pull his pillow back a little so it moves his head back and opens his airways. Snoring is caused by that. So if you extend his head and open it up he should stop.
  20. We did end up going with a green. I could NOT find orange sheets. They are super hard to find. I'll have to take a pic but I really like the green!
  21. Sadly no 77-11 here and it's my nieces 2nd birthday! When she was born my sister was excited for the slurpies.
  22. I just wanted to point out all these "breathing and swallowing" stuff is really stretching out your diaphragm which is why they sometimes work.
  23. I was wondering if anyone had seen this....? Very cute. Of course I think they are too little to even be walking but hahaha cute anyways. Evian’s Dancing Babies Ad Makes a Splash - Digits - WSJ
  24. I have to be the odd one out on here. I disagree with the "there never is a right time". Some of us are unable to get pregnant or dealing with infertility and we are so ready. We have every little detail planned out. What diapers, bottles, bedding. We have our birth plan planned out and exactly what we want to try. We know what toys we want and we know who will watch them. I mean everything. We have taken the right vitamins for years and done everything right. We already have our doctor. I mean everything. We have researched and googled the heck out every possible thing we can b/c we have nothing else to do. TWW's feel like months and months feel like years and years feel like decades of waiting. All that's missing is the baby. So yeah sometimes it is the right time, it just doesn't happen. I (and I'm not alone) am tired of being told "It will happen when it's ready". Yeah most of us don't believe that and are tired of hearing it. I have an amazing support group of women struggling with infertility. And that phrase is on the top of our annoying list. Sometimes we are 100 percent ready for that baby but our bodies don't cooperate. I would give anything in the world to be able to say ok I'm gonna stop taking bc now and be pregnant within months instead of years. Ok I've rambled sorry. I just wanted to say really sometimes there IS a RIGHT time to get pregnant. (Right now please)
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