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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. I am not deaf but I do sign. Growing up my best friend's sister was deaf and my sister was her interpreter. Then when I go to high school all 4 years I was the teachers assistant for special ed and became close with the school's interpreter and learned even more and became close friends with a deaf girl. Now I work at an audiologist where we have a lot of kids that sign. The sad thing is when you don't use it you lose it. So I've lost alot that I use to know growing up. I wish I knew someone local who signed. Though I've taught my dh some signs and we'll sign to each other when we need to talk but can't hear. His favorite sign is "Honey" haha.
  2. Just saw this on MSNBC... Jet overshoots runway in Jamaica - Americas- msnbc.com
  3. I had to comment on the WoW screen you have popped up there. I actually was showing my DH different BD poses and he saw that one and he's like "Oh cool she plays WoW" hahahah. That is WoW right?
  4. Yes there is. However, I am running out the door for Noel Night. Our main street stays open late with Christmas goodies and every store has sales and it's really fun. So I can't write. If you have any more information on why you think you can't conceive easily that would help. But there is alot of things to do to help your body. I will write more later! One that sticks out is for your DH. Your DH makes sperm 6 months in advance. So say you're gonna get preggo six months from now. He made that sperm today. So what he does today affects 6 months out. So he gets hammered tonight that will make the sperm less effective later. Hope that made sense. Anyways off to shop and I will come back!!
  5. I used the hair salan and loved my hair. Granted they just styled it. I didn't have them do anything extensive. And I did go with the ROR flowers. Daisy's. Loved them too.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by shellk send it my way then i can spend all day in bed no work with laptop and bdw forum. have you made a snow angel? Yes and a snowman...see my blog. Haha.
  7. We're snowed in under 2 ft of snow. Can't get out of driveway. Whole town is closed down. Anyone else stuck in the house
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by jenninjamaica I am so glad I found this thread! I LOVE to read, and I am so excited to start reading everyone's suggestions! I just finished Tuesdays With Morrie and was very moved by it. I can't believe I never read it until now! And someone mentioned The Alchemist, which was also a fantastic novel I recently finished. I was also very excited to see how many of you like Vampire novels! Sometimes when I tell people I read them, I get funny looks!! Has anyone read The Vampire Huntress Series by LA Banks? Its 14 books long, and I loved them all! I have read Twilight and New Moon, and took a break to start the Anita Blake series by Laurell K Hamiliton, which is kinda starting off slow for me, but its a long series, so I'll stay with it for awhile. And I will get back to the Twilight books too! I also LOVE Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum series. Its such a funny and easy read, great for the summer months! I have also read the Harry Potter series many times, its my happy place!!! Please keep sharing ladies! I love getting new ideas!! Anita Blake is awesome! It does start off slow. But I do warn you she has alot and I mean ALOT of sex in her books. At the beginning she doesn't but boy does it pick up. So if you don't mind that then you're good. Her other series Merry Gentry is also great. Its not vampires it's faires. Sounds really weird and childish but so not!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM FutureMsMoulton - go buy water for elephants! Its soooo goood!! So Im finishing up Handle with Care, Picoult's latest book and i really like it so far...almost as good as My Sister's Keeper I second to go buying it. Hey wasn't this our Book Club pick
  10. Theres another thread on this somewhere. I have the Wii Active and I LOVE IT. My husband and I did the 30 day challenge which was so hard but so good! I took a break (not on purpose) but am getting back to it. I love it way more than the Wii fit. The Wii fit to me is more playing than working out. You have to stop and pick another game. The Wii Active is a customized workout and you don't stop you keep your heart rate up the entire time. You can choose what you want to focus on or or do a whole body workout. So awesome!!!!
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten I am with you 100%. The guy I was with before FI didn't wear much protection. A "brain bucket" helmet and we'd ride for hours with no jacket and I'd be in a tank top. In Myrtle Beach I wore no helmet and shorts and flip flops. When I met FI our first date was on his bike. He handed me a jacket and pants and a full face helmet and gloves...he said "This is how I ride"...and now I can't believe I used to be so unsafe. He almost lost his leg when he was 16 on a bike so he learned that way. So I wear EVERYTHING now - padded jacket, boots, gloves, pants...full face helmet....it took some getting used to, but I know if something happens we have a much better chance of not getting hurt and I won't get road rash. They actually have jackets with little airbags in them now...we saw them at a motorcycle show this summer. Here's some picture of us geared up this summer. Some of that looks like some Joe Rocket. Stuff. I heart Joe Rocket!!!
  12. I haven't commented but I thought I would. I grew up riding. My Dad has had bikes since he was 15. We always had 3 or 4 and almost all of our family vacations were done on bikes. Week long vacations. We would ride the bikes there. Yes it was fun. And yes stuff can be MORE dangerous. But motorcycles can be too. Especially if you act like it's not dangerous. My uncle died 2 years ago. He was an avid rider like my dad. And he became unsafe. How? He didn't wear a helmet. He crashed and not even a bad crash. He hit his head (which would of been fine had he been wearing a helmet). And he had brain damage. Went into a coma and died. So I'm not saying "OMG don't ride Motorcycles are dangerous." They are but take precautions. Never ride without proper gear! If you crash and are wearing short shorts and a tank top don't think you won't get road burn. And don't ride without a helmet. Please. Riding is fun! I miss it. But don't give your life just to look good or underestimate how dangerous it can be. Sorry for rambling! We should share our riding pictures!
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Hmmm, better then movie #1 you say? I loved the books, but thought movie #1 was horrible. Does this mean I need to go see it? Damn, Calia, know you're confusing me. I wasn't happy with movie one. So yes WAY better. I loved Kristen in movie 2. She looked better. I don't know why. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ I hate to be the downer but I was totally disappointed in New Moon. I went last night at midnight. I think they left way too much of the book out of the movie and I didn't like how some of the scenes played out. For example, I didn't get emotional at all when Edward left, the scene didn't have enough emotion in my opinion, it wasn't tragic enough. In the book I cried like a baby. When he left her she walked through the woods and just laid down, there was no hysterics, no crying and screaming and running after him- I mean come on the love of your life just left. Also, after he left they did a good overview of the time passes and her being depressed but I wasn't satisfied with it. I could go on. I enjoyed it, but I guess my expectations were too high.... I do agree with that. I didn't cry when Eddie left. I did in the book though too. And I don't ever have high expectations for movies. I read way too much. And alot of those become movies. So I've learned not to expect the same. Except for "The Reader". That movie was AMAZING! Only movie that I can say I love as much as the book. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I really liked the movie! Though, I thought #1 was bad so there was no way to go but up! Also, New Moon wasn't my favorite of the books. This script did follow the book more than the first. As much as I love the Twilight Saga, I haven't been very fond of some of the casting. I used to hate Kristin Stewart but she became much more likeable in this movie (at least to me). I'm not a fan of Jasper or Rosalie - they just aren't who I pictured while reading. It's not a huge deal because they don't have major parts, but... I have trouble liking Esme because I just keep thinking about her as the crazy chick from Grey's Anatomy. The Volturi were cast well, as were the Wolf Pack. In general, the acting was better. Agree! Jacob is H-O-T HOT! 17 year old boys didn't look like that when I was 17 and I demand a do-over! I have been pretty neutral, yet favoring Edward but that movie makes me consider Team Jacob! The first time Jacob took off his shirt, the whole audience gasped then oohed! Damn! He was hot. I had a Team Jacob shirt on with his face on my boobs hahaha and my husband and his friend who came along kept joking about it...."Jacob is in my way." "Can you move over Jake?" Overall I really enjoyed it. I do feel like I need to see it again just to process it. There was such a frenetic vibe in the theater, I don't know that I really absorbed all that was going on. Observations without giving too much away: *Jessica Stanley was cast perfectly!Love her! *I thought the depression sequence was well done *I think Bella & Edward were more touchy feely in this than they were in the book.Agree! *I can never figure out how much Charlie "knows" re: vamps and wolves *Some of the spinny/panning camera work was a little much for me *Again, Jacob is a tasty little morsel of jail baity goodnessHe is damn hot for being underage! *Edward's left nipple is weird. I heard lots of comments about that when he took his shirt offVery weird!! *I heart AliceMy favorite in the movie! *There was no discussion of Imprinting with the Wolf Pack and that surprised me as it is a pretty big theme later in the series.Very sad they left that out since it does become very important. Along with everyone's special powers that they underplay. *I thought the Edward visions were a little much/corny. Narration would have been fine or have him be more in the background - The exception to this is the graphics when he was with Bella in the water. *The scene where Bella dreams that she is changed - Cheesetastic! Lots of giggles in the theaterHAHAHA! *The end scene made me teary. When it ended I was like WTF?!? Talk about cliff hanger (not that I don't know what happens) Collective groan from the theater *Don't know if Stephenie Meyer did a cameo. If so, I didn't see her. I need to skim through the book and see what was left out. I wanted to re-read but ran out of time. All in all I give it 2 thumbs up and will probably see it again in the theater and will buy the DVD.
  14. Quick reply. Loved it! Jacob is smoking hot! Way better than movie one!!!! Awesome, awesome, awesome!!!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB OK, new plan! I am going to the double feature tonight! Twilight at 9:00 and New Moon at 12:01! I am giddy excited! I know I'm a huge dork and I accept that! LOL YAY! Ours is doing that too. Twilight at 6:45 and New Moon at 12:05. But we're doing Sushi for dinner instead and then our Mall is having a Twilight fashion show and stuff. I'm so giddy too. We can be dorks together .
  16. Bought my advance tickets a few weeks ago. Just got back from Hot Topic with my Team Jacob shirt (I voted). I'm going at midnight (12:05) going with my DH and our friends. Can't wait. We got fake blood leftover from Halloween and will be putting fake fang marks on our neck. HAHA!
  17. Guess it's time to update mine. I was a nanny and in childcare for so long and I got married and it all changed. TTC and watching children = not the best match. My DH opened his Chiropractic office and I became his Office Manager. But I don't have experience in it. So I also work as an administrative assistant at an Audiologist's office. Or Doctor of hearing haha. All you speech pathologists we work with alot of you guys for our pediatric kids. Anyways. I'm learning a TON there which in turn helps me run my husband's office better. I love what I do now!! And my stress level went way down!
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by SSNM I am glad I found this thread on NFP. Does anyone know of anyone in the Greater Toronto Area to get more direction on this? I have never taken the pill before and I do not want to start due to the potential side effects. I just bought the book by Toni W. and will start to read it. I will be so happy if this works. One other question: What does TTA and TTC mean? I am guessing it means "trying to conceive" and "trying to abstain"? Does that sound right? Found the thread. HAHA! TTA...yes Trying To Avoid and Trying to Conceive. In my PM with the link go to "tribes" and then find your area and you can ask their for local people to talk to. And the book TCOYF is going to be a ton of help. It is full of information!
  19. YouTube - Flu Shot Disabled Beautiful Cheerleader - ( Dystonia Disorder) Just saw this yesterday. I would not want to be the one in a million chance either.
  20. No. He is. I work in his office and another medical office. I'm the office manager .
  21. He did not sue. Thank goodness. We had too much to counter-sue with so I think he got scared when we sent him a letter from our lawyer. We have been open for business since March. He did come in and try to get us to pay him money but we said speak to our lawyer. So thank god. The 2 doctors just moved this month. So he didn't sue for keeping them working with us. Anyways I'm glad it all turned out. YAY!!!
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by lara&mike I definitely understand where you are coming from. Deaths are scary, whether it's from the flu or from reactions to a vaccine. There are many cases of vaccine damage that go reported and unreported beyond this vaccine. The side effects that have been in studies are not even for the H1N1 that is being rolled out, it's based on the Flu vaccine that was already created. This is a link from the FDA of the pamplet insert of H1N1 vax (novartis) : http://www.fda.gov/downloads/Biologi.../UCM182242.pdf It states the above. Also i would recommend if you are able to, do ask for a single dose vial rather than a multidose. The multi dose use mercury to stabilize the vaccine tmake it last longer. Mercury is damaging to the nervous system, especially those in young children. I believe these are offered to pregnant women and children anyway but I would still ask for one for me too ( if i was getting it). I respect all opinions and think it is a very difficult decision to make. I think that all sides should be taken into consideration before making any decisions on such a new vaccine. There are obvious known risks of the flu and h1n1, but there are unknown risks to the vaccine. I would rather treat the illness than create a new one. I suppose i'm lucky to live in Canada where health care is covered. I guess i'm a skeptic and feel that because the government, who receives money from pharma companies tells me everything is OK, I'm not quick to believe everything they tell me to do. Sick days at work equals employees not working and therefore a faltering economy = unhappy government. I'm not a conspiracy theorist or anything crazy, I've just always questioned where information is coming from and who is supporting it (on both ends). Anyway, hope this doesnt come across bitchy. I guess I just feel that people get so much information fed by the government and pharma companies, and not enough from the other side, where opinions can be shunned and silenced by the larger, louder other side. It's good to look hard for both sides that's all. Anyway, not trying to start a fight, just encourage everyone to make decisions base on both sides, and to research before you put something foreign and potentially damaging into your body or those you love. YES! Quote: Originally Posted by jennierin The problem with any flu shot is that it is changed each year to "estimate" the type of strain that will infect people that year. If the flu strain mutates in any way, or if a different type of flu (ie 2009 H1N1) is seen than the flu vaccine that you received, it will not protect you during the flu season. I am a nurse and have never had the flu shot due to the fact that I am allergic to chicken eggs (it is cultured in eggs). However, I use all other precautions like hand washing, masking when around patients with flu like symptoms, coughing into my arm instead of my hand and staying home if I don't feel well. Each year people die from the flu, regardless if it's the 2009 H1N1 (or, as I have been calling it..."R2D2" ). I am not saying that you shouldn't protect yourself or your children, I am just saying that I feel the media has completely blown this out of proportion with the 2009 H1N1. Here, in Canada, it won't be available to health care workers until December and there are already cases of flu like symptoms being reported in and around the hospital I work at. Needless to say, it may be too late for the vaccine this year. I lived through the SARS epidemic and THAT was way worse than the H1N1 has proved to be. Use your judgement and discretion before you decide. I think that you are making a good informed decision on the health of you and your family and that is the best way to be! And yes! I am very anti-vaccine period but this thing I would not touch! I know my thoughts are probably not shared by anyone on this board as I have learned from the past. But I do believe this has been blown out of proportion. I already had the swine flu and my nephew and niece did too. I didn't die and they didn't either. It was pretty much like the regular flu. I do believe the media is blowing it up. And yes I agree big ol' pharma is getting alot of money from this. And personally I don't trust someone whose main goal is profit. I wouldn't vaccinate me or my child with any vaccine much less this one. And hearing Dr's and the makers of the previous vaccine who said they would not give it to their children or themselves. Uh hello!? If they aren't why would I?
  23. I went to get my ring cleaned a few weeks ago and they had this special they were doing and I forgot until today! It's a special offer and it ends today. I called the jeweler and he said you couldn't buy it online but I went and looked and you can. I think it's a great deal. I put it on in the store and it's gorgeous!! I thought I'd share for anyone whose interested. Lab-Created White Sapphire Buckle Ring in Sterling Silver with Diamond Accents - Size 7 - View All - Zales
  24. I believe theres another thread on this...I love it. I haven't done it lately b/c of personal reasons. But it really is a workout. The wii fit you must stop and choose a new "game". The wii active doesn't. Its a workout you go from one excercise to the next, so your heartrate stays up. I actually pour sweat and sore. Playing wii fit doesn't do that for me.
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