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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by jackie_c bahahaha, yes! You got the dress! I'm sure this is the first of many demands DH will cave in to! Definitely not the first by any means!
  2. Thanks for the help girls. After hours of searching and turning up nothing, the hubs let me buy it. I only have a week before the wedding to make sure it fits! Otherwise I'm out of luck!
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by kerrij Well I don't know what AP means...but I'll def check it out! thanks AP=Attachment Parenting
  4. I'm so scared to order online. I have no idea what size to get. But there are NO stores here so I have no choice.
  5. Ok girls, I need your help. I found this dress that I love the style of for my brothers wedding on the 29th. Yeah yeah I waited too long! But my DH thinks its too much for a dress. BOO! So I'm hoping you girls can hope me find a similar dress in the same style for less. I know theres some googlers out there! I've had no luck! Here's the dress: Black Collection Women's Caftan-style Sequin Dress | Overstock.com Any help is much appreciated!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by kerrij Mrs Martin...thanks for that post...DH and i are both a little worried too, even though we are in the same financial state as you, houses, no debt, etc. it's still scary! but i guess you're right, you don't go out as much and everything just evens out. Does anyone know of a good baby website?? BDW site is the best wedding site by far...and trying to find a TTC/Preg site is soooo difficult! i want threads and questions and message boards, i want it all, but no one else has it...that i've found anyway. Like Cathy says, these things aren't up to us...DH and i had always hoped we'd get preg on our wedding/honeymoon in Jamaica. after being on the pill 13 years and never once either of us having a Whoopsies!, i was a little concerned that it would take me a long time TC. went off the pill in Dec and wedding was in early March, and bam, preg on the very first try. So you just never know what you are going to get! 11 weeks tomorrow, yay! Good luck mama's to be! My favorite baby/parenting site is MotheringDotCommunity Forums - Powered by vBulletin It's much more AP parenting. So if you're the opposite I wouldn't recommend it. But if you lean that way then it's awesome!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust He brought me in because there was this trial period where you earned triple points on everything. I don't raid or anything like that, I'd be afraid that everyone would get mad at me (some of these people are REALLY serious about WoW) and I don't feel like stressing out over a game. Like said, I really love questing during World events. I now have a pony keg (where I'll just pitch it and get drunk randomly and dance and hope people join me), a pet squashling (which I guess most people got as level 80 doing the headless horseman, but I can't do that so I got it randomly trick or treating 80 times in a row lol), a picnic, a beer mug, a temporary (:-( i really wanted a permanent) flying broomstick, and a bunch of other useless stuff. It makes my day! I might have to check into hunter... I like hiding behind things. OH well if u like hiding. Rogue is fun. You disappear and sneak up behind people and kill them. My main is a rogue. But you have to be up close and personal. I think its funny you only like holidays. I never quest in holidays. I did do this last one though. I'm sure if you spent some time maybe with someone and practiced you'd do fine in randoms.
  8. Haha. Funny thing is I brought my hubby to WoW. I was bored one night and I had a friend who played so I did the free 10 day trial. Then I loved it so I referred the hubby and now we're hooked!! He referred his brother and I referred mine and we all play. I love the refer a friend bonus!!! 3xp kicks ass!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust Since I suck, I like being a priest and being able to be behind everyone and heal. As long as I'm in a group healing I'm all right, but when FI and I are running around, I'll die... hehe. I'm not so good with the melee's Haha. I love healing too. I'm a resto druid. But I like to fight too. You might like a hunter. You send your pet to do the killing up close and you fight far away. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust I am on trollbane and rexxar right now. and btw totally mixed up my levels... Natya is 46 and Asheer 34. Bunnie is gone. We plan on moving Asheer to Gul'dan soon. I'm on Stormscale. Maybe I'll run into you if you run randoms. I do that alot to level. Though if you're healing we won't. B/c I'm a healer. Maybe I'll run my 40 something and DPS instead.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by peterpanpixiedust LOL!!! I can't believe this thread. I saw it and nearly died! I figured I was alone. FI has been playing for years, but only got me to try when we started dating. I figured I'd give it a shot because he sat through "The Notebook" and never complained. I made a blood elf priest and ran around with him and had some fun but was frustrated because I'd die alot. I had a Drainai (sp) mage before that and didn't die as much, but I liked my Blood Elf better (prettier). I didn't truly become addicted, but I played on Valentines day and now I'm a holiday whore. BTW my priest I mentioned earlier... FI deleted her when switching accounts... I could have killed him! He has since made one just like her and leveled her up to where I left off and now that Valentines day just came, I was able to get all that stuff again, but it's just not the same. My FI said there was a wedding that happened on WOW. This couple was on WoW for a while and decided to get married on WoW. They were alliance and had to keep the horde out so they had guards posted everywhere, and my FI was one. I can't believe how in depth players can be. I'm still in grad school, so not much time for games anymore. Maybe when I'm done, I'll try and find you guys (but warning... I suck) Here are the ones I play now and approximate levels ( i haven't played since Vday) Asheer - Blood Elf Priest 41 Natya - Human Priest 32 Bunnie - Drainai Mage 12 (that one could be deleted now) Awww. I bet you don't suck. What server are you on? Thats funny about the wedding. I thought it would be funny if my DH and I did that. Trade chat: LF Priest for wedding. Hahaha. I just made my first priest. She's level 18. So far I like her but priests do die ALOT. My rogue however beats everyone down and I don't die as much. Have you tried a melee class instead?
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Catalyst My Mains are: Veyil Night Elf Druid: 80 Mirya Human priest : 47 Armaranth Blood Elf Magician : 31 Lunen will be my Wolvar when cataclysm hits and Gorbav will be my goblin. I'm currently on earthen ring but playing on the european servers so prolly wouldn't be able to participate in a guild no matter how interesting the idea Awww that sucks! I really need to read about Cat. I haven't yet.
  12. Ok so lets do this. Name your character race, class, level and server. And then if everyone wants we can pick a common server and make a guild. This way if we see each other we can say hi! Kagiso-BE Rogue-64-Stormscale (all of mine are on SS) Lubaya-BE Hunter-47-'' Esdras-BE-DK-63-'' Arjana-NE-Druid-56-'' (Only reason I have alli is b/c I referred my brother and he made me) Kerubo-Tauren-Hunter-37-'' Darnasses-BE-Priest-18
  13. I have too many characters to name. I have a BE DK, a BE Hunter, a NE Druid, a Tauren Druid and a BE Rogue. My DH and I play all the time. I know on another forum they have a group and they have a guild for the forum on one of the serves. We should totally do that. Pick a server and make a guild for all of us BDWer's. And if you haven't already recruit a friend! The benefits are awesome. I recruited my DH and now my brother. You get 3x Xp. You also can get 1 level for ever 2 they get. So what servers is everyone on? I'm on Stormscale. And do you prefer Horde or Alliance?
  14. Great poem but it was not written by Maya Angelou.... What Every Woman Should Have Pamela Redmond Satran: I Wrote Maya Angelou's Best Poem Ever I feel bad this woman doesn't get the credit. As an author I would be a little peeved too. Haha. Every time I get this in my inbox I reply to all and add the real story.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck Yeah totally too small. Her biggest gripe is the lack of shopping. I've heard over and over how she has to drive 45 min and all she gets is a TJ max!! I wonder if she knows about the BBB? When we lived in the same city, we are the type that would just spend the day at the mall chatting a browsing, even if we didn't buy anything. Haha. Yeah you can drive an hour and get Macy's and a bigger mall. But still it's an hour. I totally miss driving ten minutes to shop till I drop. But it also saves you money cause you can't!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyTrunck OMG I know!!! The looks on their faces is priceless, and it happens EVERY time someone asks you. Someone: OH you're from CO? You must just LOVE to ski or snowboard Me: Nah, I've only done it a couple of times. Someone: Me: And WOW Calia- if the closest to you is Durango that's crazy! One of my best friends has been living in Durango for about 1 1/2 years because her hubby got a job there. She is not loving it! It totally depends on the person though. She is a total city girl. I'm glad you like it there! Why doesn't she love it? Too small. Though I must say we finally got a Bed, Bath and Beyond. I am beyond stoked!!! I haven't been skiing either. But I'm not a native. We do have great ski resorts here though. My husband is a native and has never been either. Weird.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ I was talking about this in another thread and thought I might as well post it here! I'm reading "Stolen Innocence" by Elissa Wall and I love it. I started it on Sunday and I'm almost done. It's about the polygomous sect, FLDS as explained by an ex-member. I feel really ignorant while reading it as I was not very educated on the religion. So if you're into true stories or autobiographies, I recommend it. Ok. I finally have a moment to recommend similar books. Escape by Carolyn Jessop -amazing book about a woman who grew up in the FLDS. Was married at 18 to a fifty plus man. She has 8 children and escapes the sect. Lost Boy by Brent Jeffs - Another good one. He is related to Warren Jeff's the prophet of the FLDS who is now in prison thanks to the girl in the book you already read. He was actually molested by Warren Jeff's and brought his own lawsuit. Favorite Wife: Escape from Polygamy by Susan Ray Schmidt - She is the 6th wife of a man when she is only 15. This is a different polygamist cult though. The LeBaron's which is a crazy story. The brother murders his own brother and others and has a hit list which is still out today and has people murdering for him. Under the Banner of Heaven by Jon Krakauer - Kindof different. Not based soley on polygamy. Stories of how violence erupts from the LDS and other sects. Leaving the Saints by Martha Beck - Not polygamist at all. This story is of a Mormon girl (LDS NOT FLDS) who leaves the church. This one struck a chord with me b/c I grew up LDS until I was 19 and it all was so familiar. How the church is very hard to leave and very cult like. It is a long process and does a lot of damage so this book was very eye opening. Those are my favorite. I'm reading another one right now written by the sister wife of the author Susan Ray Schmidt. When I finish I'll let you know how it is. Enjoy. And if you have an questions feel free to ask.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Really, a former member? Wow. I just finished reading it last night and I can't even explain how it made me feel, well besides ignorant. I can't believe that I was so clueless to the LDS. I thought the book was fantastic. For sure if you have some recommendations send them my way! I should clarify. I'm a former LDS not FLDS member. Elissa was in the FLDS (Fundamentalist LDS)....so the LDS does not practice polygamy like the FLDS. I will get that list to you.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Tifuhhknee I read The Lovely Bones and really enjoyed it until about the last third of the book. Then it just skipped too much time and I didn't care a whole lot for it. That's just me though. Have yet to watch the movie. Picked up Dear John to read while FI took his very long NCLEX test while I waited in the car. Another one that I was able to get to cheap small version because of the movie. It was a sweet book, easy read, started and finished reading it yesterday. The moral was fantastic, but parts of the story really made me sad. I'm really interested in the movie now though to see how they carried out the story on film. Next? The Pianist. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the movie and got the book off of Amazon. It's basically about the Holocaust, but in Poland. The Holocaust was in Poland and pretty much all of Europe. The Holocaust did not happen just in Germany. Majority of work, concentration and death camps were in Poland. The Pianist IS about the Holocaust.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ I'm reading "Stolen Innocence" by Elissa Wall and I love it. I started it on Sunday and I'm almost done. It's about the polygomous sect, FLDS as explained by an ex-member. I feel really ignorant while reading it as I was not very educated on the religion. So if you're into true stories or autobiographies, I recommend it. I'm a former LDS member and am also fascinated by this and have ton of research. If you want other books similar to this I have quite a few recommendations.
  21. Actually Chandlyn kept my stuff and I picked it up at her office the next day.
  22. I live in Southwest Colorado. Six hours from Denver. But its very small! Durango is the biggest city next to me. My town actually has one stop light. Haha. So probably too small for you. I'm from Dallas though and I LOVE The small town feel. The town feels small and everyone knows each other. There is so much to do and it is a very active down. Most people walk or bike to work everyday. Very active lifestyle and very healthy. Alot of health shops and restaurants. Colorado is awesome. I hope you find a great place!
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by hat0112 I also read all the Harry Potter books and loved them. I have actually read them several times. I also read another book called “Wizard’s First Rule†by Terry Goodkind. They actually made a TV series out of it called Legend of the Seeker, but I don’t care for it. I did read a murder mystery serial killer book series about 4-6 years ago by a male author that I loved but I can’t remember who the author was and what the books were called. I will try to find the books. Those are my favorite series. Sword of Truth. There are quite a few of them. The tv show sucks big time. Its not even remotely close to the book. Was it James Patterson the mystery book? He has some really good books too.
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by crsperanza "A Diary for Nicholas" is an excellent book. Do you mean "Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas"?
  25. Been a while since I posted. I've been reading a ton lately. Actually read 5 books over thanksgiving. Gave the Maximum ride series a go by James Patterson. Definately geared towards a younger audience. I seem to read a certain author or subject..exhaust all my options and move on. But lately seem to come back to polygamy. I read Escape by Carolyn Jessop a while back and that books is amazing. Just finished The Lost Boy by Brent Jeff's (Warren Jeff's nephew) and have 2 more in my e-reader but on a different sect of the FLDS. Really eye opening books. Not light reading by any means. Also read Leaving the Saints by Martha Beck. Wow. Maybe I should go back to light reading haha.
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