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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Ok this is really hard for me to say. But sometimes I truly hate my sister. I'm one of seven children. She is the favorite. She has 2 children (3) and 7 months. My whole family adores her because shes a "great mother" and knows all about kids supposedly. My dad always says "You should talk to Sarah she's so good at that." "You should be more like your sister." I was best friends with my other sister. Then I got engaged and moved and she got angry at me b/c I was moving and she wanted me to watch her new baby. But I want to start my own family. And I have reproductive issues and we're hoping that I can actually get pregnant. So now she spends all her time with little miss perfect sister. So the real rant is I've decided to have my child at home and I'm very natural parenting anti-circ, anti-vax, cloth diapering way to go. I've been in childcare for 12 years. I may know a little tad bit about kids. But everytime I mention anything about TTC or plans I'm immediately compared to her. It is getting on my last nerve. So she called today and say "Really you should read this your child could DIE!" WTF?!?!? Would I really risk my childs life?? And I'm NOT EVEN PREGGO YET! I want to slap the smirk off her face. Ok I can't believe I said this. But I am just exhausted of it all and just want to be pregnant already. *SOB*
  2. That sounds like a good idea. I was going to but just left it in. I did take it off for my reception.
  3. Funny you said that. I was debating on a veil for a while and I decided for one to make me feel like a bride. It did blow everywhere. Alot of my pictures show my veil to the side. Finally I had to tuck in between me and my DH to make it stay. I think it depends how windy it will be on your wedding day and how long it is.
  4. His office is located IN the resort yes. But he gets the pictures PRINTED in Ocho Rios not on the resort. And the pictures on CD are not watermarked. He also gave a paper for permission to reprint and stuff for those.
  5. if you're talking prints yes you get those plus the cd before you leave Jamaica. I recommend bringing a hard back folder to take them back to the states. We had one print in the wrong size and the day we left they rushed into town and reprinted to make sure we had it. You get everything before you leave. Oh yeah he gives you a release there is no logo. You have permission to print and everything.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by Dbld78 That's bologna man! She got 10 pictures....and from what I saw they weren't anything I would have spent money on....sorry, but I would totally tell him to shove it! I don't understand this whole exclusive contract thing, and having to pay him off to use another photographer....sorry but he sound shady. Wow. OUCH! I didn't know my WEDDING pictures were so horrible when I paid for them. I know Michael is getting a bad rep. But he was great for us. I had 6 family members ALL taking pictures. I have over 1000 pictures OTHER than Michaels and I did not pay extra for them to photograph. If you're nice to him he'll be nice back. We only spent about 200 - 300 bucks on photos with Michael. I got so many compliments on the ones I framed. They are small on the computer b/c I had to shrink them to fit them. To me they are gorgeous and worth the money. I got TEN b/c I didn't want to upgrade AND then I had him print all the extras that I wanted to frame and those I can't put online seeing as they are in frames on the wall. I got TEN to a disk but not just ten. My DH is a student and I don't have buttloads of extra money for photos. Michael told me personally he keeps pictures indefinitely and I can come back later and get the same price I paid originally to get more pictures. I am not taking his back b/c I know he has changed policy I see both sides to this. I just got a little tiffed at the above remark. I find it rude to put down someone elses wedding pictures. I wish all the brides the best. Personally I think people are getting fired up. I would personally do what Heidi did and contact the RIU sales.
  7. Hopefully you stay in JR suites. I didn't. I was at the building farthest away. Not only that b/c of the mass confusion Chandlyn didn't come get me. As I walked down to the lobby my hubby was there so I had to hide around the corner. Then I had to wait till they left and then walk down. But it wasn't that bad.
  8. I don't think my photos are contrasty so I don't know what ya'll mean by that. I think it looks just like it did the day I got married. Blue and beautiful. Some later pics have blue purple and pink and I wouldn't him to change it cause it was gorgeous and made the clouds whiter. I love my pictures and I'm not picky. He did a great job.
  9. It was sunset during the wedding and pictures. So the sky was a little pink. LOL I still need to finish my slideshow. I'm a horrible procrastinator!!
  10. My flowers were daisy's which I wanted. My dad gave my mom daisy's the day I was born. And those happened to be the ones from the free package. YAY! And I bough those vases from World Market and took them to Jamaica.
  11. Yes. He touched them up and took out ppl in the background and put these 10 on a cd for me. I also ordered prints that are not on the cd. I just framed those.
  12. I loved Michael. We didn't bring a photographer and weren't planning on using him at all. But last minute decided to. He was funny and helpful. He let all my family take pics though I've heard that he won't let you do that anymore. We only got 10 pictures on a cd and then bought a ton of prints. So I can only show you the 10 I put on a cd. Sorry. Maybe someone else has more. Sorry they are so big. Pre warning.
  13. Wow. I wish I could dance hahha. I'm a nanny going on 5 years and before that childcare for 8 years. And in my "free" time I work with children in foster care in court.
  14. Sounds great...the cd down the aisle. It played during pictures and signing papers. It was perfect.
  15. Ok I'm going through the name change. I printed out the SSA form. And it says it likes the documents to be US issued. Do I need to like register our marriage in the US or something?? I didn't know I had to go down to the SS office. That sucks too!
  16. Thanks for the link. I was so sad for Josiah too. I was like he already has nothing and they broke his heart. I was worried he'd do something drastic. It made me cry.
  17. Carden was my friend and she didn't make it. The Joann girl did.
  18. I hate my DVR. My friend was one of the last two girls. They're sitting talking and my dvr stops recording. So I didn't see them actually say it but my friend didn't make it. So sad. She got pretty far though. And now more people know about her. I'm still proud she got as far as she did. Anyways stupid DVR!
  19. Ok I just gave the computer to my husband and he read your post but not everyone elses. Below are his suggestions. ____________________________________________ I can give my opinion from things I've seen in the past. Chiropractors deal with this ALL the time. We handle both the structural short leg (where one leg is actually shorter than the other) and a functional short leg (where they appear to be shorter due to something else going on). I agree that there is a lot going on muscularly (if that's even a word) and doing the exercises and getting things stretched out and worked on will help a ton. There is also usually something going on with the joints in your pelvis and back. These joints can become fixated, and not move the way that they are supposed to. This can actually cause the muscular tightness AND the functional short leg. A chiropractor can adjust these joints to restore the proper function/motion and also help with the muscular imbalance. One other thing that I would recommend would be to get a scoliosis check. Sometimes a functional short leg can be a compensating factor for something like scoliosis or possibly a transitional segment. A transitional segment can form in your low back generally with the 5th (or last) lumbar vertebra. As the vertebra forms it can connect with the sacrum in a way that it isn't supposed to and throw the whole pelvis/low back off. Scoliosis can also start to form as a compensation from another problem that you have going on, so it can even start later in life. A current check might be a good idea. I hope some of that helped, and if you have ANY questions about anything down the road, feel free to ask! __________________________________________________
  20. It reairs tonight. The first part. just FYI for those who didn't see it. I'm in central time zone and its on at 8 I believe.
  21. Congratulations and welcome back!!!!!! I don't know how to do the TTC ticker either b/c I"m an idiot on that charting stuff.
  22. No prob. This just shows you how I watch TV and sit here on BDW and my other forum.
  23. I will totally ask him for you when he gets home tonight. I'll probably just let him read the thread. Good luck!
  24. Ok I can't stress enough how much good Chiros can do. Probably b/c my DH IS a chiro. If you want more information (for free) of course he can let you know what they can do to help your situation. All through my childhood I was so so so sick always constantly. I have seen every kind of doctor there is. I was on so many pills its still causing problems now. Since being with my DH and him adjusting me I haven't been sick once. B/C my spine is misaligned it messes up my nervous system which gives me symptoms of being sick. All the doctors did was give me pills to stop they symptoms. Such as saying I had a cold when I didn't. I love my Chiro!!! I love holistic approaches to medicine. I'd much rather get treated to find the problem then take pills to treat symptoms. Now this is no way says never go to a doctor. Sometimes medicine is the right way and you definitely should see a MD. But Chiro's get such a bad rap sometimes and they can help so much!!! I for one LOOOOVE MINE *wink*
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