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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. We didn't know that we were getting rum punch but he was there and gave us drinks. So I don't even think you have to ask. They are just there.
  2. I had to wait for the official one. It has to have the raised seal thing on it. Sorry. I know it sucks.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by crawford2B I am using Michael. I am only having 7 people including us (small) and am so nervous about pictures. I want to bring home lots to see for all our family and friends. We were planning on getting the video and the set of 30 pictures on the CD. Also hoping that we will have pictures from the people with us. Do you think this is a good package or will I be upset and want more? Hey, I had 7 ppl including us too. We didn't do the video but we did 10 pics on cds and then a buttoad of prints. We were worried but they told us they keep pics indefinitely and can order more pics later. So when we get more money later we can buy some more.
  4. I just saw a cute "something blue" idea today. Bring a blue pen and have your BM's sign the bottom of your shoes. SOmething blue. I guess it only works if you wear shoes down the aisle though.
  5. Whoa ..whats this Nic I believe you should answer a question HAHA you can't watch sneaky girl! ETA: I am so stupid I didn't see you already answered way up there...SORRY! I thought youw ere just sitting watching....
  6. Ok theres 2 questions... If money wasn't an object....well I would do the same but I would of flown everyone out there and got babysitters pretty much everything that I could do to get all my family there If I could live forever...I don't know but if my hubby could too yes...if not then no I couldn't live without him. ETA: Forgot to ask a question..hahah My question is: Do you tell your husband EVERYTHING or are there some dark secrets you would never share??
  7. I got mine 2 months after. I mean I had the paper one they gave me at the wedding but the official stamped one I just got a few weeks ago and I got married in December. HTH.
  8. Thats what the documents are for. She gets your marriage certificate ..you sign it at your wedding. Then a few months later you will get the official ones in the mail. I got mine 2 months later.
  9. It's totally fine if you don't have a book to suggest the first time around. Thats the point of the bookclub to get you reading! Just send me an email [email protected] so I can keep us organized. It's hard to go through the thread and find everyones names. Hahah. I have some great suggestions from you girls already. I am so excited. So if you don't have a book but still want to join email me so I'm sure. And by Monday we'll have a book to read. YAY! ETA: I'm pretty sure you can't do anything wrong in a book club?? I think! Hahaha....as to the light reading or first book chosen. I really don't think it matters. I just choose my favorite book that. I choose one that got me thinking and that I think other people would love. And that I think could lead a discussion on the plot and themes of the book. Sometimes theres book about boy meets girl boy sleeps with girl the end. Sometimes that can't lead talking about it. Sometimes that plot goes with a whole lot more with more characters and betrayal and things like that and could lead a discussion. So it's up to you. You can't go wrong??
  10. Sounds good. Ok so friday I close submissions. People can still join the bookclub whenever of course we get new members all the time and that wouldn't be fair. I will then send the chooser numbers to choose from over the weekend and post the book here when she chooses. From my "list" these ppl need to send me book suggestion to put in the hat. Aliperes1 AmandalovesRyan Betsy Abby-Dougsgirl Jenn Jilly76 Jujigirl LC_Rachel Starchild and Saraha if you're in. So by Friday girlies! I can't wait to start reading.
  11. I changed my social security card last week. It was very weird. I hate my old last name. Everyone pronounces my first name wrong already and so to finally get a last name that ppl can pronounce. HELL YEAH! I just hate writing it ...it has a k and I hate cursive k's. But I want my kids and I to have the same name too. So I just changed it.
  12. You'll be fine. Our wedding was Wednesday at 4. We went the next day to look and had them back on Thursday. Had one wrong size got it before we left. They're pretty fast.
  13. We were the last wedding of the day so we could of been there all night. Haha..But I think its an hour. The Rum guy stayed a little over an hour.
  14. Ok so far we have 17 members ...Saraha are you in or just think its a good idea hahah.... I've made a spreadsheet to keep track and keep organized. I only have 5 book suggestions but 17 ppl so I need your suggestions so we can get started. I think depending on how long the book is depending how long you have to read it. Say it's 50 pages compared to a 400 page book? So when should we choose our first book. I say give everyone until Friday to put in their suggestions and then everyone can get the book over the weekend. Or we could wait longer and make sure everyone who wants to participate lets me know??
  15. It's ok if you don't have one yet. Thats kind of the point of this to get you to read something. You suggest a book you've read already. That way you can lead the discussion. Just email me with your suggestion. My email is [email protected].
  16. I'm not sure what you mean with how long. If you mean how long per book. I think it depends how long the book is. If you don't want to read the book chosen thats fine too.
  17. I am a blogger addict. I started one to let family and friends whats happening. Then my sister copied me. I use blogger.com. Its free and really easy to use. You can check mine out if u want. I want to add it to my soggy but I can't seem to make my soggy very pretty. Cali and Tony's Blog if u have questions feel free to ask.
  18. Yeah. Send me an email with your name and one book. Don't worry b/c you can suggest a new one later on. But Im making a list of everyone to keep track so send me your books!!
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah I think it sounds great... Just a couple thoughts: 1. If you're expressing opinions about things, remember that others may have a differing opinion. We are all for expression of opinion around here, just be sure it's delivered in a courteous fashion. Sometimes people get their panties in a bunch around here when someone disagrees with them. 2. While we certainly don't have any taboo topics, we generally try to stay away from "hot button" issues since we all really want to stay friends... i.e. abortion, religion, politics. Count me in! I'll be able to participate & moderate I totally agree! I think if everyone just stays courteous and stays on the book topic we'll be good. Ok so if you're interested just send me your name or BDW name (or both) to my email. I'll just email everyone through PM's on the forum when its their turn. My email is [email protected] and start sending your book suggestions. ETA: If your book is chosen you can lead the discussion. ie. just post questions or something of that sort to get everyone started.
  20. BOOK CLUB DISCLAIMER (per forum mods): Participation in this Book Club is strictly voluntary. Books are not pre-screened and may contain material or discuss issues which are unexpected, shocking, or even offensive. If a member is not comfortable with the given selection participation can end and, if desired, begin again when the next book is selected. I know someone asked if anyone was interested. But I really miss my book club in Texas and the ones here suck! So I thought I would step up to start one here b/c I love my BDW girls! So heres what I came up with. Everyone could come up with a book and email them to me. Then I'd pick a girl (just for the first time) and send her numbers 1-10 (however many books submitted). Then that girl would choose a number and thats the book chosen. Then we give an allotted time to read the book then we'll open the floor for discussion. Then give that book a time allotted for discussion. Then whoever she chose like for example she chose my book for the discussion then I would choose the next number. I hope that makes sense. So after the confusion above hahah anyone willing to give it a try Oh and if the Mods are ok with this?? I thought we could delete each thread about a book as we finish so we don't take tons of room on the forum. I won't post my email until I'm sure we get people ok with this and the Mods don't see a problem. *whispers* pleeeeeeeeease....I love books and would love to see a book club on here!!! I promise to be good! Hahahah! Ok girls who's in?
  21. I think its different depending on religious or not. B/c I remember Mo saying her guy didn't say 'death til us part' and my guy did. My guy was a judge not a minister.
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Heidi I posted this in an already existing thread, but I'm afraid it's getting buried. Plus, I think this might benefit other people too! I have a few questions about the most important part of this whole experience... the actual marriage ceremony!! Since my wedding is at a resort, the minister/judge is provided by the resort. 1. Will we meet the minister prior to the ceremony? (I don't think we meet with him/her until the day of the wedding) 2. Can we specify what we want minister to say? (I was reading past threads of beautiful ceremonies like Janet's here: http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...-ceremony.html. How did/would you handle asking the officiant to read it?) 3. How 'easy' is it to add readings, sand ceremonies, etc? (Should we just delegate certain guests to read, etc instead of relying on the judge/minister?) 4. Can we say whatever vows we want? Any insight would be very helpful! Thanks! Sorry I didn't see this hahaha. I totally forgot about it. My bad. I did NOT meet the minister prior to the ceremony. You can specify what you want him to say. We added our sand ceremony and he read it for us. I did end up going with his vows b/c I didn't have time and it was a lot of work. But you can pick your own vows. We just had it typed and gave it to Chandlyn at our meeting and she gave it to the judge. Our guy was not a minister. Pretty easy.
  23. I picked RIU b/c my parents are divorced and I felt they would be uncomfortable at a "couples" resort. We also wanted a more upbeat exciting resort. Not quiet?? If that makes sense. The RIU was new and I heard such good things about it. I felt Sandals was too small and quiet for what we wanted. And our siblings have kids and were thinking of coming. They ended up not coming but if they had they would of been fine with the RIU.
  24. Gorgeous pictures! You look like you had a blast. I loved the one of you dancing with your dad. It was so sweet. And ya'll jumping in the pool. And then the ones on the cliff are amazing. It also looked cool everyone in white! Except one pic you can see one of your girls undies HAHAH! Beautiful pictures and congratulations Married Woman!
  25. I'm pretty sure there are a few churches near Ocho Rios so I dug some up for you. This one you need to contact 6 months PRIOR to your wedding: Our Lady of Fatima Catholic Church and heres a list of churches in Jamaica Jamaica - Churches-Catholic Hope that helps??
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