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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all about it!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by amym567 It made me cry!!! LOVE that first song- what is it? Made me think of my niece who just turned 1 and my unborn baby! Beautiful little girl! Amy Its called Let Them Be Little by Billy Dean. I love it too.
  3. Yes I'm leaving. Tomorrow is my last day.
  4. So I finished the slideshow for my family I nanny for. I thought I would share with you. I'm giving it to them tonight. My DH thinks they will sob through it. I hope not!!! Anyways what do you guys think? I used photostory this time instead of WMM. It didn't have as many options to shorten music and such but it did ok. Kennedy
  5. I'd read it. And I agree blogger is so eaaaaaaasy!!! If I can do it you can do it Jean!
  6. I'm worse. I get emails to my iPhone I respond within seconds. Unless I'm super busy. But usually an hour. Though if it's a loooong email I wait till I get home to type it on a keyboard. So no more than a day.
  7. I kinda had a similar issue. My dad's current girlfriend is who he cheated on my mom with. My mom would be there and it was a big issue on whether to invite her. But my mom said TO invite her. I was shocked. But I did but only b/c she's been helping my brothers out. But then my dad freaked and refused to let her come to the wedding if she came. I would just be upfront. I wrote my dad a long email about it. Told the truth. Just tell her that you don't want your wedding to be awkward and you just want "FAMILY" there. And since he's not married to her and he's not family you'd rather he not come. If she'd rather get offended over the boyfriend than her own daughters wedding then it's not worth it. IMO?
  8. You can buy clear labels at Target, Wal-Mart, or pretty much anywhere. I got mine at Office Max I think. Just get the size you want. We got Avery ones b/c they are pretty easy. It comes with software if I remember correctly. It walks you through it. Then you stick it in your printer just like regular paper and prints it. Then you just peel and stick on the envelopes. Very easy!
  9. I don't! I think it's cute. Though I had flip flops that made me say "Just Married" with every step I took the rest of our trip!
  10. I don't know much about GBP. We picked people up from that resort when we were leaving. They were doing a little construction at the front. It was beautiful but the Riu looked bigger I think. But that was back in December (the construction). Good luck. Let us know what you pick!
  11. Wow! Those are beautiful. I love the one next to the waterfall.
  12. Oh my! I was ignoring this thread b/c it was about Cabo. Then it got changed to ferret?? I still ignored it and then I saw you tell Jean-Marcus and I thought hmm. Still I ignored it then I'm bored watching CSI and was like ehh..I guess. Wow is all I can think of. My hubby wants a ferret so bad. We went in and held them and everything and I said no. But oh my I should of said yes. Then I could dress him up so you guys can have pictures!! I'm more of a hamster girl except mine was an escape artist and would jump from high heights just to escape. Sadly I gave Pippin away when I moved. Ok so I'll see if DH still wants a ferret. We'll have to name him Nibblets though!
  13. I used window movie maker for mine. You can watch it under photo's on the forum.
  14. I suck at scrapbooking. But I wanted one I could share with people when they came over. Yesterday in the mail I got a scrapbook already done from my Brother's GF. YAY. So I don't even have to do it. And I can add pages. So sweet!
  15. not too late at all. If u have a suggestion to put in the hat for next time pm me with it. Or email me at [email protected]
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by lucky k72 You could just go to a bridal shop and try on veils of different lengths. I wanted a short veil too. I went to David's to do this and ended up getting a blusher. I wanted short and simple with no edging so this fit the bill. Best part was that it was $20. I wore it with the comb tucked in the middle of my head tucked above my bun. It fell around my shoulders. I did this too. 20 buck blusher. Perfect no frills just simple!
  17. I did the outside envelope on clear labels with brown font (wedding color) and had a seashell on the label too. They looked great! The font looked handwritten. On the inside envelope I hand wrote their names. I have too many invitations there's no way I could handwrite them all. Plus it's easier to correct errors on labels than wasting a whole envelope if you make a mistake!
  18. I wrote a post and it didn't send. GRRR. I think the book looks good too and I think I'll read it driving through ugly kansas!
  19. Yay! Th book is suggested by LadyCheese and is The Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards. I have seen this at Target so it's probably 30 percent off.
  20. Ok BC girls. Are you still there. The last discussion died sadly so I thought we could pick a new book. I haven't got any new suggestions but we have 13 in the hat. So who ever posts first to this just pick a number 1-13 and I'll draw the new book. I'm moving this week through next weekend so I wanted to pick a new one I can read on the way from MO to CO. So if you girls are still in lets get reading!!
  21. WOW! Finally! I know you're nervous but everything will turn out beautiful! You have every little detail to a 'T'. Just relax and have fun. We can't wait to see pics!
  22. I would go with the blue. I wore a blue diamond and white diamond necklace that belonged to my Aunt who passed away. It was my something blue (along with my garter). And my something old. It was very pretty. And not normal pearls.
  23. Awww, don't go. Please come back and update us once in a while!!!! I'll miss you too!!
  24. I got the free flowers at the resort. They were daisy's which is symbolic it's what my dad gave my mom when i was born. So that's what I wanted yay
  25. I saw it and was like "HEY I want an outdoor reception" hhaha it was so pretty! I love the cloth with lights at the reception though.
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