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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Ok so I saw the receipt yesterday (just the top of it) and it said best buy. So I knew it had to be something with electronics. Well he gave me my present early. My birthday is on the 31st. Its a new laptop!! YAY! I needed it. My old laptop kept telling me I had no memory! Plus the 2 yr old I use to watch pulled of my shift and ctrl keys! Anyways I'm super excited. The only problem...how do I get my iTunes and files from my old laptop to my new one! GRRR! I seriously hate doing this! But I love my new shiny laptop! He said he got it so I can get more into my photography! YAY!
  2. I'm in CO. And its snowing and sleeting. But this past week its been in the 70s and warm. And Wed. it's suppose to be 80! WTF? I have no idea what's going on here!
  3. I'm so glad I lived with my DH before we were married. I was living in Dallas and he was living in STL. Flying back and forth was taking its toll. Long distance sucked! Also planning a wedding long distance was hard to do. I'm so glad we got to live together and get use to each others little things was good for us. I think it depends on the couple. But really for us it was worth it!
  4. I agree with pps. My ceremony was at 4 also. I didn't notice any people nearby. Though during pictures theres one guy in some of the shots. I have no idea what he is doing. But he's easy to crop out. Otherwise it was pretty secluded. I honestly wouldn't worry about it.
  5. WOW! That is amazing. You are a much better hostess than I. Everything looks great. I am totally jealous of your clothes. Good job girl!
  6. Just thought I'd post the newest update on the FLDS children taken by CPS, for those who were reading the other thread awhile back. Court: Texas had no right to take polygamists' children - CNN.com
  7. Oohhh. Have fun!!! I can't sleep either. And I accidently might know what my Hubby got me for my birthday!! Ooops!! Sorry for the hijack it's in my head!
  8. That's my dress. HAHA! We're twins. I have to say I looooooved my dress! I'm so glad to see another bride wearing it. However, I wore my sash tied in the front off to the side. The bow doesn't stay up tied in the back for me. It looks gorgeous on you! YAY!
  9. I would love to post a pic of the Daisy's I loved them. I was sad I couldn't take them home with me. However my PC (I'm on my laptop) is still packed. So let me see if I can find a pic. Most of my wedding pics are on the other computer.
  10. AWWWW! She is so beautiful!!! ETA: that video is so cute. The little lip thing so adorable!
  11. I have it in my Picasa and it's called Focal B&W. However it only does a circle and you can adjust the size. I hate this because it's usually not a circle I want to be colored. I know you can do this in photoshop but I am not smart enough to figure it out. However I bet our friend Morgan will be able to help . She's way too smart for me!
  12. No you are NOT selfish. When I was picking places, my BIL was trying to get us to pick TEXAS! I was like "Uhh..no" I live in texas. Why would I want to go there?? Anyways Finally I put my foot down. You pick where YOU want to get married. When they see how awesome a place you picked, they'll come around. Good luck!
  13. *sobs* I want to go back!! We should have like a ROR Bride Reunion. And like we all go at the same time! Oh dreams....Sounds like you had an awesome time. Congratulations MRS!!!! Can't wait to see pics!
  14. I'm sorry that happened. If you read my review Chandlyn never came to my room either! We called down ....it was more b/c we were stalling the wedding though and she thought we wouldn't start without my mom. So it was just mass confusion. But if I had a minister instead of the Judge I would of flipped. I might of stopped the wedding. I did NOT want a religious wedding. I'm so sorry that they mixed it up for you. But hey "no problems mon" You look gorgeous in your dress! And I LOVE the cake toppers!
  15. I wore a garter on my wedding day (not sure why) but I kept that one. I wore one at my AHR we didn't really do a sit down him take it off thing but he flipped it right into my dads hands. My dad tried not to catch it. It was pretty hilarious!
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by DougsGirl i had thought i just wanted one 2mm band with my solitaire e-ring, but when i went to try them on this weekend, i think i found a set i like better. i had my solitaire set up pretty high, so you can clearly see the point and underside of the diamond. i realized when i tried on 2mm bands with it, there are some styles that wont look right because of a higher profile than others. then i tried on a few contour bands, which dont work either because my diamond is not set low enough to need that wide of a curve. then the jeweler put another contour on top of the e-ring, opposite direction, and it looked so cool! so i think i might do that, if its in the budget. 8 weeks left and we still havent gotten our rings! oops! this is the ring, but picture another one flipped over, and in between both, my e-ring solitaire. This is my band two!! I have a solitaire that is set high so nothing looked right so I got this band except it has only 12 little diamonds.And I have one on both sides. Crazy!
  17. Can you tell I'm bored..haha. I'm sick and can't sleep or eat so here I am surfing BDW and my other forum. I really loved her dress too. She is itty bitty!!
  18. Aww. I love clearwater. My grandmother lived there. I remember visiting her there and going to the beach. I went for her funeral a few weeks ago but didn't make it to the beach. It's beautiful. I love your table runners!
  19. I was all excited to see one b/c everyone on here asks so I wanted to relay info. Really it sucked. They played a movie first about Bob Marley that went on TOO long so me and my DH walked down the beach for a while and talked. We finally walked back and it was STILL on so we were like screw this and started up to the bar above it. Finally it stopped. They had some performers like a guy who balanced chairs and then this little kid "Prince" who did some like acrobatic stuff. Then they tried to get the audience to dance and it didn't really work. Noone got up. We finally got bored and left. I hope it was like just random and ya'lls will be better.
  20. I think everyone is near done or already done. So if you're ready to discuss then go ahead. It was LadyCheese's book suggestion so if she has any book discussion question's she can post them here. Personally, I liked the book. I was a teachers aide in a Special ed class for 5 years and so it kind hit home how their is a certain stigma around children with disabilities. I was reading some questions on this book and it asked when it would be right to hide something from your family. I was wondering what you guys thought on that: The secret that David keeps is enormous and ultimately terribly destructive to himself and his family. Can you imagine a circumstance when it might be the right choice to shield those closest to you from the truth? Ok start discussin... and if anyone has a new suggestion for the next book please pm me so we can pick a new book!
  21. Awww she's beautiful!!! Gorgeous girl!!! I'm so glad everything turned out great for you. And glad little nugget is here. Congratulations MAMA!!!
  22. YAY! Congratulations to them. Such a cute name too.
  23. Holy cow. He likes his bling. So which one did you put on? HAHAH.
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