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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Yep. I have that book and am charting. We're trying dietary things too. And chiropractic. I agree with you. Every birth is unique. I'm not saying NEVER have a c-section. Sometimes it just has to be done. But I think the risks need to be known also. And the rise of unnecessary c-sections NEEDS to go down. Lady Cheese. I am so sorry! And heres a huuuuuuuge hug!!!!!!
  2. I am not a doula or midwife but have many friends who are! I don't usually share this but I will. Since I've been with my now husband we've been ttc. I have alot of fertility issues so it's been pretty hard for us. Every single on of my friends and family members have been getting pregnant and it's been really hard for me. I haven't shared this information with my family b/c its hard for me to talk about to them. My mom ends every email and phone conversation with "we're waiting on our grandbabies". So in this effort I am reading every single thing I can on fertility and childbirth. I have gotten really into reading about childbirth and how I want to go about it, if I get pregnant. I have met many women and heard their stories on childbirth. Most have brought me to tears. How they felt cheated by the healthcare system and their doctors. It's made me an advocate for childbirth I guess. I don't know why really b/c I'm not even pregnant! But being a nanny I have watched so many newborns and children. I have lost count. Been doing it for 12 years! Children are my life I guess. Because I feel so informed on many aspects I feel like EVERY woman should have that information, instead of solely relying on their doctor. Some women have amazing doctors or midwives who are great. But some don't. This is ending up a novel so I'll stop. Maybe that helps?
  3. Sorry girls!! Still unpacking and I got a new laptop so I didn't have my spreadsheet for our new book! I also need book suggestions from new members and girls who have never given a suggestion. I'm running out of books. I have 14 books and 17 No suggestions. Thats 32 members! Ok so first one to read this post pick a number 1-14.
  4. So I debated whether to post this thread. I actually started and then deleted and then got sick and decided to do it again. First off, I want to say this is not mean to offend anyone in any way! Informed choice is exactly what it says. It's your body it's your choice! I just want every woman to have the information before they make the choice. This subject is very close to my heart and I couldn't hold it much longer. I came to write this with so many BDW births happening lately and one post hit me. I won't write it here but it was something to do with convenience rather than a health risk and need. So I just wanted to put a few links in here about C-Sections. There is this fear around childbirth that is instilled in us from our Doctors. What we need to remember is we are woman. Our mothers, grandmothers, great grandmothers all gave birth. Back to the beginning of time we have given birth. It is a NATURAL process that our bodies are capable of doing. We have to trust our bodies to let us do this. C-Sections are MAJOR ABDOMINAL SURGERY! There are many many risks involved. Now saying that, I'm not saying you should never have a c-section. Sometimes its for the sake and health of the mother and child. Heart rating dropping, baby is stuck, a major health issue that requires a doctor to act fast. Than by all means yes a c-section is required. But there are risks for future pregnancies that doctors may not tell you. 2-4x maternal mortality, bigger chance of having a premie, higher infant mortality, more chances of breathing problems in the newborn, six months of recovery from major abdominal surgery, problems with breastfeeding, greater chances of complications like placenta accreta, previa, etc. in future pregnancies. Now doctors are recommending no more than 2 c-sections because of the increased risks in future pregnancies. It is also harder to find a OB who will deliver your second child vaginally if you had a previous csection. This is called a VBAC. These are all things to thing about before having a c-section. Not to mention recovery from a c-section is longer than a vaginal recovery. Not being able to lift anything heavy, driving, and pain. Ok that said here are a few links for those interested. Again this is not to offend anyone. I hate even posting this. But it makes me sick to my stomach and I just want the information for those who want it. If you don't that is fine. All that matters is at the end you have a healthy beautiful baby! If you go vaginally or a needed c-section. Cesarean Birth in a Culture of Fear C-sections may be behind rise of preemie births - Kids and parenting - MSNBC.com Childbirth Connection: helping women and families make decisions for pregnancy, childbirth, labor pain relief, the postpartum period, and other maternity care issues. International Cesarean Awareness Network If you want any more information please feel free to PM me. Or Mods if this against some rule I don't know about or too offending which I'm trying not to be you can delete it.
  5. I was about to post she looks like Kate from lost and someone beat me! You looked gorgeous! Congratulations!
  6. Glad to hear you had a great time! I bet it was beautiful. Congratulations!
  7. You look gorgeous! I'm glad everything went so smoothly. I also looooooooove the green! Gorgeous! Congratulations!
  8. Yep family is fine. I asked Chandlyn before I got there. My in-laws were my witnesses. And they don't have to be there 48 hours. Just have to be present at your wedding!
  9. I didn't do my makeup there. I just went to Sephora had them teach me how to do it like I wanted. I don't know the makeup there looked kinda old so I wasn't sure of them doing it for me. But maybe another bride used it. I think someone brought their own makeup and they did it and it was fine.
  10. Wow...so beautiful! Your hair is almost identical to mine but yours looks better. HAHA! Congratulations. You looked like you had a blast!
  11. That happened with my car except the window fell all the way down inside the door! Then I had no window! I sold the car to my dad and they had to fix it. It happened to the back window too. It cost 600 to fix both. The thing that was broke was the thing the window sits on to push it up and down. I have no idea what its called. It sucks though. I would not roll it down if I were you cause thats what I did and it fell all the way down!
  12. Our wedding was Tuesday we looked and picked out pictures on Wednesday had our pictures on Thursday. We had one picture printed the wrong size and we were leaving on Friday we took it friday morning and had a new one friday afternoon!
  13. My ceremony was at 4 but we were running late waiting for my Mom so it was more like 4:30 and probably 5 when we took pictures. I LOVE our pictures. Even though you can't see the sun setting it makes the clouds pink and orange and purple and it's so pretty and the water is blue. I loved it!
  14. So cute. I love everything! I did a DIY wedding cake for both my AHR. We used the molds to do candy shells and starfish. Yours are huge. I wish I had found those. You did a great job! Did you have kids eat the brown sugar off everything? We had brown sugar sand and all the kids ate it off the table!
  15. Congratulations. He's quite the cutie. Now he needs to meet Gwen and we could plan a DW wedding in about 20 years !!
  16. Ok it's been 4 hours. I can't stand it. I'm just surfing the web and I keep coming back and theres no update. The suspense is horrible!
  17. I'm searching youtube for the video I saw but I can't find it. However heres one that I could find. YouTube - Beware of Lemons at Restaurants
  18. There was a post on this before wasn't there? It had the video documentary on lemons at restuarants...hmm I saw that somewhere. After seeing that video I will NEVER touch a lemon at a restaurant! And I specifically tell them not to bring it with my DH's water!
  19. Holy crap..you're killing me! I want to KNOW....after he gives it to you say 'one sec' then run down and post it and you can go back to him! YEAH!
  20. Mine were late also and it was fine. I'd just scan them and email them and send them priority asap!
  21. I would try searching the forums b/c those have been answered. Personally I just had my dinner and reception in the mammee bay. You can also have it at the Plantation. Or you can have a beach reception but I'm not sure of the price. Maybe someone else can answer that who's done it. I did not hire a DJ but you can and you can rent the disco for that if you wanted. I brought a cd with my music for the ceremony and I think you can bring one for the DJ as well. I didn't do this but I'm sure someone else has the answers for you. Or try searching at the top. Chandlyn's email is [email protected]
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by crawford2B We only had 7 of us and 3 were kids. I tried to get my DH to post the video on youtube but that hasn't happened yet. In the video it starts with a few pictures to music (that we picked and brought with us) and then it shows me walking down the isle and the whole ceremony. Then it has us taking pictures after the ceremony, this is also to music. I think they did a great job! The transitions are good and we pick the music so of course we like that. I will try again to get him to post it. I think the problem is that it is too big to fit on youtube. I did find one before we left because I wanted to see what $300 was getting me, but it was choppy. If you go to youtube and type in ROR jamaica wedding there are lots of clips. This may help. Oh sorry I'm Lindsey. We are in St. Louis Missouri. I hope this helps! I will try and figure a way for you to see the video. It may take me a little bit. Im not the computer person, my DH is. Hey girl, try putting your video on vimeo...it's Vimeo, Video Sharing For You. They let you have a longer video on there. I put my slideshow which is 15 minutes long on there. Youtube has a timelimit and stuff. Try that and see if it works!
  23. I thought I replied to this thread and I guess I didn't. I did have a thread with the photos from Michael but I organized my photobucket and the links no longer work! AHH! I used Michael and I loved him! He's the sweetest ever and hilarious to work with. I have a wedding slide show but it includes pics from the resort and our wedding. If you want to sit through it I'll post the link. Michael's photos are in there as well. I ended up getting 10 on a cd and then having him print a bunch to hang. Obviously those I can't share b/c they're in frames (on my to do list) but they are gorgeous! If I had to do it over even with all the bad rap he gets I would choose him again! Wedding Slideshow on Vimeo ETA: It sounds like I only got 10 photos HAHA...I got a ton of photos from him he took hundreds. Plus he keeps all his photos indefinitely and said I could always order more later. So thats a plus if you're trying to save money now, you can always get more later!
  24. I vote for Abbie (she was almost my dress twin and shes my ring twin) and whenever I have a bad day she makes me smile! And of course I vote for Ann. It takes me 4 months after my wedding to post pics. She goes into labor and hours later has pics up! Damn thats good! (I don't know if I posted this already sorry if I did but the forum or my computer is being weird. It won't let me see page 3!) And I did ....mods feel free to delete the posts above!
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