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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Ok I think we picked names. We really liked Sage but couldn't find anything to go with it. We didn't think Basil really fit the other kitten. So we went with mythology. The little furry one we chose Loki the God of Mischief b/c he really is. He gets into everything and gets stuck falls over himself. And for the dark gray one we chose Erabos the God of Night and shadows. Because he's so dark and its hard to see him. Thanks girls for your help!!
  2. Last night on my birthday my honey drove me an hour to pick up 2 kittens. Their mom had been abandoned and she had 2 litters with this lady. There were kittens everywhere. Well I was only getting one but my honey surprised me and let me take home two! But we can't decide on names. They are both gray. One has white paws and white mouth. We like the names Sage and Willow but I think Willow might be girlie. We don't like "cat" names like Socks, Smokey, Shadow stuff like that. Anyone have any ideas? We like when the names kinda go together. Like Sage and Willow are both plant (trees). I'll be a good BDWer and show you their cute pictures! They LOVE to sleep! And not alone! They are good playmates!
  3. Yay! I actually had cake at midnight. B/c my DH made the cake last night and I couldn't stand staring at it! Haha. I also got my beautiful pots and pans that I registered for from my MIL. YES! I love them! And my beautiful new laptop. And I'll post a picture of my other present when I get it!
  4. I also use Melatonin. I don't like tylenol and things. Melatonin is great though!
  5. I had a burned cd and Chandlyn faded it out and all that stuff. But definitely one cd is easier I think!
  6. Mine was a french twist kinda and then she curled and pinned the hair up so it LOOKED like a bun but she didn't have to curl so much. FWIW my hair is almost to my waist so it would of taken longer to curl all of it. But it was ALL my real hair.
  7. I just bought half an hour ago the new physicians formula organic tinted moisturizer. I will let you know how it is, when I try it tomorrow!
  8. Looks like fun! I love your tent. Can I borrow it? hahah
  9. I'm so sorry. I have two friends both try this. One lives far away and I had to call the police to get to him. And my best girl friend I drove her to the ER. It's no fun. I try to call them every day. Or send cards to let them know that I'm there. I'm so sorry.
  10. I just noticed someone fixed my typo! Thank you whoever did it!!
  11. I would just go to the birth section ....they share the birth stories. They are amazing to read sometimes. But have tissues handy b/c some make me bawl my eyes out!
  12. Oh yes, still discuss. Noone had discussed in a while so I thought thats why we should pick a new book. But if you still want to discuss go for it. It takes a while for everyones new book to come too! I always wait till the discussion has faded out. Sorry girls!
  13. I agree that secrets shouldn't be kept. I'll share my family secret. My grandma just passed away last month. Well her sister and her had a huge fued. They lived across the street from each other. Her sister never had kids and never married. My grandmother had 4 children. Well I guess my mom was my grandpa's little angel and could do no wrong but my grandma held her at arms length. Well, when my grandma's sister was passing my 2 uncles were there and she said that my mom was not my grandma's. And died. Uh great. I guess my grandma said this too. Anyways, we know my grandpa cheated. So they think (theres no proof) that my grandpa cheated with the aunt and she had my mom but b/c she wasn't married she gave her to my grandma to raise. It's why my grandma treated her like that and my grandpa adored her. Crazy hmmm...But if they had just told the truth we'd know. But now we'll never know. And it means I could of really never met my real grandma!!!
  14. Thanks! I don't like tea so that kinda sucks for that. But I just now remembered having a cucumber water before. And it was good. So that might be yummy. I'm so excited our farmers market opens saturday!!! YAY! I have cut out soda before. A year ago and I lost a TON of weight. So I'm excited to do it again. Plus the headaches are not fun! I'm glad to see other people do this to! YAY!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by NHPT this is a really touchy subject but i thought i would throw in my two cents for what its worth....... i had a c-section and loved it. my daughter was breech and because of numerous reasons they were not able to try and turn while in utero so i was left with no other alternative. but i couldnt be happier. i loved the entire process and the recovery was not bad at all. and i DO NOT feel like less of a woman or mother because i didnt go through the pains of birth which is sort of what i feel like you are trying to say here- like those who elect for a csx are less of a woman because they arent doing what is the "more natural" route. it is the womans right to choose and if they choose elective c-sx then i think that is fine- it is your labor experience and you should be able to make it however you want it- but i think we are forgetting the big picture here and that is that is shouldnt matter how you choose to have your child- what is important is the parent that you are. and i could probably post all sorts of statistics that support the effectiveness for c-sx because there is SO much information out there and people and websites can manipulate info so it suits them....... just my side of the story- although i respect the alternative and as it has been said- we will just agree to to disagree on this one! No that's not what I was trying to say at all. I'm trying to say that everyone should have the information before going in. And quoting me from my first post I said "All that matters is at the end you have a healthy beautiful baby! If you go vaginally or a needed c-section." For those of you who wanted more information on midwives, hypnobirthing, homebirthing, waterbirthing, or birth centers. My other favorite forum. This forum has shown me so so so so much support. They are so helpful. They have moms who birth at home, birth centers and moms who do c/s. You can find anything there. Heres the link. The rules are a little different in that forum. No pictures posted in a post unless it's a link. You can't change your name. Stuff like that. It's a very very NFL board. (Natural family living). But I don't know some of you guys might like it. Heres the link: MotheringDotCommune Forums - Powered by vBulletin
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah OK, I could write a short novel here... as a Labor & Delivery nurse, I too am alarmed at the rising number of c-sections. But, I can tell you that there is sooooooo much more to the story than is evident in these articles. They are definitely written in an anti-c/s point of view. The rising percentage of c/s in the US is a result of many factors, and I will be the first to agree that physician convenience is occasionally a contributor. However, this is LARGELY the exception, not the rule. In my 3 years as a L&D nurse, I can think of THREE c/s that I attended and thought they were for a BS reason. Regardless of whether it is right or not, fear of litigation is a ruling factor in ALL American medicine, and obstetrics holds the highest rate of litigation- for obvious reasons. Here's the thing (and probably a novel concept for non-medical personnell): PATIENTS are to blame for this, NOT the medical professionals. Doctors and nurses are only responding to the enviroment in which we've been forced to work. If your baby is having decelerations that are ominous, and yet we delay a c/s (as many of these articles, and other anti-c/s advocates) because we are "relying" on a machine, sure, things might turn out just fine. But what if they don't? Yup, you'll sue us. I, the nurse, the doctor, and all involved are going to get dragged into court. Do you know that the hospital has QI initiatives to improve the "call to cut" time for c-sections? That means we need to get patients to the OR FASTER becase of bad outcomes. Also, in response to the article about preterm infants and higher c-section rates, consider this.... in the US, women have way more comorbidities than in any other country. We deliver women who weigh 500lbs, are diabetic, have cardiac issues, have major health issues- in another country these women would either not become pregnant, wouldn't keep their pregnancy, or would die before they got the chance to go into labor! lol We have advanced medicine to such a point that NOTHING is natural anymore. Natural selection would weed these patients out- they simply wouldn't survive pregnancy, much less have the opportunity to become a statistic. This is also why we have so many more complications in this country- the obesity alone is a HUGE contributor. Another thought: Do you have any idea how many elective inductions we do? Many of these result in a c-section. These are inductions purely for the patient's convenience. Not because the doctors are making them- these women WANT to be delivered, regardless of the method. Ask poor Christine, who can't sleep, can't eat, can't do anything right now she's so uncomfortable. I bet, given the option, that she'd have to resist hard not to pick an induction or c-section right now rather than wait almost another month. We'll labor people for DAYS before we finally have to do a c-section. Have you seen "The Business of Being Born"? It's a documentary by Ricki Lake. You'd probably like it- it's definitely anti c/s. But, it's full of so many contradictory statements, and misinformation it's maddening. However, to the lay person, it's taken as gospel truth. How many babies have CP and other disorders related to oxygen deprivation related to deliveries where intervention was denied? I could tell you absolute HORROR stories of things that have happened at our local "Birth Center" run by midwives. Yes, I could tell you horror stories of things that happened in the hospital too- but those are things that happened despite our ability to intervene. Bad things happen in a birth center because people are too ignorant to know what intervention is needed. Yes, women have been having babies for thousands of years. And it is a natural process. But, if you knew something could save your life, or save your baby's life, wouldn't you want that option? The last 2 infant codes I've been in on have been midwife deliveries, btw...deliveries without fetal monitoring, without much intervention, etc. Sorry if I sound harsh, but there is soooo much ignorance on this topic. It is a huge problem. But, it's not just the medical system's problem. It starts with the patient, and the choices that patients make. I think we might have to agree to disagree. Yes I have seen TBOBB. I actually liked that movie. I took my DH and another couple along with us. While you make good points on c-sections needed in a emergency, alot of c-sections are being done b/c women just want to be done. Or a doctor doesn't want to sit around and wait for a woman to go at her own pace. I don't know how many times I've heard women go in and the doctor says start pitocin which makes your contractions harder and then the pain is so much she gets an epidural and then it slows it down and the doc says it's not happening fast enough lets do a c-section. I totally agree c-sections are a need at times when it's medically necessary! But this lets go in get a c-section so we can all go home is unnecessary. It gives too many risks. And then you have to find a doctor next time around who will do VBACS which is hard to do also. If we didn't have all these Doctors scaring women about childbirth, women might want to do it natural with out all these medical interventions. Yes they are needed in some cases but not as many that are happening today.
  17. We don't have trader joe's . I live really far out in the mountains now. My town has one stoplight. I have to drive 30 minutes to Durango. Which is also kindof small. My stores are limited. But there are TONS of health food stores here!
  18. I tried to find lemon juice at the store yesterday I couldn't find it. We bought lemons and reminded me of the lemon thread haha. On another topic I realize I put a 'd' in the title. Woops.
  19. So my DH and I have finally found a place to really eat healthier. We were trying in Missouri but for some reason organic food is more expensive elsewhere. Well in CO it is cheaper than other food. Anyways we have cut out all processed food and caffeine and high fructose corn syrup and gluten. I know crazy! I was wondering if any of you girls don't drink caffeine. And if you don't what do you drink. And I don't want to count juice that has sugar, corn syrup stuff. So what do you drink other than water Right now I'm drinking Acai and the 'C' has a weird symbol haha. Anyways its an organic smoothie. But it tastes a little funny. It's made by Sambazon? I'd love to find something that tastes GOOD! Anyone?
  20. I hope you get positive results!
  21. I have tried to tell my sisters but when I told them they didn't talk to me for weeks. My mother had 7 kids and thinks all her girls have no trouble. I tried to tell her once and everything I said she had an answer for so I felt let down. I don't want to try again with her.
  22. Yay! The winner is Phoebe75's book suggestion Water for Elephants by Sara Gruen. I haven't heard anything about this book so I'm cant wait to see how it is.
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