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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. I'm so glad you guys love it! They are so good! And yes you can totally join in!!!
  2. Yay! And we're back. Seems we had a little snafoo and this thread disappeared. I don't think anyone noticed. How's everyone doing on Hunger Games. And was wondering if you are enjoying it do you want to do all 3 books and end on January 12th and discuss all 3???
  3. It never says what year, if thats what you're asking. It's an unspecified time. I think the author in an invterview said "centuries" into the future. Glad to hear people liking it!!!!
  4. Totally forgot today is the 12th! Discussion time!!! I loved this book!!! It joined my four shelves of books on the Holocaust! I was bawling by the end! The characters were very well thought out, the plot was engaging and it drew me in. I found a few questions to help the discussion: 1. What did you know about France’s role in World War II—and the Vél d’Hiv round-up in particular—before reading Sarah’s Key? How did this book teach you about, or change your impression of, this important chapter in French history? I actually knew about it. Since 8th grade when my english teacher realized how much I read and had me talk to her husband who was a rabbi and who's dad survived the Holocaust. They gave me personal copies of books and since then have grown my collection quite extensively. 2. Among modern Jews, there is a familiar mantra about the Holocaust; they are taught, from a very young age, that they must “remember and never forget†(as the inscription on the Rafle du Vél d’Hiv) Discuss the events of Sarah’s Key in this context. Who are the characters doing the remembering? Who are the ones who choose to forget? Obviously Julia is remembering, but there were a lot of people after the Holocaust who wanted to forget, including survivors. It was kind of a taboo subject. It was years before people openly talked about their experiences. Especially people who felt they could of helped more and didn't want the blame placed on them. Obviously, the French didn't want this dirty mark on them so they chose to forget. 3. Why do modern readers enjoy novels about the past? How and when can a powerful piece of fiction be a history lesson in itself ? I enjoy novels from the past b/c I think it's important we learn from them. It was a dark time in history and though we say "never forget" we are repeating history. Genocide is still happening around the world. Other people are suffering and saying we won't forget but not acting is our problem. We must not forget and take the steps to prevent it. 4. We are taught, as young readers, that every story has a “moralâ€. Is there a moral to Sarah’s Key? What can we learn about our world—and our selves—from Sarah’s story? I think it has many morals. One like above..not forgetting. Second, we must realize we are all human beings. We cannot spend our lives being racist and act like one person is better than another. We have to show humanity. We cannot be naive that just b/c we remember that something like this can't happen. It happened in Rwanda, it is happening in the Sudan. Yet, we do not like to talk about it. We can't afford to turn our backs and then after the fact act surprised, shocked and ashamed. I think that is the moral of the story.
  5. Cool. I didn't mean online, though. I just said Black Friday sale. It'd be worth it though!!
  6. I have heard (not confirmed) that on Black Friday the Nook will be on sell for $99 dollars at Best Buy for anyone interested.
  7. I have heard (not confirmed) that on Black Friday the Nook will be on sell for $99 dollars at Best Buy for anyone interested.
  8. Make sure to visit the Facebook page for nook. Very helpful also!! Quote: Originally Posted by Debs Nook? Never even heard of it! Off to google!! Thanks Cali!
  9. Didn't realize this was back open. On the reading thread we were discussing. I just upgraded to the Nook from Sony. My MIL has the kindle. Comparing the 2 (in my opinion) the Nook is better. More options. You can get books FREE from your library. Amazon is locked in to amazon only books. I check out books from the library and buy from Sony, Borders and B&N. The touch screen is amazing! You flick your finger to turn the page. You get free books every friday! The update on the 19th makes for even faster page turns. Go in store to read books for free and get coupons for free food/drinks/chocolate. I'm in love with my Nook. And lending books to other nookians is awesome!
  10. Don't judge a book by it's cover! I know it sounds kinda Sci-fish but this series is really amazing! If you don't like the first book I'd be SHOCKED. I think it'd be great for required reading in schools!
  11. This is true! Actually had someone PM me to see if we would read book 2 next. So if you guys read it and want to we could do all 3 books. They are short and fast but totally worth it! We could do a 2 month one this time so we would finish on January 12 instead? Pass the holidays up! There are 3 books..The Hunger Games, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Let me know what you guys think.
  12. You sure can! PM me a suggestion for NEXT month's drawing. We give one month for reading. And we just chose The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collin's.
  13. I kept everyone's same suggestion. Random number generator gave me 11 which is Geralyn who chose Suzanne Collin's "The Hunger Games". We open book discussion for Sarah's Key on Friday the 12th. We will read The Hunger Games and discuss it on December 12th. Brief synopsis on The Hunger Games: In the ruins of a place once known as North America lies the nation of Panem, a shining Capitol surrounded by twelve outlying districts. The Capitol is harsh and cruel and keeps the districts in line by forcing them all to send one boy and one girl between the ages of twelve and eighteen to participate in the annual Hunger Games, a fight to the death on live TV. Sixteen-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives alone with her mother and younger sister, regards it as a death sentence when she is forced to represent her district in the Games. But Katniss has been close to dead before-and survival. Happy Reading!!!!
  14. No i want to slap them too! I just stay quiet. They don't understand. My faovorite is when they say something like "I can't NOT get pregnant" "He just looks at me and I'm pregnant". Oh GREAT. Good for you..why don't you keep it to yourself how bout?
  15. It's annoying to me too! And I get comments ALLL the time. "Relax, when you're not trying it will work." "It'll happen when God is ready" , "When you least expect it." "Enjoy your time as a married couple, you'll miss it when you get pregnant."Puh-lease. We have tried not trying. We have relaxed and just enjoyed our time together. But those comments rub me the wrong way!! I'm tired of hearing them. Hahaha!!!
  16. Carly, Sorry I haven't answered. Didn't see it. I check like 2 threads on here! I was told a while back I had POF (Premature Ovarian Failure) but then was told that was a false diagnosis. I am now listed under "unexplained infertitlity". There is no explained reason on why. I am going on now 4 years in May of not getting pregnant. I totally feel your pain!!
  17. Also, some of the review is wrong. You CAN use your nook while charging and battery lasts about the same. That first review says you can't. My MIL and I tested it. As long as your turn wi-fi off (I don't turn it on except to get Dailys once a day) your battery will last as long.
  18. I figured it out! Those reviews are from when it first debuted almost a year ago. There were some kinks (amazon had them too). Almost all have been worked out!! They had an update! So most of the reviews are about the nook a while back. They should update those!!
  19. Hmmm..On any board I go on I haven't seen any touchscreen problems. The touch screen is the same as my iPhone. The e-inks are the same so I don't know about less stressfull for the eyes. I only use mine for reading. I'm a big reader. I read on average 4-6 books a week (depending on size). My suggestion is go to target and try the kindle and then go to wal-mart and try the nook. Hands on is the best way to go!!! I love my nook and you love your kindle!!! And the update this month gets faster page turning WOO WOO!
  20. Oooh. I forgot Free Fridays. Every Friday they give a free book out. And in store reading at any B&N go in and read books for free and get coupons for free drinks and desserts at starbucks just by showing your nook! YUMMM!
  21. I want to know where you read that comparison. If you hold them side by side and try the features ...Nook wins. My MIL has a kindle and she wants a nook. A lot of people return the kindle for the nook. You can't beat more books from B&N PLUS library books for FREE. You are not locked into Amazon and can purchase books from other stores. Every time I want a book I check amazon and they don't have it. Def. do your research!!!!!!! Replacing your own battery instead of shipping it and getting a refurbished Kindle sucks!! Expandable memory for the nook to hold more books and the touch screen to flip your pages. An update like the iPhone so you don't have to buy a whole new e-reader. I could go on but I think the Nook has got kindle beat. But it's all a matter of opinion!
  22. We have not, but we can! Does anyone want to submit a new book. I still have a few girls haven't given me a suggestion.
  23. Glad people are liking it!!! I bawled. I'm such a baby!!
  24. I have the Nook. Personally, I wouldn't go with Nookcolor. It's geared more towards tablet people like the iPad. If you're going to do serious reading the LCD screen strains your eyes. I'm INLOVE with my nook. Go to facebook and join the nook page. There's a ton of discussions on both. I don't see why you would need colors for books. They aren't in color, they are black and white. Unless you read a ton of magazines. But that's just my opinion!!!!! Oh and the Nook gets an update this month! YAY!
  25. I think it's more discussion when we discuss some of the questions. Maybe we can pick a few and all answer just those. An idea.
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