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Everything posted by Birdie07

  1. Ok, so I got a response back from Diva Cup. However, I do know people who have personally returned theirs. So it's wierd how they responded. I would just go with the measurement they give and you'll be fine. Heres the response: Quote: Dear Calia: We cannot refund because of disappointment with the product. It is impossible for us to determine if a woman has really tried to master the use or has simply changed her mind. The DivaCup, as all menstrual cups and tampons, are considered medical devices and are regulated by the FDA and Health Canada. We also must adhere to local health regulations. The amount of energy expended on returns has taken us way from our ultimate goal: to offer The DivaCup to women worldwide, and thereby have a positive effect on women’s lives, as well as reduce the disposable feminine hygiene eco-footprint on the planet. Use of The DivaCup lessens the billions of tampons and pads being dumped into the environment. The good news is that with patience and careful attention most women learn the knack of using The DivaCup quickly, and they want to keep it! We offer continued assistance on how to use the cup should one need more information. Your friend will want to check with her vendor to learn of their return policy before purchasing. Please take note of the sizing information below: Model 1: for women who are under 30 years old who have never had childbirth or c-section. Model 2: for women who are 30 years old and over and/or for all women who have had vaginal childbirth or c-section. There is a small difference between the two sizes (Model 1 is 1/8" (~0.3 cm) smaller), but it is important to use the recommended sizing to prevent leakage. Warm regards, The DivaCup Team Home - DivaCup™
  2. Ok I just called and left a message and emailed them. But if I remember right they will exchange with no problem. But I'll post as soon as I get an answer and I'm gonna post in my other forum and see what they say. ETA: The DC has a moneyback guarantee so if you don't like it get your money back too. Plus the size is like 1/8'' smaller. So I think you'll be fine. It's not a big difference.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn I think I may order one as well... I spent a good half hour looking at it after the green thread, and now I think I may just go for it. I'm still worried that ordering based on my age - over 30 - may not be the right size, but c'est la vie. Calia (I think that's who posted it) are you sure they are exchangeable? I just searched their site and the forum I belong to of Diva users...and if there is something wrong with it they will exchange and alot of the users said they called and said they had the wrong size and they exchanged it. However, I can't find it on their site. So I'm gonna call and ask real fast.
  4. YAY! I just found out we're going home to Dallas for Christmas. YAY! I'm so excited too. Have fun!!!!
  5. I know this discussion didn't make it very far. Are we wiping our hands and want a new book??
  6. HAHA! You guys are hilarious! My DH doesn't find it gross. But he is a doctor and had to dissect human bodies. As to the boiling. Yes just go buy the smallest cheapest pot in the store. You can also wash it with vinegar and water. I just rinse with the hottest water when I'm using it and it helps to put it in if its a little wet. Then at the end of my cycle I wash in boiling water and put back in the bag. And the PP who talked about tampons making you dry. I HATE HATE that so much. And with the diva cup it doesn't it's great. Plus there is a measuring line on the DC that tells you how much you bleed. I always feel like I bleed so much with tampons. But I barely fill up the DC. I know it's full cause I can feel it? I don't know how to explain. It gets heavier I guess. I also recommend Luna Pads that Jess linked. They are adorable and so soft. You can use liners as a backup if you're scared of leaking. And again you CANNOT use this during sex. It sits too low. Unless your man is 1/2 an inch. Then I'm very sorry! Oh and Morgan who asked about being at work. I always carry water with me...just b/c I like to keep hydrated. But another board I read about women who carry water in their purse so they can rinse it instead of wipe it with a tissue. Just use the water and rinse over the toilet. I rarely need to empty mine while I'm out b/c you can keep it for 12 hours as long as your flow isn't really heavy.
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by JoLo908 On another note, this seems like a great alternative because a lot of women are not in to tampons and pads...not that I love them either... and it is environmentally friendly too... So completely random, but what did women do back in the day before the invention of tampons or pads? Before women had a say in anything? They used cloth rags. Cut into strips usually. They would wash and reuse them. They also used moss, grass or sea sponges. Or nothing at all! But its where the term "on the rag" comes from.
  8. I don't think you can use the Diva cup during sex if that is what you're meaning. It sits too low for that. I do know someone who puts theirs in after sex to catch "Stuff". Yikes! But for the diva cup mine sits too low to ever have it in. Funny you say it should come with lipstick. It does come with a cute little bag and pin that says Diva and have flowers. Haha...I asked DH...Am I suppose to wear the pin? Haha.
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by ginalynn OK...I have to admit that I don't think a post on this forum has made me do so much searching and research OUTSIDE of the forum. I would actually be interested in trying it, mostly because I think pads and tampons are GROSS and smelly, and because my periods are very irregular in terms of flow so I feel like I am constantly running to the bathroom to make sure everything down there is still ok (sorry, that was kind of gross, wasn't it). Is this a Canada thing? I have never seen them in Michigan...anywhere. I live really close to Canada (I can actually see Canada from across the river where I live) and could drive there in about 20 or so minutes. Where do you buy one of these things? I bought mine at a health food store. If you go to Diva cup's site you can search for a place to buy it or you can order it online and they will ship it to you.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lauren and it doesn't feel like it has to come out when you poop? haha. No. If it does you can reach in and push up while tightening your muscles. And it helps getting it out if you bare down very slightly to help push it out.
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Jenn Interesting product, but its not reusable... so it doesn't work as a green alternative. I was thinking about ordering the diva cup after it was brought up in the eco-friendly thread. I really don't know what size to order though, and it doesn't really seem like the kind of thing that if you order the wrong size you can return it after 'trying on' - lol. Carly - I don't know if you'll get used to it after time, but I remember being aware of my tampon when I first used them. You can return if you get the wrong size. They don't send it back out. You determine size by if you have gone through child birth or over the age of 30. And it is reusable the diva cup is. I don't know about the instead.
  12. I LOVE LOVE LOVE my Diva cup. I posted it in the Going Green thread. Lets see if I can explain it easier. It's a small silicone cup which you fold and insert right under your cervix. It helps if you kegel to tighten your muscles and do that and it pulls it up and keeps it in. You can keep it in so much longer than tampons. Then you squeeze the bottom and dump and then rinse off. I hate tampons b/c it grosses me out to stick toilet paper type stuff with that chemical in it. Plus after you flush it it goes to the waste treatment and they SCRAPE all the nasty tampon stuff off the top. EW! When I'm in public if it's full and I NEED to take it out I do and wipe with toilet paper. It's really not gross. I promise. I think it's a very green alternative. It's silicone or if you get the moonkeeper ( i think) it's rubber. And you don't throw it away for a long time. And theres one site that recycles them. But using all that paper to make so many tampons which are just like sposie diapers in landfills. I do agree it takes a bit to get used too. It takes 2 or 3 cycles to get the hang of it. But tampons for me anyways are uncomfortable with the strings and TMI Alert make you very dry. Ugh. If the stem is too long and you can feel it just trim it down. I personally don't use the stem I squeeze the bottom. But I totally recommend for everyone! ETA: ABout the DH thing. My DH thinks it's a great alternative to tampons. B/c tampons irritate me and he's with me on being green. Since you rinse and I boil mine after each period.
  13. Becks, that one is so cute! I don't know how it would hold up hiking and stuff. But I really like it. It's such a hard decision.
  14. We were at ROR and had AT&T and we could call out. But the charges were ridiculous when we got back. We had our sister call the hotel from the states and her bill was outrageous too. And they discussed the calling card at our intro meeting and it was expensive. We ended up just emailing from the internet where you could get a 10 dollar card for an hour or something.
  15. Oooh thanks...I added one more...sorry! I didn't think of a poll!
  16. So I'm pretty sure I have this new nanny job. I really need a diaper bag/backpack. I'm going to do alot of hiking and walking with him. So I need a bag that I can do alot with. I don't want a messenger bag b/c I don't want to kill my shoulder. So I really want a bag that goes across your chest but has pockets for easy access to phone and things. I found a few but if you know of one that fits this description please let me know. I need it to hold quite a few things. Diapers, kanteen, bottles, food, wallet, keys, sunscreen, glasses, etc. Does anyone know one they love or use any of the ones below. Or which one below do you think works. I don't want it to bulky or heavy and I don't want it too small. I just can't find what I'm looking for. Bag 1 Bag 2 Bag 3 Bag 4 Bag 5 Bag 6
  17. I don't know either. I'm taking prenatal's b/c you're suppose to take them before, during, and after a pregnancy. I've been taking them a while and my hair doesn't grow even though I just cut a foot off! And my nail's aren't growing faster. I think it's pregnancy that does that.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by karina0512 Hi Everyone! I found this thread by typing "Durango". I am looking for possible wedding reception sites/facilities in Durango, CO for next summer. I had originally thought of having a destination wedding in Mexico, but I started getting a lot of grief from some extended family members so I am on the search again. My fiancee is from Aztec which is about 30 miles south of Durango, so I'm just trying to find out some info about Durango & what facilities are available. If you can help, I'd really appreciate it! I live right outside durango, but I am new to the area so I don't know much about wedding sites. I can look into it and let you know. I know it is beautiful though so I'm sure theres something.
  19. When I lived in Texas and didn't eat as healthy as I do now. I use to buy the cake batter icecream and eat it. It is yummy. And I use to mix it with banana ice cream...too bad we don't have cold stone here.
  20. I would. But I live 6 hours from Denver so I would need alot of notice.
  21. Thanks guys. My DH took it hard. He was sobbing when he told me. I was still asleep. So I didn't get to say bye. His brother doesn't know yet. He wandered around and fell asleep. He hasn't realized it. We buried him in our backyard b/c the vet doesn't do anything there and the humane society is 30 minutes away. So we just did it. My DH picked some Daisy's and laid them too. Quote: Originally Posted by Shay2679 So so sad. Losing a pet SUCKS. Our hedgehog passed away a few weeks ago, and we miss him so much...I really feel for you. Has the vet given you any insight as to what may have been wrong with the little guy? Do you have to take your other kitten in to be checked out, just to make sure it wasn't something...else? Give brother kitty big kisses. They think he might of eaten something toxic. And we have houseplants so we're gonna toss them all. We're gonna clean everything to make sure our other cat doesn't get it. But they think it was something toxic b/c it struck so fast. And loki seems fine. Eating alot and playing. Quote: Originally Posted by Emily&Matt I'm so sorry to hear that. He might have had feline leukemia. You might want to test the other kitty. Sometimes they can live a long time, but you don't want to expose them to other cats. Well we took our kitty in a few weeks ago. They both had herpes but its not life threatening. They both just had goopy eyes. And the Loki had it worse. But he just had an upper respiratory infection. We gave him antiobiotics and eyedrops. They tested him for leukemia and it was negative. And she said if one had it the other would so I don't think it was that. But Erabos (the one who passed) was always fine.
  22. He started puking two days ago. He stopped eating and drinking And we made an appt. to go to the vet today. I fell asleep last night petting him. THis morning DH couldn't find him and found him laying by the water bowl, so he ran to the vet and waited for it to open. The Dr. said he'd put an iv and when DH got home they called to say they didn't even get it in before he passed away. His brother keeps looking for him. And he was so small I've been wearing his collar on my wrist. Today officially sucks.
  23. First, the writing on the picture is not calligraphy. Second, no I wouldn't spend almost 100 dollars on writing. I would go to your aunt and have her test a few. I would just take a permanent sharpie pen (not marker) and do it very neatly. I think it'll turn out fine.
  24. I don't know if everyone is done. But some of us are. So I thought we'd open for discussion. If you're not done don't worry we'll wait for you! So I'll go first. I LOVED this book. I took it on a 4 hour road trip to the boonies and finished right as we pulled in the driveway. The last part of the trip I was bawling. I love the idea of an old-same. I feel like me and my best friend are like this. Except for a fan we text. Haha! I love the insight we got into China. The foot binding, the marriages and such. Though the foot binding is so cruel. I could never do that! OW! All in all I think it was a very good book and very inspiring.
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by Sarah what about babies with defects that can be corrected with surgery? What about cleft lip/palate babies? Are they perfect? Would it be better to leave them in their natural state? In many parts of the world where there isn't access to medicine people are left that way. I think those that get to have the surgery would probably say they are much better off. Totally not the same thing as a circumcision, but definitely my favorite rebuttal to the notion that babies are born perfect. Unfortunately not. Thanks you replying. It's nice to see both sides. I'm not going to reply about circing again b/c I can see that I'm the only one against it. The only thing I want to reply is about cleft palate. I don't think it has any standing and the reason I am replying is my nephew was born with cleft palate! Is he perfect? YES HE IS! WE tell he him all the time. He is the most perfect 4 year old. Did we make him that way? No. It wasn't a CHOICE. And to not give him surgery would of made it so he couldn't eat, breath, or swallow. So it's no where near the same as circing. He is about to go into surgery in the next few weeks and I was gonna post about it b/c we're worried. Do we want him to have surgery? Noone wants their child to go through that but he NEEDS it. He has big breathing problems right now. So comparing it to circing isn't correct. Cleft palate is a much required surgery. And he is perfect. In our eyes. Maybe not anyone elses eyes. And for the record him and his brother are perfect little intact boys. Never had an infection. I wouldn't of replied at all b/c I want both sides out there and you did a great job. Just the cleft palate thing bothers me since its close to our heart and home.
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