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My friend just sent me this link. WARNING: Do not click if you do not have about ten hours of free time. I cannot drag myself away. And I thought my life sucked! If you are easily offended by cursing do not click either. Here it is: F*** My Life - FML : Your everyday life stories.
Quote: Originally Posted by Bisha Hello ladies! As you can tell from my siggy, I'm no longer part of this club but, my best friend is. Her and hubby have been TTCing for almost a year now. She got off the pill and they started trying about 3 months later. After several unsucesfull cycles and then a period that wouldn't start for 4 months, she went to the doc and found out she hasn't been ovulating, at all! Long story short, she's now on Clomid and actually got a positive ovulation on the pee test for the first time last month and we thought she was preggers only to find out she's not this past Sat. She's really a truper and staying positive and I'm trying to support her every way I can. I know it's tough for her and hubby, especially knowing that we'll have our little one in May and the road is still unknown for them I have to say that I read through this entire post and have a ton of useful info to bring back to her. I did have a question for Calia. Do you have a conception yoga tape that you do or an actual class you go to? Good luck to your friend. I do have to say it is hard to be cheerful around friends with new babies. Of course I'm not debbie downer but its nice that you know she's hurting inside but happy for you. Some people don't realize and get offended. Thanks for being a great friend. On the yoga I did regular yoga classes and was a friend with a yoga instructor for a while before I started doing yoga on my own. I can't afford classes right now and There are no yoga classes centered around fertility around here. So I have a fertility yoga DVD I do as my personal practice. But I did other yoga for a while before ttc. I'm glad too bc I got to learn before I jumped in by myself.
thanks for the suggestions. We're leaning towards a light grayish green with accent colors. Also the couch issue. We wouldn't put just a couch but couch and chairs. It's a small town and most people know each other and usually talk it up. But we'd have chairs too. Also the wait is not long not like a physicians office. Plus he has 3 exam rooms. I will definately let you know what we decide.
My DH and I are opening our own practice. We already have our space and all that. We are now down to decorating. I want to go with a light green b/c the floor tile has a little orange in it. He doesn't like green but I don't think blue will really go. Plus the front space is smaller so I don't want to go to dark and make it look smaller. If you were in a doctor's office what colors relax you? I was thinking of doing a darker green (sagey) on an accent wall and getting a big mirror to open it up. Any ideas? Also what do you think of a couch and chairs instead of all chairs? Oh and this is a Chiropractor's office if that makes a difference. So there's a massage therapist too so relaxing and comforting colors are good.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I have heard human hair works for deer that are eating your garden as well.... This one is true. I live in the middle of nowhere and we have deer pretty much everyday in our yard. They ate our garden! We grow food mostly and rose bushes and a wildflower garden. Anyways take the hair from your hairbrush and scatter it. Really! I promise!
I've also read that it's a hoax. I don't think he really is that out of it or that his publicist would let him do that on purpose.
My cat has had this too. When he does cough they tell us its an Upper Respiratory Infection and give us meds. Don't worry the meds aren't expensive. It's just liquid medicine. It just sucks giving it to them. Good luck hope they get better soon.
Thanks for the suggestions. I realized you guys all thought of facial and I really need a whole body one. I actually don't need anything for my face. I will definitely try some of these.
Something personal that only you two would understand. My DH got his engraved when he graduated but it says "Dr...and his name" I would do something sentimental for him. If I did one for my DH I'd write 'Deal' b/c its a inside thing for us when we say something we say 'deal'.
I also wasn't trying to argue or start a debate just wanted to fix the misconception. I apologize. I tried to keep my opinions out of it. Sorry for spelling errors I'm on my iPhone. Anyways back to preggo talk.
I got a prescription. But just to clear up the spots. She did give me some advice just cream not lotion. I just thought I'd get firsthand advice on creams.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kelly C Shea, In the state of Mo they dont really give you a choice on Vaccines. THey have to have them to go to school. NHPT, Haha....it's ok. I know I'm not mainstream on that one. But actually I was trying not to post my views at all until my last post when I was replying to Christines "weighing pros and cons". I was actually posting facts on the first statemnt (above)and the others that you have to have vaccines going to public school. It's a common misconception and I was just putting the facts out there. I actually use to be so pro-vaccine when I worked with special needs kids for 6 years. Until I did my own research and talked with my friends who are family practicioners and my DH. But everyone has the right to their opinion and I'm glad it didn't get into an argument which is usually does in forums! Thats why I love BDW!! But I just wanted to clear up the misconception about public schools and vaccines.
I didn't know where to post this....so if it belongs in an existing thread Mods feel free to delete or move. I was trying to figure out if it's my internet, computer or the forum. I've been having trouble getting BDW to load or it takes forever. Any other website is fine just BDW. Is anyone else having similar problems?
You can watch online at sidereel.com or surfthechannel.com....or try anyways. Some take forever to load!
I Love my gmail. I got mine when it was a demo and you had to be invited to get one. I haven't used anything since. I have hotmail just for the MSN messenger ID. I've switched every account I have to my gmail one. I use the color coding system and love it. I also use the IMing too. And google docs when I open a file. I never delete emails anymore and it's made it so easy. I have thousands of emails stored. LOVE it!
Argh. I watched the first episode online b/c I've heard rave reviews. But I can't get the second one to load. And my library said they had it and then didn't. I'm not sure if I should just buy the first seasons. I really want to watch it though. I grew up LDS (Mormon) till I was 19 so I really want to see how they portray it. I'm gonna try to load the second episode again.
I recently went to the dermatologist b/c I suddenly got extremely dry skin. She told me not to use lotion b/c at this high altitude it just evaporates. Um ok? So I need a good recommendation for a cream. I use all organics but for this I'll use something else if it's good. What do you use that really moisturizes.
I need to buy new tennis shoes. I can't seem to pick and we don't have any stores near here to try on so I'm going have to order online. What are your suggestions and do they run small or large. Are they good for running, sports, etc. How long did yours last? I'm open to all suggestions.
Quote: Originally Posted by jamisoncollette I just found this thread and had to read all six pages. DH and I are TTC, have been for three months now I guess. He is very much into tracking, more than I am. I will check out some of the sites everyone is using. Mostly I am nervous because I miscarried several years ago after successful pregnancy. I also had cervical cancer and an ovary and fallopian tube removed so I am scared I may not conceive again. I made the mistake of telling my friend we are trying and now she is always asking if I am pregnant. Oh I wish it were that easy! I hadn't heard of fertility yoga, what is different from other types of yoga? Welcome. Hope your stay is short! I feel you on the friends and family always asking. I get so sensitive and having to keep answering no is a pain. I'm sorry about your miscarriage those are never easy. The fertility yoga is basically poses that help strengthen the areas of the body for fertility. And taking out poses that are bad for those same types of areas. So it's certain poses really. Focusing more on your reproductive areas and such. If that made any sense.
Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Calia, just a few years ago the state of Maryland refused to let some parents register their children for school. I am not saying that your comments are untrue entirely but there are some vaccines that are mandatory in almost every state. Also the risk of the vaccine is by far a much better risk than the actual virus. I teach in public schools and there is no way that our students would be allowed to enter without proper vaccinations. Yes there are some ways to exempt yourself but its a huge risk you are taking to assume you will get exempt. Yes, they are mandatory for those who DO NOT have an exemption form. I believe I know what case you are talking about where they herded the parents and children in with armed guns and dogs. That one? In that case they were children and parents who did NOT have an up to date vaccine record or exemption form on file. You can google it. It didn't include parents who had correct exempt forms. I happen to live in an easy state. I fill out a box for personal reasons (philosophical) and I'm fine. So yes it depends on your state for how easy. But saying there's no way that some kids can't go to public school isn't true. My in-laws taught for over 30 years and here almost half the kids weren't vaxed. I live in a very alternative health area. If they have an exempt form they can. Quote: NVIC — Maryland Exemptions Effective currently: (1) The individual objects to immunization because it conflicts with the individual's bona fide religious beliefs and practices; or (2) The individual is a minor and the individual's parent objects to immunization because it conflicts with the parent's bona fide religious beliefs and practices. Effective May 2008: a child whose parent objects to immunization on the ground that it conflicts with the parent's bona fide religious beliefs and practices may not be required to present a physician's certification of immunization in order to be admitted to school. Quote: ETA: I didn't realize you were in VA oops....I have Maryland on the brain. A. Religious and medical exemptions. No certificate of immunization shall be required of any student for admission to school if: 1. The student or his parent or guardian submits a Certificate of Religious Exemption (Form CRE 1), to the admitting official of the school to which the student is seeking admission. Form CRE 1 is an affidavit stating that the administration of immunizing agents conflicts with the student's religious tenets or practices. For a student enrolled before July 1, 1983, any document present in the student's permanent school record claiming religious exemption shall be acceptable, or 2. The school has written certification on any of the documents specified under "documentary proof'' in 12 VAC 5-110-10 from a physician or a local health department that one or more of the required immunizations may be detrimental to the student's health. Such certification of medical exemption shall specify the nature and probable duration of the medical condition or circumstance that contraindicates immunization. For a student enrolled before July 1, 1983, any document attesting to the fact that one or more of the required immunizations may be detrimental to the student's health shall be acceptable. B. Demonstration of existing immunity. The demonstration in a student of antibodies against either rubeola or rubella in sufficient quantity to ensure protection of that student against that disease, shall render that student exempt from the immunization requirements contained in 12 VAC 5-110-70 for the disease in question. Such protection should be demonstrated by means of a serological testing method appropriate for measuring protective antibodies against rubeola or rubella respectively. I've weighed the risks of the vaccine and the disease and personally me and DH would not. So it's a personal decision. You sound like you did your research and that's why your delay vaxing. Which is awesome you looked into it before doing it. Informed consent is everything. And everyone should have informed consent and correct information. And Congrats Mo on the birth of TJ. I remember just yesterday coming on here and you getting married at the RIU right before me. And now you have a baby. TIME FLIES!!!
Quote: Originally Posted by Christine Calia, just a few years ago the state of Maryland refused to let some parents register their children for school. I am not saying that your comments are untrue entirely but there are some vaccines that are mandatory in almost every state. Also the risk of the vaccine is by far a much better risk than the actual virus. I teach in public schools and there is no way that our students would be allowed to enter without proper vaccinations. Yes there are some ways to exempt yourself but its a huge risk you are taking to assume you will get exempt. Yes, they are mandatory for those who DO NOT have an exemption form. I believe I know what case you are talking about where they herded the parents and children in with armed guns and dogs. In that case they were children and parents who did NOT have an up to date vaccine record or exemption form on file. I happen to live in an easy state. I fill out a box for personal reasons (philosophical) and I'm fine. So yes it depends on your state for how easy. But saying there's no way that some kids can't go to public school isn't true. If they have an exempt form they can. I've weighed the risks of the vaccine and the disease and personally me and DH would not. So it's a personal decision. You sound like you did your research and that's why your delay vaxing. Informed consent is everything. And everyone should have informed consent and correct information. And Congrats Mo on the birth of TJ. I remember just yesterday coming on here and you getting married at the RIU right before me. And now you have a baby. TIME FLIES!!!
Oh man that totally sucks. Unfortunately I don't have that many ideas other than the toddler bed. I do know someone who uses this: Walmart.com: Tots in Mind - Crib Tent II with Inside Surround Net: Health & Safety You can get them a couple of places but I don't know much about them. But they might be worth looking into. My sister ended up putting a baby gate at the door. And now she's 4 and can open but keeps little sister out. Hope you find an answer.
Ok...I don't want to step on toes but I don't why I would post something untrue. But again I'm putting the link in here. State Exemptions Information My playgroup here in Colorado all but 3 of the moms have their children in public schools. And almost all of them are non vaccinating. Some used religion, one used medical and the rest used philosophical exemption. Yes it does depend on your state what is legal. Some states do only religious. I believe its Mississippi and West Virginia. I've had to fill out vaccine exemptions with previous bosses and I've also turned them in. It really isn't that hard. Also b/c the government cannot discriminate against religion on a religious exempt form you don't have to be specific. The one I filled out for my previous family I wrote "Due to our Christian beliefs" and that was fine. If you want very supportive mothers who both delay-vax, vax and anti-vax this forum is a lifesaver and wealth of information. http://mothering.com/discussions/forumdisplay.php?f=47 My husband has never been vaxed and his parents are public school teachers. (Retired) Most of his friends around here are also not vaxed and they all went to school together. They used philosophical exemption. Of course if you need any more links let me know. A family friend is a family practitioner and his wife is an ER doc and always send vaccine information my way. Of course all the info I posted can be found if you google vaccine exemption. ETA: I also second the Dr. Sears book on vaccines.
I can't get it to open. I'm sorry you had a negative experience. Hopefully you had something good to remember it by.
If you Pm me I can tell you some more. I wanted to do a volunteer thing so bad a few years back! I'm a member of quite a few organizations. They email to do it all the time but I just can't afford it (back then). And then I got married. I actually would of done UN volunteering. They actually pay you to help get yourself back into society. Yes, its long term but they also do couples volunteering. I'm also looking into Doctors without borders for DH. But some of the other pay your own way ones are much shorter and they aren't terribly expensive.