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Everything posted by Birdie07
help can not search
Birdie07 replied to shellk's topic in Bugs, issues or "how to" navigate forum questions.
Thats what I was getting too...just thought that mighta been her problem. Stupid error messages! -
help can not search
Birdie07 replied to shellk's topic in Bugs, issues or "how to" navigate forum questions.
Um I think she means search isn't working. I tried and it gives me errors..... Maybe I'm the only one? -
Damn it! I couldn't find a suit. I went an hour to a bigger town. I tried every store and couldn't find that one that either was in my price range or fit right. Do you think nice slacks and a shirt or a shirt with a vest on top would work??
Quote: Originally Posted by Fanny Good luck on the interview! What position are you interviewing for? It's working for CPS-Child Protective Services. But their offices are located in the courthouse. So Social Work etc.
I'm hearing such conflicting ideas on this. A lot of sites say that woman should still wear a skirt suit and not pants. Then they say no bare legs and I hate panty hose especially tan colored! So what should you wear....and what color. I was thinking not black cause it's too harsh on me. I need some major input and maybe pictures? Also this is in a courthouse so that might weigh in too. I've never had to dress uber professional and I'm driving an hour where there are stores so I can buy an outfit. Any help is appreciated!
Quote: Originally Posted by BillysBride Wow...does she realize that you and others were worried sick about her? If something is going on, it's up to her to tell you..her choice. BUT, I'd make sure I let her know that a.) I was there and ready to help if there was anything she needed and b.) I was good and pissed off that she dropped off the planet for 2 weeks and didn't think it necessary to let anyone know. I hope we're all wrong and nothing is going on with her....still, sketchy doesn't even begin to cover her behavior. I'd call it downright suspect. I know. I did let her know that I was worried b/c of her man. And that I was on my way to her house b/c I was worried. So she does know. I hope I'm wrong too b/c I really hate abusive men!
I went by yesterday. She seemed ok....I invited her over for cajun boil and Wii time but she had plans with her guy. So I said we need to double date. So she's gonna ask him. So we can go out and I can meet him and see how he is. What would be a good double date?
Quote: Originally Posted by Cattie Melatonin. It's what your body produces naturally to sleep, as you get older your body slowly produces less of it. You can buy it at your local drug store in different mgs. I would buy like the 3 mg, take it the first night, if it makes you to droggy, cut it in half, if it's not enough, take 2 the 2nd night. The FI swears by them. Personally me, I take a prescription sedative. I have big sleep issues due to working nights. I hate having to take pills but if not I'm up literally EVERY hour. Best of luck for my fellow May bride!! I second Melatonin....my DH will only let me take this. He takes it too. You can even buy it at walmart in the vitamin aisle. My DH has been taking it for a while when he can't sleep. It really does work. And it's natural not a drug!
I got called in for an interview!!!!!! Help!!
Birdie07 replied to Birdie07's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Quote: Originally Posted by BBtoB Hi My Fellow Colorado Friend! I might be able to help. I have exp working in Gov't, and I am also a career advisor. I also was in training to be a CASA, but my schedule wouldn't allow me to continue. It was a massive commitment, so yay for you! That is an amazing accomplishment! Gov Interviews can be panel... Usually 3 people asking you questions, taking turns. They might have the questions written down for you on the table, so you can see them, or not when you interview. You will usually have a series of interviews, can be 1-3 interviews. Testing is standard as well to help narrow the list of candiates. It will also most likely be a behavioral interview. See link: Behavioral Interviewing So those are not the typical, "Tell me about yourself" questions; although that is a good one to practice as it can be hard for most! Practice and preparation are key. First, please don't discount your experience. Saying things like, "Just a Nanny", don't represent who you are professionally. A nanny is a very noble profession that not just anyone can do. (my mom is a Nanny, and I know I could never do it! ) It requires many skills that a social working needs! Also your exp as a CASA is huge! That is a great position and many in the role of Social workers take on that job too. There are many transferrable skills working as a CASA to a Social Worker. So you have it in the bag if it is what you want! Use your experiences. Relate the questions ask to your expereince in that role and you will do fine! This is a great foot in door! You are more than qualified to be in Human Services since you already do it as a CASA. Here is a link to the other interivew areas you might need, typical questions, do's and don't ect. The best advice I can give you is to know your value and experience as a Nanny and a the CASA...then you will know this job is yours for the taking!!! Good luck! Best! Interview Questions: Job Interview Questions and Answers Ten Tough Interview Questions and Ten Great Answers One of my fav sites, A-Z on the job search...and interviews, etc. The Riley Guide: Employment Opportunities and Job Resources on the Internet Thanks! I know she did say Behavioral interview and it's a panel of 3. I didn't know what that meant? Any more questions she might ask would be great. What part of Colorado are you in? I was also gonna do CASA again b/c I think it's an amazing organization but the closest one's to me are an hour to an hour fifteen away from me. I'm glad I waited b/c I could probably not take this job if I was an active CASA. It was a huge commitment but I'm so glad I did it. And my DH also says the same as you that my experience with that will help me so much at my interview and at this job. I would love to get more info from you...I have to go to town but I'll definitely PM you! -
I got called in for an interview!!!!!! Help!!
Birdie07 replied to Birdie07's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Quote: Originally Posted by tdmitchell Good Luck! Even though the CASA position was only volunteer, I would mention it because if you volunteered it shows your passion for that line of work. I definitely did on my resume. I think thats why I got called in b/c I have background in it. The lady sounded so excited to meet me so I got excited just so super duper nervous!! Now I have to go shopping. For 11 years I've been dressing in jeans and t-shirts I finally have to wear slacks and jackets....I don't know what to do hahah! -
I got called in for an interview!!!!!! Help!!
Birdie07 replied to Birdie07's topic in Chit Chat Corner!
Good idea girls! Keep em coming. It's not a company it's government CPS child protective services...and my experience wasn't job I was a volunteer CASA.....I was assigned cases and represented them in court. -
So if you been reading my other threads I finally quit nannying. I just couldn't do full time care for a baby when I wanted one so bad. I was just totally burnt out. My DH said I could stay home but I thought I would just keep an eye out for anything that really attracted me. Well I found one! It's a full time aide position for Social Services (CPS). I actually have experience from being a CASA (court appointed special advocate) Guardian at litem for kids in foster or state care. So I turned in my application and resume 2 weeks ago and kinda gave up cause they didn't call back. And then I sent in a follow up email and they called today!! I'm so nervous. I've never had a job that was like professional. Just being a nanny! I have to take a computer test to see how good I am with that and then interview in front of a panel. ACK! I'm really excited but so nervous. I wanted to be a social worker but never could afford to go to school so this could get my foot in the door. Plus I loved being a CASA and helping those kids. So any advice on interviewing I would so appreciate it. Especially those stupid questions like "What are your best qualities?" And what should I wear?!?!?!
Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Just want to offer a different point of view for those worried about "forcing religion" on your children. If you believe in a certian religion and practice it I don't think exposing your children to that by taking them with you to Church (or wherever you to worship) and having them practice your faith with you is forcing it on them. I can't imagine participating in my religion but not having my children join me in that. When they get older it's up to them but when they are children it's up to me and my personal opinion (just mine) is it's better to expose them to something (whatever something is to you) than nothing. Just thought I'd offer up the other side of that coin for whatever it's worth! I totally agree. What I meant in my post about forcing was my friend and I were almost 17! She was tied up with rope and beat. So I just want to clear up that yes younger children aren't forced. Just when they are older and doing the above is. But none of us would do that! And Morgan I totally agree about Texas. They have so many friggin churches! EVERYWHERE! Only reason I didn't feel left out was b/c I worked childcare in one. But I wasn't attending nor did I believe it. I just worked there.
Quote: Originally Posted by carly Calia, you can only edit a post for about an hour after posting it. After that, only the mods can do it. Wow...I never knew that...hahah learn something new everyday.
For some reason I cannot edit my post in this thread? Weird.
So I joined twitter and I don't full understand it. It's like facebook status? I was gonna see how many of you girls twitter and share your twitter name so we can see each others Tweets. So how many of you Tweeeeeet on twitter!
I like this thread. I can't believe how many Catholics there are. Though I'm about to be the odd one out. I am NOT religious. I think I just have bad experiences. I was raised LDS (Mormon) till I was 19/20. Most of my friends still are Mormon and so are my parents. All of my 6 siblings though have gone away. Some are still semi-active. I just have some major conflicts with some of the belief system and the rules. I also don't agree with some of their practices. They push boys to go on missions at 19 and when they return they are practically forced to marry. I don't agree with marriage that young (though some exceptions ). It's almost breeding to me. The girls go to college for their "family degree". For real it's a degree called Family Marriage something. Anyways there's quite a few things I don't agree with but that one bugs me to no end. My DH is the same. He didn't grow up Mormon but was converted (by his ex) when he was 18?? maybe. He is now non-religious like me. We will not force our children to go to church. If they want to go (when they are old enough to understand) then they can. But I was forced to go to church. Just like other families my best friend once was beaten b/c she didn't want to go. Her dad tied her up and beat her. That is so off topic. But yeah no force on my kids. Anyways I guess b/c of those experiences I'm not even spiritual. I did dabble in Wicca after leaving but don't consider myself that either. I do find religious very interesting and LOVE watching documentaries on it. I loved the Da Vinci Code and love reading about the Catholic religion (my mom was born and raised Catholic). So I love hearing other views.
So sorry girls. I was over halfway to her house when she called me. She said that she was puking and went to urgent care and finally was able to get medicine. I'm very skeptical. B/c that only explains what was wrong yesterday not for two weeks!!!! It was kinda weird b/c she was preventing me from coming over to see her. She said she'd call me back when she felt better. My DH thinks we should call and see if we can bring her anything. I'm thinking something is going on just not sure what. I mean you don't miss work for 2 weeks for nothing? Ya know? Very weird. Thanks for all the help though I was really freaking out!
I think I found her mom in texas (I love google) and left a message on her machine to call me back. We'll see...dh is home so I'm gonna go over there.
Nope the police won't. I don't know exactly what they said but it was a no go. I think theres a time limit for adults maybe? Or something. I heard from her on the 24th thats 10 days....so not a full 2 weeks. But it was just a txt.
Nope no other number....I know I wish I had one too. All I have is her cell. And the only reason I have her address is b/c she let me borrow a magazine from her that had it on it. My DH is seeing his last patient and then coming to get me.
She lives ten minutes out of town. On a farm. She lives in a rented garage apartment. one neighbor the owner of the farm. I know sounds creepy to me to!
I think Dh is on his way home....the weather is just windy but it's very very windy and looks like it will get bad just not yet...if the snow could hold off for just a bit then we'll be ok.
I think I"m gonna take my DH with me. I was going alone but he has my car. He should be off work any second. And they did tell the police I believe. But she's an adult and not deemed "important" I believe.