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Everything posted by Shenmaat

  1. I was worried about this also but I was reassured I shouldnt have a problem. Im crossing my fingers that the wedding will not be as big as 150 people but with Jamaican family members (I am Jamaican and he is not) you never know! I am shelling the money for the guests and it is driving my costs up. Hopefully Chandlyn does not tell me they are enforcing the limit of people who are allowed on the property.
  2. OMG your wedding looks like it was amazing!! The pictures were amazing, and now I think Im switching from the disco to Seagrape as well. Thanks for the price of the bonfire Brittany!
  3. I am a Crate and Barrel nut so I did that as well as Macy's but I gave my guests the link through weddingchannel.com so I could also donate to a breast cancer fund
  4. I love the New York City Ballet Workout dvd's. Amazon.com: New York City Ballet: The Complete Workout, Vol. 1 and 2: Movies & TV: New York City Ballet: Complete Workout
  5. Oooo, twelve_piece, that sounds like a great idea. Would you happen to have a recipe that I could test out as well? I am a big fan of shea butter and I know they would love to get soaps like that in my OOT bags also.
  6. Thanks for the tip! I was looking for something to add to the OOT bags.
  7. Can your family help you pay for it? Are they the one's inviting these people? I had the problem where my mom wanted to stay at a villa with tons of family and began telling people that. When I told her the total and that I couldnt swing it. I told her my options were either to reneg on invites or ask her to help me. Suddenly she wasn't staying at the villa and neither were other guests. Cruel, I know but it always comes back down to the budget, and if you can't afford it then your family should be a least sympathetic.
  8. Hi All! I was wondering if anyone knew of any inexpensive flip flop sites or vendors where I can get tons of flip flops in bulk. I wanted to buy some to put in baskets for the people who come to the ceremony with shoes they want to change out of. Any places? Please share! Thanks!
  9. I am doing a frame as well but got mine from Oriental trading. I figure I can spruce it up myself... Autograph Photo Frame
  10. I had the website built and the save the date prelim stuff (design and price) ready before I got my second confirmation. It is never too early to plan what you would like to see happen (ie.. pictures and designs)
  11. I say do whatever makes you happy, in the end it is all about you and your soon to be husband
  12. Congrats! I remember how relieved I was when I finally decided...
  13. Am I really the only August bride? Cant be! Mopher I also added you to the list
  14. January 2008 Brides Cherie: wedding January 17th, there January 12th-26th Becky: wedding January 23; there 1/19 - 1/26 Becky (bex1975): wedding Jan 26; there 1/23-2/1 February 2008 Brides Natasha (pouchie) wedding Feb 7th JamaicaBride08: wedding Feb 8th, there 2/3-2/10 Janelle (Jmhein): wedding February 12, there 2/9 - 2/16 Therese (chicago88 ): wedding Feb 15th Mopher: wedding Feb 20th March 2008 Brides Carolena7: Wedding on March 8th, there from 3/5 – 3/12 Anna: Wedding on 14th March, there from 6th March - 21st March Octavia: March 15, dates there 3/12-3/19 Kimmykatbride: March 26, 2008-there from 22-29, then in Negril for 1 week April 2008 Brides Heidi: wedding on April 4; there from 4/1-4/8 Jen (J&M): wedding on April 9 Marlon(Ilandking): wedding on April 10' there from 4/7-4/14 Jocelyn: wedding on April 10; there from 4/5-4/12 yboone98: wedding on April 11; there 4/9-1/13 Mandie (pook2b) wedding on April 11; there from 4/8 - 4/22 Amanda: wedding on April 17; there from 4/12-4/19 May 2008 Brides Alexandra (geology_rocks): wedding day May 5, there May 2-9 md_ocr: wedding on May 10 Albrosious: wedding day on May 12th leslie: wedding day on May 14th; there May 10th-24th Lizz: wedding on May 16; there from May 10-19 AlmostMrsForbes: wedding on May 19th; there from May 14th-20th (then off to Couples)! Jenn08: wedding on May 23, there from 19-26 Davina: wedding on May 29; there from May 26-June 1 June 2008 Brides Sara (cantwattobemrs): wedding June 10, there June 6-14 FutureMrsButler08: wedding on June 14 JuneBride2B: wedding on June 14 July 2008 Brides Brittney: Wedding on July 12; there from July 9-14 MrsInTraining: wedding on July 19; there from July 16-23 RiuBride2B: wedding on July 26; there from July 23-28 August 2008 Melissa (Shenmaat): wedding Aug 8th, there Aug 4th - 10th October 2008 Brides Msklee: wedding Oct 25, there Oct 23-27 November 2008 Brides Dara: wedding on November 1st: there from October 27 to November 3 GeminiLibra: wedding on November 15
  15. Hiya! So I was wondering if when the guests book for the wedding do they have to be there for a certain number of days before or after or if they can just stay one or two days? I tried to contact Chandlyn and she skipped over the question... lol Thanks!
  16. Thats the same response I got. .:Sigh:. Crisis averted. Thanks Ilandking!
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by twinkletoes They don't bite lol Hilarious!
  18. thanks Ilandking! My travel agent and I are trying to get in touch with Chandlyn to see if it will be a major problem. Keep your fingers crossed that I dont have any problems! I will tell you what the outcome is when I hear it.
  19. Like in most places the locals (and I am Jamaican) can be a little pushy, but it is not by any means any different than anywhere else. I can't imagine going to any country and just staying in the resort because that doesn't give me the "local flavor" I need. If someone offers to sell you something say no thanks firmly, if they push you to buy something or say you NEED it, tell them you dont. If you falter they will take advantage of that. No means no, and what are they going to do, scream that you were cheap? Who cares? And remember if you say yes to one you have to say yes to all.
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