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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. hahaha. i dont know if they weigh you. ive never been there. i dont think tehres a restaurant like that. i doubt they would stay in business long hahaha
  2. thanks kat and erika. if you guys are in seattle on sunday for some reason and wanna hit up the high speed gokarts then some claim jmpers for dinner more than welcome. gonna be a blast
  3. ohhhhhh and the thai lettuce wraps are soooo good too man i could start rambling off items left and right. i need to go back there
  4. i haaaaad to comment on this because i used to work at cheesecake factory when i was going through photo school. i don't even have to look to know its bad. BUT OH SO GOOD i used to looove when people would come in and be like "hmm well i want dessert but im trying to stay healthy so i'll have the carrot cake" to which i would reply. "ummm if you want 2,300 calories from one slice" seriously people hahaha ya know what though they got some great stuff like the Luau salad is one of my fave salads anywhere and pretty darn healthy. you can go eat almost anywhere and get something good for you
  5. first off. i knewwww you were canadian the second i saw the "grade 7" hahah secondly CONGRATS.. that is so cute. i love when i hear stories about copules that have lasted like that forever. all my best wishes t you two
  6. YESSSSSS. everyone seems to agree with me. or wait. i seem to agree with everyone else.. gray dress with the fuchsia flower... gonna look great in the pictures
  7. i can feel your pain and distrust becuse of your past being cheated on. but you have to trust your fiance and put all that behind you. you gotta learn from your past but not bring it into your current relationship. there is one thing that will kill a relationship faster than anything and that is jealousy and distrust. believe me I have broken up with a few women because of that. keep an eye on that one but dont just assume she means harm or working her way in on him. you gotta show your fiance your confidence. trust me. MEN LOOOOOVE CONFIDENCE. nothing sexier than a strong woman. plus that will put her in her place. dont be too confident though cause then that pushes into arrogance anyways. i hope it works out for you and that i could offer a little help. be strong
  8. my props to your photographer my two faves are the one on the yellow couch and the one facing forward on your stomach. really great pics of you have a wonderful wedding
  9. Hope everyone has a wonderful fourth of july with friends and family. AND then happy birthday to meeeeee on the 5th. YIPEEEE.. Gonna be the "dirty-two thirty-two" I love the thirties
  10. thanks steph.. but did you see the link i just posted... holy crap its funny. zach hasnt changed a bit
  11. okay who saw this two nights ago ZACK ATTACK baby.. he was on jimmy fallons late night show Hulu - Late Night with Jimmy Fallon: Saved By The Bell Reunion Update 3
  12. we better watch out or we are gonna get kicked out and banned forever. hahaha. you and i should start our own thread where we can make all the jokes we ant to haha
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by meghan Hey everyone, I'm trying to figure out what to do about a photographer. I don't know if I should use the ones provided or bring one with me. First off, are we even allowed to do that anymore? If we are, for those of you who have done it, how much did it cost you? For those who have used the ones provided, were you happy with them? hey meghan.. the couple that had me there didnt have a problem and that was just like 6 weeks ago that i was there. I think as long as you have your photographer stay at the hotel with you they don't care. of course they want you to use their photographers but you can bypass that. ask mitchell.johanna on here if you have questions about if she had any problems or hoops that had to be jumped through
  14. ya. i sometimes feel like perhaps its not even me. maybe im just lucky with beautiful couples in beautiful locations.
  15. i don't think there is a protocol. it is whatever you two find fitting. I have seen it mentioned in the program with and without saying they have passed. I have seen photos of them at the table, candles in an etched glass holder with their name on there, place settings for the ones passed, you name it. whatever you do to remember her will be much appreciated i am sure
  16. GOD BLESS YOU BILLYS BRIDE. hahaha. i only came into this thread cause you said anal and i am glad you put that you are such a perve. the world is full of us. there needs to be more inuendos out there in the world to make us all chuckle and laugh
  17. both of my sisters had their wedding dresses made. they LOVED them. and i think they turned out fantastic. helps that my friend is a wedding dress designer I plan on having her make my suit if i ever find someone to hitch it up with
  18. don't you fret... I photographed a wedding just two weeks ago in the virgin islands and there were only 12 people there including me. that wedding was a blast. i love intimate weddings. it just means you get that much more time to spend with those that come in the words of monty python... "always look on the bright side of life"
  19. all the couples I photograph there end up getting lost .. hehehe (get it bermuda triangle) actually i haven't photographed anyone there i just wanted to make a funny and with that POOF im gone
  20. Just photographed a wedding there two months ago. Those hotel rooms are so nice. made me wish i had someone special because i ended up wasting that hot tub over looking the ocean. i just posted some photos in a thread from this resort. http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t43025
  21. oh really nice pictures there NaM. Loved the one with the ring and the puzzle pieces... WHERES WALDO.. i mean wedding ring
  22. Watch out .... Photographers advice coming through here.. MAKE WAY heheh jk you girls are all on the right track... MAC or SMASHBOX (actually designed for photographery) I have found that those bareminerals stuff , even though great in daylight, they are reflective as all sin when it comes to photography. You're already going to be fighting the shinyness in those tropical locations don't add to that. If its all outdoor daylight wedding then the photography aspect of it all wont matter because there wont be any flash but soon as it gets dark and everyones flashes come on you're gonna look like a bronze statue and there is my ¢¢
  23. well here's my two cents ¢¢. hehehe You have already had the invitations printed. Send them out as is. If people ask where you are registered just say "we are already asking a lot for people to join us in Los Cabos and to us that is enough and we didn't want to have to lug back a bunch of gifts so if you are inclined we made a honeymoon registry."
  24. thats what i love to do.. share share share WHY? cause sharing is caring.
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