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Everything posted by jean-marcus
Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl so i checked out the fb pics and she's not only hot but seems fun as hell! even i wanna hang out with this chick now, lol! no wonder you're smitten. and all the captions were hilar. um well come to seattle and kick it with us. we are painting the town red on friday night... Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE the story gets better and better with pics. you guys are adorable and you really do look in love and meant to be together! congrats I'm so happy for you! PS I'm totally finding you on FB! i better have a friend request from josie when i go look
Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* I wanna follow! I just requested you on FB and i just approved you Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride I just looked at your pics on FB - you both are too cute!!! Does she know she is famous on BDW?? I was going to make a comment about it, but I didn't know if she knew you were talking, and talking, and talking about her here!! YAAA she knows hehehe. She is begging to read it but i said she cant till after our plane ride so she doesnt have the suprise spoiled cause its mentioned on here. Quote: Originally Posted by trance_angelx0x oh my god you are so crazy... that's the cutest story I've heard in such a long time. I look like an idiot all teary-eyed in my office lol.. people are going to think I'M crazy! Best of luck. I just love that others see how great of a story this is cause sometimes i just stop and think about how crazy everything has been this last month and i start and get a little teary eyed. im such a sap hehehe Quote: Originally Posted by ~*DiAnE*~ Love the pic of you guys!! Too cute!!! I'm adding you to FB - I gotta keep posted! Congrats JM I'm really happy things are going good for you!! thanks diane. keep checking on FB for all the status updates and pics that we are gonna post The sucky thing is i cant tag her or anything and have to be careful because we are trying to be considerate of the ex fiance still
Quote: Originally Posted by Betsy Wow - this must've been what your countdown of FB was all about huh?! Sooo sweet JM! And she is beautiful! You guys look like you are having so much fun together!! ya i guess my fb statuses were pretty transparent to most people heheh.
Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ AWWW JM!! I just looked through your photos of you and her on FB, how cute! You two looked like you had a blast! Love the commentary! The zebra butt one just killed me! just you wait till we really start taking pics together. i bet we will take like 400 pictures this week together if not more haha
Quote: Originally Posted by kristaheer Yeah!!!!! Okay I looked at this at work this morning when it was on the first page....it's now night and 10 pages later. I don't usually add people I don't know to facebook, but I'm so adding you so I can follow the love story!! by all means add me. there have been like 15 BDW'ers today taht added me hehehe
ya i never smile in pictures. do now though
so here is a picture of us. the first one ever taken together in 12 years but not the last
Quote: Originally Posted by KLC77 This is the best story ever. I got goosebumps. I'm so excited for you JM! I can't wait to hear about your 6 days with her. I love a good love story. well add me on facebook then jean-marcus strole and you can follow the story and see pics
Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten Ok, I just read the story and 80 responses and my eyes are tearing! I am sooo excited for you JM! I will also be adding you on FB to follow along. I am wishing you all good things! please do add me. and dont forget about my photography fan page too . ill be updating all this week on our adventures and posting pics Quote: Originally Posted by ErinB I'm so excited for you! This is such great news! My fellow cracker-jack BDWers can have a DW planned in about 37 minutes, so let us know when you two are ready! Have you decided who will play you in THE LAPTOP?? who knows were we would get married. already talked about wedding stuff but sooo many options. and as for playing me? hmmmm that is a tough one. who can really pull off my quirkiness. now im stumped
Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica I totally just added you on Facebook to stalk the progression of your relationship. This is better than watching a chick flick! And wow, she is seriously gorgeous. I can't believe you waited 2 years to make a move, but she is totally worth the wait. I'm sure she has a personality that is just as beautiful as her physical appearance. LOL, poor girl, does she know she is the talk of BDW?! Not that I'm rushing you guys, but I'm thinking DW and she needs to join this forum to plan it hahah. stalk away. all my friends are calling and asking for updates. we might just have to start a blog for everyone to keep tabs on.. Quote: Originally Posted by DGG What a great story I hope everything goes great with the visit - but it sounds like everything is falling into place so well My husband and I were friends first - then one night I randomly had a dream that we kissed and it was an amazing kiss - I ended up telling him (indirectly but that's a whole other story) and we ended up kissing in real life and it was just as amazing -- fast forward 10 years, we are married and happier than ever So dreams can hold a lot of meaning seee if it can work out for you it can work out for me too. i have faith Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 Can I start taking bets on this one? I think that it'll be much less than a year Also - I saw the pic, and she is gorgeous JM!! As long as she is as sweet as she is beautiful, I think you have a keeper ya. well id honestly propose today but so many things still to sort out that we dont need to rush it for now and the beauty thing is she is even sweeter then she is hot. and she is even funnier then she is sweet and hot combined. all we do is laugh non stop . i got me a real winner and ill have to make sure to keep my A-GAME up at all times to make sure that i dont slack and loose her
Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ OMG, JM! You are making her a mixed tape! Too Cute! Make sure to include some Whitesnake or Firehouse on that! lol. she'd love it too.. she is such a rocker at heart. one reason she loves her job cause she gets to set up promos for concerts. one day i texted her to see what she was doing ... "ohhh im just about to start the meet and greet with marilyn manson and slayer" hahaha. then she texted me back "umm slayer is like satanic" hahaha oh bless her heart. didnt even know how morbid slayer was. probably best... BUT she is always rocking out
how funny is this. oh if you guys could see me know. im going between the laptop which has BDW on it which is next to my other computer which im posting on facebook and making a "mix tape" for her that we can listen to while driving around hehehe. this is the fourth mix she gets. she thought the first one was the most thoughtful thing she had ever gotten because it was all songs that we had been singing together while i was out there. i was secretly making notes of all the songs
Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel haha ok- I take it back. I take it back. Anything to avoid the Native American burn. Holy moly- I didn't realize you had such an affliction for Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks love stories. Who knew it would drive you to such violence! But geesh- at one time during this relationship of yours, you did have a "You've Got Mail" moment. i dont have a meg ryan and tom hanks affliction.. im more of a meg ryan and billy crystal when harry met sally kind of guy. you've got mail just looked terrible and predictable and that director shouldnt have tried to make a pseudo-sequel to sleepless in seattle and not try and trick people into buying into the same rehashed movie . sleepless was pretty good. but didnt deserve a sequel. and dont try and compare this real better then life love story movie type romance to that pile of poooo hehehehhe
Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Aww- congrats JM. But I think you might have to pass on the movie deal. I think it might be too similar to the ultra popular 90's movie "You've Got Mail" . It's amazing that you kept up in communication for all those years. I guess that just proves it's destined. Good luck! EWWWWWWWWW. no waaaaay. i didnt even bother with that movie . it looked horrendous. and you cant keep using the same people in the same type of movies WITH THE SAME DIRECTOR and expect people to not correlate them to the first one. but ya. its wayyyy better then you got mail. TAKE IT BAAACK or else i'm gonna have to give you an indian burn... i mean "native american burn"
Quote: Originally Posted by Carie JM, I read the whole thing and if there was a movie about it I WOULD RENT IT!! I am so excited and I hope everything goes perfect for you!! well someday you might just see it on the theaters because i am getting into film right now actually and have one script im working on for myself thats almost done and many on deck. this one will take some time to pan out i think before it starts to be written but im making mental notes Quote: Originally Posted by becks Yay!!!!! This is so GREAT! And she's absolutely lovely! Way to go! Can't wait for the next installation in the JM loves Danielle story! oh there are many many stories to come. like i said. add me on facebook and you can follow all the details live as they unfold on there during her trip out
dont you worry. this is going to be an ongoing thread . seems to me like people are wanting all the details Log In | Facebook if people want to get updates and pics when out here hahaha
if she ends up being able to move up here i promise ill be popping the question within a year if not less hahaha...... we have already said that we would marry each other today if it wasn't insane. we were talking about marriage when i was down there on the first visit. and destination wedding perhaps hehehe.
Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 OMG Danielle is HOT! Way to go JM! I am glad she isn't pregnant but super glad Seattle chick is!! So random! Good luck and I hope you two have a blast. 12 years is long enough to know someone to know if you click or not! yaaa. she is smokin hot. rawrrrrrrrr. 12 years is a long time... but she was worth every one of those 6,307,200 minutes that i had to wait to be with her
MEET DANIELLE . isn't she adoooorably sexy... i'll post pics of the two of us during the trip
Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 Ok sorry for this retarted question but whats a BD book? And while im on the topic of asking dumb questions whats a boudior? lol Thanks well in part you answered your own question there. but not fully bd is short for boudoir which is french for bedroom (i believe) so its just like sexy photos nude or partially nude or lingerie or fully clothed but just photos meant for only him
crap i don't know how to edit that. anyways ya. SHE ISNT PREGNANT haha
okay. ya. i can see that being confusing... ITS NOT HER . she isnt pregnant hehehe. thank god. its the woman in seattle that does her job. she is the one that is pregnant. perhaps i should go edit that in the original one. this is huuuge news because now the lady might quit and she can tak ove her job Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan awww, be sure to post lots of pictures once she goes back. I also got confused on the pregnant part. Is she pregnant? who is pregnant? Quote: Originally Posted by *Heather* So cute J-M! Like Morgan though I'm confused about the pregnancy part. I'm assuming it's her ex-fiance's? Is she keeping it? Hope everything goes well!
WOW... i woke up to 4 pages of responses. I can't reply to all so Im gonna Multiquote and reply to a few of them and edit out the other stuff hehehe. for those of you asking about pics add me on facebook. jean-marcus strole Quote: Originally Posted by Kristy! Aw, so sweet JM! I remember reading posts in the past about your frustrations with the women you were dating. It's so great to see you so in love and happy! I knooooow. tell me about it. i've had the wooorst luck with women. Thats why I'm a little nervous about this one. It just seems too good to be true. But in all the 12 years I've known her she has never once done or said anything crazy to me. so i think i found my perfect match. Quote: Originally Posted by Jessica That's the first time I read a post that long and didn't skip a word! You guys need to find a photo booth and take photobooth pictures and post them on here. Or just post any olf picture of you two together! I wanna see this chick! I bet she's hot. Oh don't you worry there will be PLENTYYYY of pictures going up on my facebook. and i'll link a few on here. Quote: Originally Posted by karenk77 OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG awwwwwwwwwwww Not only did I manage to get chills in 90 degree weather, I read it twice. Prob doesn't help that I am the biggest sap in the world but omgggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!! I hope it works out for you, for someone to be spoken of the way you speak of her, she will be lucky to have someone who thinks shes as amazing as you say she is. TWICE you read it twiiiice. WOW. it must be a good story. ya. it needs to be a movie. i'm gonna blow the pants out of the notebook Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 omg, what an amazing story! I just read the whole things and I'll admit that my eyes were watering up by the end I truly believe that everything happens for a reason, and it really seems like you two are destined to be together.-- this is contingent of course on your willingness to post photos of the two of you together from the visit - J/K. I know. i truly blieve things happen for a reason too. I broke it down and if we had met earlier she would have freaked and called things off because she wasnt ready or wanting to move or even try the long distance thing. and if she hadnt been engaged and feeling the pressure of marrying someone she wasnt in love with she wouldnt have been in a do or die situation of having to meet me and just go for it. Quote: Originally Posted by itsfinallyhere That was a really sweet story. It sounds like you have found your true soul mate. *in the words and voice of kip from napoleon dynamite* "yaaaa, i mean i'm pretty sure she's my soulmate" hehehehe love kip love love love him Quote: Originally Posted by Abbie awwwww JM, ive been following your countdown on fb and i just KNEW it was about a girl im so excited right along with you! ive always hoped you would find a girl who was as fun and silly and awesome as you are, so FX for tons of exciting and insanely loving situations for you in the super near future! ps i read the whole thing ps2 i thought you meant SHE was pregnant and i was like NOOOOO! when i read that. ps3 is she still with the other guy?? ps4 this is better than any soap opera, ahhhhhhh! a bdw love story in progress! YAY! you HAVE to keep us updated!! Yaaa. i guess i'm pretty transparent.everyone knew it was a girl i was that excited about. its officially 36 hours ON THE DOT till she lands in seattle. pray for the best weather. nooo. she isn't pregnant. hahaha. oh and ya. she is sitll living with the guy cause they are on a lease till nov 8th. UGH its so awkward and weird but she can't really just tell him to move out cause he is still clinging on to hope even though there is none. I wish he would just get a clue and move out already. she already hurt his feelings enough calling off the wedding but everyone saw it coming. Quote: Originally Posted by GinalynL Love the story! In fact, I was so busy reading the whole thing that I didn't notice that the lid on my coffee wasn't all the way on so I spilled it all over my shirt, LOL! All the best to you! I'm sorry Gina... ill buy you a new shirt
thanks debra. it's going to be tough next week when she has to leave again. luckily I will be going down there again in late september and planning a trip to mexico and maui together before january. we're gonna have a great life if it all works out like we hope