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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. one thing you might want to try if you dont want it to shift is to put a plastic back inside the glass container and fill the plastic bag up with other sand and then tie off the bag then put that entire thing inside a bigger bag. that should keep the other sand from shifting around. i believe i saw McGuyver do that on his wedding special hahah. it should work well though. im worried taht the wax seal would break and you would be left with sand everywhere if you did that.
  2. holy moly 1300 for TWO hours? does that include an ounce of gold? haha
  3. ya those photobooks are a great gift. i have many couples say that someone in their wedding party or a guest is a designer or photogarpher and want to design a book for them for their wedding gift and im always happy to be saved the work of designing it. i always offer them the option to have it professionally printed and bound into a real album from places that wont let non-professionals order with them though because the quality is just soooo much nicer for just maybe $200-300 more but it ends up being half the price from originally. my sisters had albums done from like mypublisher.com and they are fun and worth the money though and the layout is very easy for anyone to do.
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Lorilou that's amazing...i have photoshop but don't know how to use half of the tools... hahaha. i dont know half the tools. but the half i do know i know really well photoshop is like science... can you ever really know everything
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by JaimeLynne Jean-Marcus, thanks for all the advice! it is my pleasure. there are a lot of photographers out there and a lot of them are worth the money and even more are NOT worth it and im always happy to advise couples on their photography. EVEN if couples dont go with me or already have someone picked out i can help avoid a big head ache. i hate hearing of couples not happy with the photographer they went with so just feel free to ask.
  6. oh ya.. i spent me some MAJOR time on that one... had to change the angle and perspective in the bricks and sample background from other photos of the fenced wall in the background and do lots of airbrushing but i think it turned out pretty awesome. i love photoshopping hahaha. like i always tell people "unless i see it happen infront of my very own eyes LIVE i wont believe any photo or video that i see because its too easily altered these days.
  7. ya. its very tough to take a webimage from 72dpi and make it print quality unless the image is large enough to begin with. if you bump up the DPI to 150-300 it will be print quality but it will retain the original pixelation from being at the lower resolution. you can try and cheat that by doing noise reduction in adobe light room or photoshop. IF you have the original file though you should be able to make that no problem. and trust me. ive been using photoshop for 12 years now and i know 10% of what it can do hahahaha. its really endless. PM me if you have any questiosn. i love geeking out over photoshop and photography questions
  8. its pretty easy to do if you just know how. you wanna use a variety of clone tool, stamp tool, heal tool, with a variety of brush sizes and border sharpness. im sure that didnt make too much sense. you have to have a good eye for patterns and light in order to make it look seamless. you can email me one of the photos and i can take a look at it. if its a simple thing of just a lawn chair or two or something like that i can have it done for you in no time free of charge. here is a sample of what can be possible
  9. are you still having problems with your layers ordering? photoshop is like breaing for me ill gladly call you and talk you through it. that way you can describe better what you are looking at and i can guide you through step by step. once you get the basics down its really quite simple.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by lyrebard Thanks, Tammy. Is it really okay for the coordinator at our reception site to tell us that a band has "raised its fee" and is now $100 more per set than the band itself claimed? I'm not quite sure how to bring this up, nor how to request that we pay the vendors separately. What should we do? man that sounds SHADYYYY. isnt there a contract signed or anything listing the prices of what you are paying for everything. she should be held responsible if she hasnt locked down the price like stated. sounds to me like maybe its like when a car dealer says he will sell you the "clear coat" for an just an extra $400 or throwing in the "blinker fluid" for free if you purchase from him.
  11. sorry i guess she only coordinates weddings in kauai. i thought she was on any island. i guess i was of no help. wish you the best
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by Jones4Me GEORGOUS! If anyone was not sure about doing TTD, this would make them want to do it for sure! WOW! I hope mine are half as good - as long as I can talk him into doing them! (first off to everyone thanks for the nice compliments about the photos i took. laura and david were such a great couple to photograph) AND i dont see why more dont do them. i mean they really dont get "TRASHED" . they can if thats the look yo uare going for though of course haha. but laura's dress got loaded up with sand and salt water but thats nothing that cant be washed out. couples should talk with their photographers and see if they have any ideas for a TTD shoot that wont do much damage
  13. seriously . i agree. i see the word dreams tulum and it instnatly makes me want to go back there. cant say enough good things about taht resort.
  14. well B&J2008. that really depends on what photos you are going to value in the long run and what you can budget. if you go with the resort photographer they are going to only be there for the ceremony and part of the reception and you will only receive a few photos BUT a lot less then brining in a photographer. if you brought one in usually the photographers stay with you the entire day and sometimes more then just the one day if they are there several days and you will have a lot more of your wedding trip photographed. usually you will get a disk of the images. my advice is to break down and compare the cost of each photographer and what they will offer you and what you are willing to spend for. plus also with the photogaphers you can get some that will do it for the cost of the trip and some that will charge an arm and a leg haha. so make sure you do some comparing . best of luck to you and have a wonderful wedding. i hope i helped out
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by Cabo Dreams Congrats Bradley is great! My whole family loved him & our pictures turned out awesome. i love that picture of yours in the gazebo "cabo dreams" thats fantastic
  16. it looks very similar to the dreams tulum. ive been hoping to see more of other dreams resorts because i think i plan on trying to stay at dreams most places i go. i have neverrrrrr had better service at a hotel anywhere then tulum. and it was pretty much spotless and so reasonable. i cant say enough good things about the dreams resorts
  17. not sure if you still needed a planner but when i was shooting a wedding in hawaii this summer i worked with a suuuper great planner. she helped me out so much by keeping me informed of everything that was going on and the couple had such nice things to say about her. here is her email address. [email protected] . hopefully you two can work something out
  18. hey BILLYBRIDE.. have you considered going to the photography schools in yoru area and checking out the bulletin boards or perhaps look at craigslist.org and select your specific area and look under "events". you can find lots of talented photographers who have a good eye and are willing to expand their portfolios to include a destination wedding. i will bet you that you can find a great photographer who will do it just for the cost of the trip. i hope you are able to find a good photographer for your wedding. just a word of warning though.. you should find one that has atleast a couple weddings under their belt already. best of luck
  19. well lexiee maybe you should have thought of that before you decided to be a canadian... hahahahaha you should have known you wouldnt have been able to get those free postcard prints when you were born in canada. something to think about in your next life.
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by LeXiee Ditto that!!! Do you have pictures to share? unfortunately the gallery expired. ill gladly email anyone photos of the RIU resort there and the wedding if they like. one of my favorite photos was from there. we had so much fun arranging that photo and with a little photoshop magic... PRESTOOOO....
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Jones4Me Ya know - when it comes to your wedding you just want it to be PERFECT. I am sure you understand! i totally agree with you there. everyone wants it to be perfect. and with a wedding like you are planning down in the VI i dont see how it cant be. the one thing i always emphasis though is that little hurdles will come up on your wedding day, and some things wont be exactly like you planned, BUTTTT don't ever let that get to you. as long as you are there and yoru groom is there that is all that matters. when you look back at it you wont even remember that your center pieces werent exactly like you planned or the dj played the wrong song during you walking in. everything always works out and no one else will notice
  22. well lexiee i checked out your photographers website. theres some great stuff on there so you should be pleased. plus i am sure they are pleased to get to shoot three different weddings down there. that is fantastic that you 3 are splitting the cost. really so many couples should do that because its a win win for everyone. plus that you get two photographers is another bonus. do us all a favor and post those photos up .
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Debs I have seen a couple of weddings done by this resort outfit (actually 2 different photogs) on another message board (GASP!) so I know the work is decent. I'd be lying to say its the caliber of some of the fine photogs here, but budget is a huge consideration for us, and we want something more than snapshots from relatives. I think this will work nicely if our friend cannot make it. oh so true. the budget is always the final straw. and you really can find good photographers at the resorts. i just wish that they would be there for longer then the packages allow. personally i think the best photos of the entire wedding are always the ones of the bride and groom getting ready with their wedding party. but i guess the resort photographers have to shoot two maybe three weddings a day so they dont really have the option of staying longer. and thank you leXiee. im glad that im offering helpful advice
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege I would think Vistaprint's 100 free postcards for $5 (shipping) would be the cheapest route. I don't think you could buy that many postcards. Not to mention, then you can customize them that right there is a STEALLL of a deal. mailing out actual photos are to flimsy even though they are cheap to print out. but you cant get much cheaper then FREE haha. i think ill have to jump on that one
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