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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. maaaaan. i need to find me someone to propose too. all these sappy stories makes me wish i had a special someone to propose to ... siigh hehehhe
  2. ya know. i dont know why but im still suprised at the price of womens shoes... a bride showed me her shoes. some luis vaton's that cost 1,000. all for the price of lookin the best though RIGHT
  3. i think the one i like most will depend on what its going on. i can see each one on something different. they all look good. the top three are my favorite though
  4. really the two major evils that you have to look out for if you want to slim down are trans fats (anything partially or hydrogonated oil wise) and high fructose corn syrup. your body sees them as a chemical so there for it doesnt know how to break it down and your body will directly store it as a fat molecule. they sneak those things in everything and even if it says 0 trans fats you have to read the label because it might be half gram per serving. well a serving might only be 3 table spoons so be careful. i cut those two things out of my diet and ive lost 15 pounds just from that alone. feels good
  5. ya igot the pink camera too... thats what i shoot my weddings on.. oh wait. heheh no. im mistaken again
  6. thats probaly the best thing you can do.. i dont see why she should feel the need to get married so early and take the pleasure out of your day. the way you put it really doesnt sound like you dont want her to get married or that she cnat make her own choices. hopefully she reconsiders her date
  7. lonely or not he must be really suave with the words and somewhat manipulative because i dont think your mom would just be that dumb to fall for a convict. maybe she will snap out of it ORRR maybe he is really a great guy. whatever it is dont let this stop your special day from being the best possible. i know its an insnae amount of stress probably for you right now but what else can be done.
  8. if its one of those dresses that you are getting tailored to bustle up ask the tailor to put different color coded ribbons so they will be easily tied together after the wedding. it saves a lot of time from trying to remember what went were
  9. congrats on the engagment. and cabo will be a wonderful wedding place. then again is there a destination wedding listed on here thats not wonderful?
  10. holy crapola....i wouldnt even know where to start with that one. is she just really lonely or is he just that persuasive and manipulative? im all for second chances but doesnt sound like a super great position she is putting herslef in. then again i dont konw him so not sure waht to say. maybe he is a changed man....
  11. people who dont eat breakfast are 300 times more likely to be over weight. they just dont get how important it is to kick start your metabolism within minutes of waking up. "the abs diet for women" pick it up. like 15 bucks and it will completely change your understanding on everything. real simple read and my friends got the one for women and they loved the book. i have the one for men and im not even excercising like i should be and im sliming down just by eating right (trust me i still eat ice cream and candy and all that but just im healthier about it) its so worth the 15 bucks.
  12. ya. i shoot about 50 weddings a year. ive seen 1 groom put on make up and well... i was kind of wondering if he really meant to marry a woman or if he showed up by mistake hahah.. seriously though if for some reason he should happen to have a blemish or something its so easy to photoshop that out. make up would just look kind of strange.
  13. i think those are just about as awesome and creative and cute as you could get. you must have worked your ass off to make that. is it gonna be possible to make all those for the guests? and you tell your FMIL where she can shover her STD's (hahah that was funny in so many ways)
  14. well welcome to the forum. im pretty new as well but ive really gotten sucked in. id have to say its one very informative website for all sorts of questions. if you have any questions just ask and you will get an obsene amount of help
  15. i figured out a solution.. just get a 25K tongue ring haha. youll never have to worry about taking it off
  16. siiiigh. i miss the days when there were three shades of blue. Light blue, blue, and dark blue. hehehe now theres those and 60 others
  17. yaay another happy dreams tulum bride. ya. i loved staying there. man i hope to go back soon. such an awesome place. i hope you got to enojoy the ruins and other things around the resort.
  18. that makes me sick to my stomach. makes you wonder if there might not be some ring of thieves that are all in on it there perhaps. after i photograph someones weddings i dont leave the flash cards with the images anywhere. i keep them on me at all times. those end up becoming the most valuable thing there. rings can be rebought (at 25,000 maybe not as easily hopefully it was insured) but photos cant be ever rebought. there was one time i was going swimming the day we left and i actually ripped open some of the upholstery in a chair and hid the photos cards inside the chair. i wasnt gonna risk anything in that safe hahaha...
  19. oh dreams is fantastic. i stayed at the one in tulum and i loooooved it. ive seen photos of the cancun one and its really great as well. they have the most helpful and curteous employees there. if you want to see the photos from the tulum one ill gladly show you the private gallery . just PM me and ill get you the link. welcome to the forum
  20. hey its never tooo early to start planning. soon you'll be a month away from yoru wedding day and you'll still be planning and organizing things out... welcome to the forum and if you have questions all you have to do is ask. you will find more then enough helpful information
  21. welcome to the forum. you are going to find this one of the most useful things in planning your wedding if you have any questions all you have to do is ask
  22. well you are in the right place. ive read so many threads about the carribean and all you gotta do is go to the carribean section and ask what some of their favorite places are. there are photos of beaches and resorts and all sorts of info tho help you decide. if you dont find the information all you gotta do is ask
  23. well you are in luck for finding it. its such a useful site for all
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