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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. I think destination weddings should definately be something useful on the trip there for people. One couple had flip flops for everyone AND koozies with our names on them. it was great and got lots and lots of use.
  2. man for 9 bucks a piece you cant really go wrong hahaha. hell i might buy some just to keep on stock for who knows
  3. well she wasnt like "mad" at me. just didnt want me sharing details like that about her. i promised her i wouldnt any more. She just did the cutest thing for me though. She left me a hand written note that she hid inside my laptop for when i was gone in San Francisco shooting a wedding. I got all teary eyed reading it. (she cant get mad at me for that because that was me saying i got teary eyed not her )
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 Sorry you got in trouble Yes, some things might be best kept private, but in my opinion I don't think she should feel bad about sharing that - it just shows how much she really does love you :) I mean if she didn't really care about having to leave there wouldn't have been any tears - I think that part of your story showed her softer side and that she's just not this hip, hot, rocker chick. I think you'd definitely have to include the tears in the movie, lol. ya. i agree. definately
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ JM- We were 4 hours from each other and sometimes he would drive up in the middle of the week just to see me for a couple hours and then drive all the way back so he could make it to work. i wish we were four hours drive. id drive that every day hehehe Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ Thanks for adding me JM, I'm stalking your FB right now. You two are sooooooooo freakin adorable together that it should be illegal! lol Aww, you two are so in love, I love it!! i agree. but glad we arent illegal Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 While FI and I didn't have to wait 12 years to be together, we did do the long distance thing for close to 2 years and I completely understand how hard it is to be apart. When I read what you wrote about Danielle crying before she had to leave, I could totally relate because I used to do the same thing - it would just KILL me for one of us to have to leave and to have to be apart. So while I know it's not easy, just hang in there and we'll all keep sending out lots of good vibes for her to find a job in the area soon i got in trouble for putting that up about her crying a little. she iddnt like me posting that personal thing. uh ohhh . ill have to not post everything. dont wanna make her upset with me. gotta stay on my best behavior Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di btw, i jumped on the bandwagon and sent you a fb request! haha there is nothing wrong with jumping on a bandwagon
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl some of the pictures are pure comedy gold, so i highly recommend following on facebook, LOL ya... all that comedy gold was a lot of her ideas hahaha... you should see the videos. well actually i promised i wouldnt post the videos cause they are just straight stupid funny. i watch them over and over and over and almost cry laughing
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ JM, can I add you or have you add me to your FB? I am dying to see your pics! Can search for Kathy Funnell on FB, I'm sure there aren't many haha should be easy! added . ANYONE can add me if they want to keep track of us and our sillyness
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl yay for being madly in love! i will have to remember to check out fb for your pics later tonight. that is so funny that she has seen this thread, and now so has her mom. hilarious! and it didn't scare them off? not even the part about her being tied up in the basement? lol! no. it really helped her mom understand why she called off the wedding and why we are so crazy about each other. its hard to explain something like this because its not a "normal relationship". its like 12 years of wanting to be together and being amazing friends and then one day all fences are brought down and we can just feel the way we want to feel. its like a fast track her mom asked when the wedding was going to be haha. two of my friends are suprised i didn't propose yet and thought i would when she was out here. thats a bit crazy even for me
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by kristaheer So give us the scoop!!! Inquiring minds NEED to know!! we are both madly in love she was crying last night before i took her to the aiprort. im just glad she didnt start crying at the airport because i would have lost it. its easier knowing i will see her in 17 days and counting Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva We want more pics im positing pics on facebook right now we took like 350 of them haha Quote: Originally Posted by Lady_Di i love stories like this but let's be realistic...you seem like a cool dude and i would hate to see you hurt. i HOPE she is being honest with you about her ex-fiance. i would suggest for you to be cautious until you guys are officially together. it does look like it's meant to be!! wishing you all the best! oh i was cautious but just because the only unsure thing is how lotng till she can find a job here. her family and friends know every thing and she even forwarded this thing to her mom to see. and the ex fiance knows all about me and isnt too happy about it and has already started packing and moving back to missouri. plus i'll be staying at her place in 17 days so he better be all moved out HAHAHA
  10. SADDD i had to drop her off at the airport today BUT I am going to go down there on sept 20th for like 12 days so that will be nice. man i love this woman hehe
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by roo66 Does Danielle know you are keeping us in the loop? ya. she is well aware. i showed her the thread and i cut and pasted the entire thing. she sent that to her mom and her mom now knows why she ended it with her fiance because he never talked about her like this or she never felt the same way. she even asked "so when's the wedding?"
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by -Kate- When she moves here will you bring your unicorn over to my house so the baby can ride it? but of course. Unicorns are wonderful with kids. just don't call them a unicorn in front of them. its not very PC... the prefer to be called omni-horned equestrians Quote: Originally Posted by ~Nicole~ Awww JM this is THE cutest story ever! I love it! Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki SWEET! Now that's what I'm talking about, you know things are going well when she decides to skip her flight. Congrats! ya. well she didn't have much choice in the matter either. she was tied up in the basement. Quote: Originally Posted by amygirl1169 What an AMAZING story!!! I read the whole thing and want MORE! hehehe Have you proposed yet?! well you should just add me on facebook then so you can get updates. I am about to add tons of photos in the next few days. jean-marcus strole add it and YESSSS i have proposed. about 20 times every single day. whenever she says something cute or does something funny i ask her to marry me. one of these days it will be for reals and she wont even see it coming because she is so used to me asking Quote: Originally Posted by Future Mrs. Kt Ellis Okay, at the risk of bringing on the hatred of a ton of you lovely BDW brides that I really would not like mad at me... Can I just ask a question? She is not still with this guy correct? I know you said that the wedding was called off. But has she come out and told him that she does not want to be with him, and that she is with you? I know that sounds terrible and I really do wish you all happiness, I really would like to believe that you have one of the cutest, if complicated, love stories of all time. But I also know many women who have decided not to go through with a wedding then turned around and instead of dealing with what is wrong in their lives, fell back on the "what if", only to end up hurting themselves and that what if guy, immensely because if she'll do it once, chances are she'll do it again. Not that I am saying that is what she is doing by any means, but you have to admit that even if it was just a kiss, the reality is that she was not completely faithful to that guy. I would just hate for it to happen to you. And it seemed like this thread needed some balance. I do not mean to offend anybody. But I seem to have a knack for playing devil's advocate. all very understandable and needs to be addressed. YES. he knows about me and that there is no chance of them getting back together. he isn't all too happy about it (obviously) and he put in two weeks notice and is moving out as we speak. i would have liked to give it time but well all this happened so suddenly it was just well... kind of unstoppable. we both know we want to be together and talk about marriage all the time
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by jerseykitten Every time I see your Facebook posts I get more excited and happy for you!!! Life is too short to do anything but live it to the max....it looks like you two are....keep it up and don't let her go! TOTALLY TO THE MAX Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE i'm so excited for you! it sounds like its gone even BETTER than expected. (now she just needs a job!) i totally staked you on FB and commented on your status cuz i got excited! you are allowed to comment on there all you want to Quote: Originally Posted by ~Stephanie~ JM, that is so awesome that she is staying longer! YAY! Also, those pictures are really messed up, like a bad acid trip! But I like it! ya we decided to do some mescalin and paoti and mushrooms and acid all at the same time and we happend upon this mystical creature in my living room ... coincidence? i think not
  14. we woke up this morning and just decided to not go to the airport so we have to figure when she will be heading back. hopefully NEVER Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 What a fun week you guys are having!! I just saw on FB that she is trying to extend her stay a few days - how exciting for both of you ya. we have been having an amazing week. we really need to post up the pics we have taken. good times good times... Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride OMG!! I LOVE IT JM!!! You both rock!! heck ya we rock. we rock it hard Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva Add the banana boat one too! there will be many more pics like that to come Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ lol that pic is awesome JM! hehe grassy-ass
  15. UM YAAAA>.. this was her idea and i was AAAALL for it.... how great is she
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride lmao!!! He is SOOOO not that!! Complete type A personality (but it kind of comes with the territory when you marry a cop!) He can be super sweet though...and sometimes romantic! But I think you take the cake! OH I Definately take the cake. and eat the entire cake myself. i sure do love cake hehehe ya cops pretty much have to be type A. I am type B, C, and D... wait. actually I am more type ADHD hahaha
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Awh JM...I am so happy for you!! I get goose bumps when you talk about her!!! I think I need you to have a talk with my DH!! lol do i need to give him some pointers on the romancin or something? some guys are just a little more expressive i guess.... i mean... you know us "artists" hahah when not smoking cigarettes in french cafes wearing scarves and writing poetry we're painting get well cards for sick homeless children and rescuing puppies. heheheh
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by -Kate- Dude - this whole thing is adorable. If I would have read it earlier I would have been following you two around town. Where else are you going to go this weekend? If you...say...want to take her to Red Mill for lunch on Saturday I could make sure I'm there to subtly stalk you with a newborn strapped to my chest. MMMMMM red mill burgersssssss. deliciousnesss Quote: Originally Posted by ~Karla~ So I'm just reading all this for the first time. I am so happy for you. It seems like you 2 are really meant to be together I hope all works out well! ahh thanks
  19. yesterday was definately one of the best days of my life. thats for sure. well we just have to hope and pray this one girl ends up quitting or taking time off for a while so she can come out here and work. she wants to move out to be with me but she has to make sure she has a job she loves and can work from home and make her own hours like me. thats gonna be the difficult thing so if ANNYYYONEEE knows of any cool promotions jobs in seattle or something let me know
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by estella1007 So, I have been silently following along, and seriously...this is the cutest love story ever! This is the stuff you see in the movies. I can't wait to hear what happens next! WELL. we hope to make it into a movie sometime actually... i write screen plays and this one is in the works. believe me Quote: Originally Posted by YaelM Yay im so happy for the great updates!! I just FB requested u - i cant wait to see all the pics and follow the progress Yay for happy love story! i approved yaelm..... dont you worry .. and sorry we havent been adding as many pics as i would like to. been so busy together
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva Did you tell her you love her yet I thought you were going to do that the first night! Quote: Originally Posted by hockeymom97 I was thinking the same thing! Did you tell her yet? Inquiring minds want to know!! ya the first night when i picked her up from the airport i took her to this romantic spot in west seattle on the water that looks out over the city sky line and i said lets hop out and take a picture. well we alked to the water and she was commenting on how pretty it was and i looked at her and said that even though she already knew most likely what i was about to say it was something that i had been wanting to say for years and years and years but wanted to say when the time was right and when we were face to face. lets just say the feeling is mutual
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by Vikki I'm wishing for a happy ending....or beginning actually! What an amazing thing to realize that the possible love of your life has been your best friend all along! Hmm, I'm considering activating my FB account just to follow along..... We'll see just how juicy this gets. oh we just had this super romantic hike out to snoqualmie falls. it's where they filmed the show "twin peaks". The water fall is enormous. i'll be posting pics up on facebook soon of them. man we are just so perfect together. if only she can get a job out here. and viki. activate that FB account so you can follow along
  23. its going sooooooo great guys. keep all the positive vibes coming because its working
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by JOSIE holy SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and tahts her in her scrubby clothes. she was out there working so didnt realy have any nice stuff. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva So my brother and sil live in seattle and just had a baby. I plan on heading out there sometime and I want a tour from the famous jean-marcus!!!!!! you come to seattle and ill do the underground tour with you. its fun. i wanna do it again
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