looks like a nice list of soon to be completely happy wedding couples because they chose such a great place to get married i loved dreams tulum and didnt have a single complaint about it
well you come to the right place. you are gonna find tons of great reviews on resorts and activities and events of all sorts of places.
welcome to the forum
dont feel bad. it took me like a week to figure it out. ive never posted in forums or blogs and frankly they all annoyed me until this one. its a very informative and fun place to discuss ideas , ask questions, and read up on reviews. and the moderators are always willing to help if you have questions
thats a good point though. if he is paying for her to come to mexico then that kind of sucks... BUT at the same time it might make things awkward at the wedding if he doesnt really care that much and she comes anyways. oh i hate sticky situations like this were there really isnt a right answer and the outcome could go so many differnt ways
Quote: Originally Posted by coreyphil (My friends would say, "Oh, it must be the hops in beer, try wine. Oh it must be the tannins in wine, try vodka. and on, and on ...). im pretty sure they were just trying to get you drunk hehehe
Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW If you have a mac computer, the iweb feature is super easy to use. I used this for our website. god bless you fellow mac user hehehe
WOOOOHOOOO. thank you. i was just about to google it and find out what it was. you're awesome SOHAPPY.. oh we called it "asian red" here in seattle. i kind of like "asian glow" better. kind of sounds like a wood cleaner but it sounds fun . im gonna start calling it that instead
well you dont have to be asian im saying to have that happen haha. i was saying asians typically have the problem genetically. i just remembered them talking about it in my class that they typically missed the certain enzyme . im sure it happens in alll sorts of races. i know my dads nose gets a little red when he drinks and he is as swedish as swedish gets
well if he is a techy guy then gadgets are alwayyyys a big plus. i know i cant get enough out of it.. how about an ipod touch that has internet access and all sorts of cool things or if he already has a cool ipod get him one of those head set goggles for watching movies and videos in private. or maybe a cool video screen for the car or something like that.... those are all fairly afforadble these days.
ya im with becks.. if the dj is just gonna stand there and play songs you pick out then go with the ipod and make your own sweet playlist. if the dj is going to be announcing things and engaging the crowd then that might make it worth the moola.
welcome welcome. the riviera is such a wonderful place for a wedding. you will love it . there are tons of reviews on here so im sure you will get plenty of great advice
one thing you have to get out of your head (and its the problem for most women) is that you are set in thinking that the number weight is what is important. you have to consider that muscle mass weighs 30% more then fat weight. so if you are excercising might not see a big change in the actual weight but as for the way you actually look might be changing. you need to get the book "abs diet for women" its specifically geared to how womens weight differs and what women need and dont need. plus the TWO EVILS you need to completely get rid of are high fructose corn syrup and ANYYY trans fats (hydragenated and partially hydrogenated oils of any kind) in any amounts. those are man made and your body views them as a chemical and it doesnt know how to break them down and so your body will immediately store that as a fat molecule.
also what you really need to make sure you do is keep eating . 3 meals and 3 snacks. lots of lean proteins and fiber (avoid carbs like white rice and pasta but healthey carbs like hole grains are good) .
do not EVER starve yourself. thats the worst thign you can do. sure you will loose weight but you are going to make your body think that you are unable to get food so it will store any calorie you take in as fat and store that for energy. if you are constantly eating you are training your metabolism to constantly burn food .
get the book. many of my female friends have gotten it after i recommended it and they cant stop thanking me about it. it will really help you get the wrong missconceptions out of your head and help you loose the weight in a healthy way. you got plenty of time to tone up and slim down
hope i helped
you willl know when you see it.... when you find your dress it will be like you were meant for that dress. just start searching and check out all sorts of dresses.
its only natural... wedding shows and wedding magazines are like heroin to future brides there are support groups set up but i think you don't need to worry about that unless you are hiding wedding magazines under your mattress and in your sock drawer ...
if he laughed at it seems to me like he thought it was funny. don't you worry about a thing. you just watch all your shows
do you have asian descent ? genetically asians lack something ( i forget exactly what it is ) that helps break down alcohol and that is where the term "asian red" comes from . i think its like an enzyme . i remember hearing about it in a class in college.
ya you should really try with some of that lactaid milk or the tablets. i have several who manage just fine with those pills.
that reminds me of a quote though of my favorite comedian Jim Gaffigan. " mannnn i think im lactose intolerant... i just had 4 milk shakes and i feel like crap" HAHAHAHA
k now you made it much tougher. choosing between 1 and 2 was way easy. but between 2 and 3... hmmmm. i think id want to see what shoes you got planned because those would really be a deciding factor since you can see them in 2. i still think im going with 2. the 3 one slightly reminds me of a neglige on the top part. ya... 2.. GO WITH 2 thats my final answer
trust me. you will definately find this webiste to help you find out where you want to have your wedding. there are like reviews of every single place imaginable
i think the second one is super nice. the first one is so common the second one is a lot more unique. and yes. it looks like it would give me a great figure even . hoepfully you choose number 2. PLUS picture wise it looks like it would show a lot more details in the photos