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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv Totally cute but how can you ladies wear those boy shorts? I get a toal wedgie! Thongs are the only things I can wear... Maybe my butt is just shaped weird. lol and if you want to avoid wedgies foxytv just spray them down with some PAM before hand hehehe... (sorry sorry im in such a joking mood today. i cant stop lol)
  2. i have the perfect solution... HAHAH.... find someone that has them and borrow them from them.. then it will be free & they will be something NEW (to you) something BORROWED (from your friend) and something BLUE hahahahaha
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by Rhonda Hi, I'm planning on getting married in April 2009 in Playa del Carmen. I'm considering going for a 3 or 4 day visit in April to visit a few sites and meet with coordinators before making my decision. But, I'm starting to find that it might be somewhat costly. I'm wondering if it's even necessary. Any thoughts? well if you dont end up going , im photographing a wedding there in 2 months and ill gladly show you all the photos from playa. ill be taking an insane amount like i always do. do you know what resort you will be staying at? ill be at the Sandos Hotels
  4. wow. coming up congrats and wishing you the best wedding possible. youll find lots of great tips on here in the mean time to make sure things run smoothly
  5. wow. thanks for sharing.. who would have known such a service was out there. great work
  6. welcome welcome welcome make sure and post up tons of photos after your wedding so all can see
  7. thanks for sharing all the photos and reviews. very informative to all the dreams cancun couples and all couples actually. im glad to hear that dreams is carrying on all the same service and quality in all other dreams resorts because i stayed at the tulum one and i loved it
  8. congrats and welcome to the forum.. dont worry about finding this site this late in the game because its NEVER to late to get great ideas or informative tips and advice... go crazy and have a great wedding
  9. fantastic.. good for you. how much is the pricing going to be. If you are less then me then i can recommend you as an option for couples i photograph. it would be a win win situation. they save money, you make money, and it saves me time always happy to refer business to others and help each other out
  10. oh i agree completely with you about everything (even though i dindt try the drinks because i dont drink alcohol) but everything else was dead on. some very helpful photos for you to who didnt see. and if anyone wants to see like 1200 more photos of Dreams and Tulum go to this gallery i shot of a wedding. you will find all sorts of photos inside the restauarants and the bars and clubs and room and snorkling photos you name it. Collages.net Home username is "laura david" and password is 15095 when it asks you for an email adddress just put [email protected] or make one up hope those help as well
  11. just use some good ol' concealer then ... sounds like a cheap easy fix.
  12. ya i think my septum is causing me to have sleep apnea. i wake up sometimes finding myself holding my breath or not breathing. i need to get it checked out because ive heard it can be fatal
  13. if anybody want to see photographs from a wedding at Dreams Tulum and get a feel for the resort i have tons and tons in a private gallery just click on Collages.net Home and username is "laura david" and password is 15095 when you are prompted for an email just make one up like [email protected] i hope you find the photographs useful
  14. thats BULLLL... i hate when people do things like that and go back on their word
  15. ahh another dreams wedding. you are gonna be pleased. ive heard nothing but great thigns about dreams. i shot a wedding at dreams tulum and i looooooved it. and from the looks of the photos the rooms in cancun look even nicer then the one i had.
  16. magic mountain is always a fun time if you like coasters and rides... WEEEEEEEE
  17. welcome welcome. you're gonna find lots of bahama brides here with lots of useful tips for you
  18. there are several reasons for under eye dark circles . most people think its from lack of sleep but thats usually not the case. you could have excessive iron in your blood, congestion in your nose preventing proper blood flow down from your eyes causing stagnant blood to oxidize. this website shows some reasons for the problem Cause Dark Eye Circle and here are some tips to how to get rid of them Combating dark eye circles BUT if its improper blood flow or excessive iron then you should consult a physician. i have dark circles myself i believe caused from my deviated septum which is always making my nose congested.
  19. welcome to the forum. you got lots of time to plan thigns out but dont dilly dally because the next thing you know its 3 months away you will find so much useful help and tips on this site.
  20. jean-marcus


    welcome to the forum. sorry i havent ever stayed there but im sure there is someone on this website that has a reveiw for you . have fun planning your wedding
  21. ive stayed at the paris. it was nice. i didnt stay at the honey moon suite or anythign real fancy so hard for me to tell but as for the hotel/casino it was fun. i havent seen any rooms at the venetian but i think that would be the place id want to do it at from the looks of the website
  22. welcome welcome to the forum. theres really nothing you cant find out on this website . you'll find out answers to questions you dindt even know you had
  23. uhhh ohhh. another seattlite... welcome to the forum. what happend to the gorgeous weather we had last week. i hope the pass clears up cause i wanna go snow tubing this saturday
  24. ya someone told me there are like 40 photographars registered on here. so this is a useful place to find photographers and read reviews and learn more about them
  25. welcome to the forum. and if there is sun and sand and a beach i dont see how it could be a bad place for your wedding. you are in the right place you will find lots of useful information here and can read reviews on all sorts of resorts and vendors and things to do and not to do and how to save money.
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