i think the most useful thing is sun screen and the most used and fun thing is a disposable underwater camera (even though these arent the best quality photos they are a lot of fun and convenient for beach adventures)
i think thats a very fair price as well. id just ask what exactly you are going to get delivered for 60 bucks? is it just the disk of photos (would they be edited and what resolution) and or would there be prints. im guessing for 60 bucks it would be an enlargment or something because 60 bucks to send a disk is pretty steep hahah
*fingers crossed for no hurricane for you* but you know what. ive shot a wedding in a hurricane and as you can see in the picture below they turned out and even made for some humorous photos
welcome to the forum
ahhh nice work going with the dreams resort. ive seriously never heard a bad thing about it and i was blown away by it. did you go with tulum or cancun? i have a billion photos of dreams tulum ill gladly show you if it will help. if its dreams cancun i know ive seen a ton of photos in other threads
Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan where do you work? I work in Wynnewood.
Jean-Marcus- your idea is great except for the part about me being a wimp! IF only I was tougher! Thanks, though! well i told someone else in another thread that i know some people who know some people who make accidents happen to certain people hahah
another classiiiiic place for great shirts Funny t-shirts, Funny shirts, Crazy t-shirts, Crazy shirts, Cool t-shirts, Cool shirts i know ive seen the game over shirt there.
welcome to the forum. you are gonna find tons of people on here with photos and reviews on st lucia. just do a search on here or find a thread on the island . if you have questions just ask
HAHAHA first of all i LOVED taht you made a special shout out to me and jason cause you knew i was getting fed up with all the brides saying "girls this and girls that" and forgetting about us guys
secondly.... nothing more furstrating then someone who makes your job more difficult. such a pain. and there really isnt anything you can do either. not like "tattling" can do much. you'll just have to figure out ways to make her job hell so she'll quit
welcome to you. and yes. the riviera is a wonderful and popular place. there seem to be a lot of love for tulum and i know why. i shot a wedding there 3 months ago at the dreams resort and oh maaan was it wonderful. and so close to the ruins too. there really isnt a wrong place up and down that coast to get married it depends on if you want more of a quiet location or more of a rowdier party scene.
that BLOWS.... you know.. i just so happen to know some people who know some people who make accidents happen... if you catch my drift.. WINK WINK... you guys can collect on the insurance money and with that pay for everyone else who you care about to join you for free at your wedding... problem solved
oh if only things were that simple huh
The ancient chinese viewed one shorter leg as a sign of great intelligence, character, and up-coming wealth...
well maybe they did. i wasnt really alive back then but don't let that bother you now if it hasnt up till just recently. :) try one of those shoe lifts in your shorter leg and see if that helps. could be a cheaper fix then an orthopedic.
heyyy.. a bride just up the road from me (well 2.5 hours up the road but still)
welcome to the forum and you are definately going to help narrow down (if not choose on ) the resort and location of your wedding from this forum. there are tons of reviews and photo galleries of places.
welcome and enjoy
welcome to the forum... ya you are going to find tons of useful tips and information and how tos on all your invitations and OOT bags and wedding and resort and you name it...
enjoy enjoy
welcome welcome ... and destination doesnt mean you have to travel to some foreing country. its a destination to you isnt it and thats really nice that you are thinking of yoru parents as well
enjoy the forum
i just saw a dreams cancun review with photos on here. not sure if i can find it again but i know its there.
WELCOME to the forum and enjoy enjoy enjoyyyy all the useful information
dont worry. it took me like a week to figure out this forum thing. never been a big fan of forums till i found this one because its actually something of interest to me. you'll catch on real quick
welcome to the forum and congrats on the soon to come wedding. youll find lots of information on here
ahh unfortunately i havent ever stayed at any of those two in the mayan riviera. but i do know that i looooved the riviera there and its gonna be an amazing location for your wedding no matter what resort you choose. im sure you can find plenty of reviews on the site here on either... if you got questions beyond that just ask
well a big hearty welcome to you then... both local and destination weddings have lots of pros and cons so you will find this website very helpful on weather you want a destination wedding. personally i say go with destination heheheh..
enjoy the forum and welcome once again