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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. ya the DR is pretty great. i had such a wonderful time there. the beaches are so wonderful. dont know about that resort but if your friend puts the stamp of approval im sure its great WELCOME to the forum and happy planning
  2. hahah that joke is sooo something my dad would tell. your dad and my dad should hang out. heres my fave joke "whats got 9 arms and kicks ass?" Def Leppard (only the really cool kids will get that joke)
  3. i know im addicted because i keep trying to figure out what in the heck that karma thing is and how i can make it be more then 1. not to mention that bank thing. what the heck is all that stuff. i see morgan has like 100,000 in her bank. maybe i should rob her. oh wait. that might take away my ONE karma point heheheh
  4. i feel deeply touched by all your kindness... now i have a medal, cash, and a mug of beer.... hmm i dont drink. maybe i can sell the beer for more cash HAHAHA
  5. a big big welcome. happy planning and enjoy all the site has to offer ill keep my fingers crossed for you that you get yoru saturday
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by sohappy I think its impt that there's an understanding of what you want. You won't be able to redo the day. I thought it was common for brides to show pics/make a list of what they're hoping for but i'm not a photographer. I was planning to do the same thing. it is VERY important that you and your photographer have an understanding and that you are on the same page. otherwise you might end up with two different styles. the best way to ensure you are though is to look at complete weddings and not just the select few photos on their website. see that you are happy with the entire day and how he or she captures the day. maybe you really like the candids but not the posed shots or visa versa. give them a list of photos and ask them if those are possible. also maybe they have to get a specific lens for a type of shot that you are wanting. that will ensure that they are prepared for that.
  7. well you have come to the right place. you will find lots and lots of wonderful help and tips and reviews on great places to go
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan You may have just won the most addicted award WOOHOOOO... whats my prize? do i get a trophy? ive never gotten a trophy before. im honored... first off id like to thank the academy, god, BDW, and parole officer for keeping me out of jail
  9. oh ya jay well. ummm.. well...im sure a wedding photographer named jay can play a hurdy gurdy (google it ) HAHAH That doesnt mean that a block of cheese can knit scarves. sorry im out of analogies that somewhat make sense...
  10. yaaayyy. congrats to you.. you wont be dissapointed. the place is fantastic. did you get a chance to check out the online gallery of photos from the wedding i just shot there. if you dont get a chance to go there it will be a great help to get afeeling for the resort and the wedding day a head of time. congrats again and happy planning and wedding package picking
  11. some of the best sand is in the DR. i loved that sand. it is very finely ground white corral so it stays cool in the hot sun and soft on your feet. but i thought the beaches were nicer in the MR (the sand there is a little coarser but the water was clearer making for a lot nicer snorkling. the waters in hawaii though are such a gorgeous royal blue. i loved the colors but made for a little merkier snorkling and the water is super salty there for some reason.
  12. no its not rude at all. BUT at the same time you cant also expect one photographer to shoot the type of pictures that you want if he/she isnt that type of photographer. for example you can ask a jazz musician to play a rock song and they might be able to give it a good try but you wont get the same sound as a rock musician. i always welcome a list or samples of waht they like and ill do what i can to accompany them but sometimes its just best to find a photographer along the lines of waht you are looking for. on the other hand if it is along their style of photography then a set of samples is great because most photographers want to ensure that you get all the photos you are looking for
  13. oh its totally true. i am addicted. i feel like such a girl on this website hahha. besides like ONE groom and a couple of the other male photographers we are far out numbered its okay though. i get in touch with my "feminine side" i guess right haha
  14. oh man i feel like a peeping tom being in this thread... but i just gotta say.. is there even such a thing as "BAD LINGERIE" ?? NOPE hahaha. its probably the most money spent on the least amount of fabric for something worn for such a short period of time HAHAHA... GOD BLESS the inventor of lingerie
  15. welcome welcome and you are going to love this forum.. i shot a wedding at dreams tulum. it was such an amazing resort and place for a wedding. if you want to see the photos go to Collages.net Home username "laura david" password 15095 when it asks for an email just make one up happy planning and i hope the photos helps. i sure know this forum will help you out
  16. ive made BDW a menu button on my iphone so its always one click away no matter where i am
  17. it looked like a wonderful wedding. my personal fave picture was the one of you on the beach kind of a profile picture that is just your wedding dress, the flowers, and the ocean behind. really nice congrats to you
  18. i just got an email today that Wedding Planning Guide and Free Wedding Websites - mywedding.com is now offering FREE wedding websites and this is what it offers Our free wedding websites feature: Matching invitation designs-couples can choose from over 20 new designs that come with the option of ordering matching invitations! Online registry-couples can set up and display an online registry that allows them to register for any item from any online or retail location without ever having to step foot into a brick-and-mortar store. Music player-couples can choose their favorite songs to play as people are browsing their site. Photo sharing-couples can upload photos throughout their site as well as organize them into photo albums. Blog feature-couples can chronicle their wedding planning adventures for family and friends. Online RSVP-our wedding websites have the ability to keep track of RSVP's and meal selections to make it easier for the couple to have all wedding information in one place. You Tube video sharing-couples can post their own wedding videos to their site for friends and family to view. Wedding event details-multiple pages within each site are dedicated to informing guests about all wedding related events such as: directions, venue details, maps, accommodation information, and local attractions. hope that helps all you wedding couples out
  19. you know what is a reallyyy great gift and so useful. getting a killer set of knives (okay no pun intended there) make sure you get a great knife block set and you will get about a trillion years of use out of those hope you got those on there.
  20. hey nancy and greg. im pretty sure i shot a wedding at the restaurant there in santa monica. it turned out real nice . great food. happy planning to you and you will find this website so very useful
  21. jean-marcus

    Hi :-)

    welcome to the forum.. small and intimate is so nice. my sisters wedding was like 25 people and it was so nice cause everyone there were really close. you are gonna love the forum. enjoy the planning
  22. a rip roaring welcome to you and you will thank your lucky stars you found this site. i know i have and im not even a bride or groom (actually thank god im not a bride haha) seriously though you will find so much useful information on here and great tips and ideas to make your wedding spectacular happy planning
  23. a congratulations... you are going to love DT.. if you havent gone there yet and want to see photos of the resort and the beaches and what a wedding looks like on the beach there go to the wedding gallery i shot 3 months ago Collages.net Home and the username is "laura david" and the password is 15095 when it asks for an email just make one up hope that helps out in your planning
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