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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. ahh congrats on the engagement.. thats fantastic.. he better not forget valentines day from now on happy planning
  2. that is INSANE... i too had a dream about sarah... AND she was dating snoop dogg. but in my dream she broke up with him and he had a rebound with me. hahaha. who else had sarah and snoop dreams last night ?
  3. hahah hey there fellow viking... well soon to be mrs. viking.. im from sweden. i think i need to get back to my roots , im over due to go plunder and pillage a neighboring village..
  4. did you not have a contract signed about what tmie and all this for your wedding?
  5. out of courtesy you should invite her. i mean if you were friends and in a tight group before it would be awkward to not be the one invited. could cause a ripple within the group. plus if its a DW who says they will even show up right? maybe it will rekindle the friendship again if she does come... you never know.. plus if they dont go they might just get you something sweet off the registry haha
  6. ....when you didnt check BDW all day yesterday and you feel out of touch
  7. my favorite room in my house is my living room and my solarium because this is the view i have in the mornings i dont even mind waking up early for that.
  8. jean-marcus


    oh im definately thinking Mayan Riviera... i prefer the carribean side to the pacific side. wither would be a good choice but i just like that side more
  9. welcome to you... you're really gonna enjoy this site. its super informative...
  10. you know it was long but i had a really nice cab driver and it was just me and him and we were talking. the ride went real fast. i didnt mind it... i heard they are opening another airport in tulum but not sure when
  11. cool. what tv show is that. i watch m esome hgtv
  12. ya. id say its a darn tootin good time of a thread
  13. you know you are addicted when you make up threads like favorite childhood fads and toys just because there isnt enough action going on in the other threads
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Stormsong I know I am addicted cause i get sad thinking I won't be able to talk to you all after my wedding is done! (I consider you all my friends! lol) When you think you should invite the BDW girls to your wedding!!! why not. there are tons of people on here who are married. silly goose...
  15. i didnt know you could be demoted... its almost like being court martialed.... or worse yet...grounded... well im only at a full member so i got a long way to go
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by WSUgal I am a special education teacher for students with learning disabilities! there arent enough of those.. must be challening but rewarding all at the same time.... i have a friend who does the same thing and its not easy
  17. ive got one of those books somewhere. imagine what i could do if i actually flipped through it.. i have more fun just pressing buttons and learnign that way. haha.... if you find any cool tricks lemme know morgan.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by evonut Laura, those are amazing pics. Kudos to your photographer. thank you.. and mmmm kudos... do they still make those??
  19. i CANT leave all my valuables at home my valuables is what i take the photos with.. but thank god for insurance right on a HAPPIER note and more positive. i had two friends of mine go down to the tulum area for their honeymooon and while they were riding around on a moped two guys on motorcycles rode by and snagged her purse and rode off. they chased after them through the city streets and the police saw them and chased after them all. the bandits rode into the jungle but the police conducted a man hunt and found them and returned the purse to my friends. luckily because all their passports and such were in their. they were really impressed with how cooperative the police were and they were even interviewed by the mexican news stations. so i guess not all plice are bad but ive heard many stories of robberies in the hotel rooms and i dont think i would quite trust those safes too much...
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 I will keep my fingers crossed that your new career takes off for you. If that doesnt work you can always think about putting the YKK on zippers. wanna know whats really funny. i ACTUALLY know a woman who used to do that for levis. she put the ykk zippers on hahaha. how random
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by sitter I'm the Mom! Our son Nathan & his longtime girlfriend Juli are getting married this Nov. 1 in Riviera Maya Mexico. I'm the one that does all the research for them, so I can't wait till to hear from all of you about Mexico!! I'll have a ton of questions! HELLOO sitter. you should start a thread to introduce yourself. that way it wont get confusing. im sure one of the moderators can help you out if you dont know how. heck they might even be able to brand this one off and start your own for you.. welcome to the forum
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Quote: Originally Posted by jean-marcus im not really sure but junior member sounds AWWFFFULLYYY close to junior mints and we all know how tasty those are Dear Lord: there are days when I just search Jean-Marcus' posts to give myself a little lift. Be good to him. We need him! HAHAHA> okay that made not just my day but probably my entire month. if you liked that one you should go read my new career that i posted in http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15752 im glad everyone gets me
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by JHarwood2Be Aw...Jean-Marcus, I was just about to get up the nerve to go for my first bikini wax. Very funny video! well dont let me hinder you from that... you'll do fine. it's worth the brief bit of "disscomfort" hehehe
  24. i just started a new job today actually... i guess you could say its in the medical field... i paint the tylenol logo onto the little gel caps.... im still gonna "dabble" with photography on the side but i really think this tylenol thing is gonna take off and make me rich so keep your fingers crossed for me. once i move up to actually etching out the diamonds and the logo into the tablets ill be making the big bucks...
  25. ummm fortified strawberry boone's farms wine is NOT a cheap gift. thats meant from the heart...
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