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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. i dont know what it is about informercials but damn it icould watch them over and over again
  2. EWWW holy nazi's... thats just lame. i hate when you are forced to work with a specific vendor just to get married at some place. its great when they have someone there to recommend to make it easy but when you are not allowed and even POLICED like that its just a turn off... i think if all of you brides gretting married and THINKING of getting married there get together and all mail the resort and say you are thinking of going elsewhere simply because that is so strictly enforced and you dont care for that photographer they would most likely let you bring your own. from what they say the photographer is nothing special. and ya it sounds to me like he is threatening because he will loose out on money.
  3. do you know how many times that infomercial has sucked me in and alsmot made me think i should order it because i would have all these uses for it... it sure is cool but ya im not a scrap booker hehehe. maybe when i get engaged ill get one .. cause then it would be sweet
  4. im not vegetarian but i had this delicious veggie dish (might even have been a vegan one not sure ) it was sweet potato enchiladas.. holy crapolla they were good
  5. i love it too. what if you just changed the gray to like a yellow or something... thats an easy fix
  6. its amazing how much more you can get at a destination wedding and how much cooler it can be then here in the states....
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by DanielleNDerek I have to confess that I don't really want my grandparents coming to my wedding. It's my mother's parents. they had a falling out and haven't talked for years. I still talk to them. I think it would just be a huge big fight or awkwardness the whole time so I'd rather them just not go. Plus I would feel like i had to keep them both away from each other the whole time, and i dont want to worry about that stuff. the worst part about weddings for me is when familys have been divorced or hate each otehr or something and i have to try and figure out away to take the pictures and still make people seem happy.
  8. MY APPOLOGIES.. hahah. okay i now commence the end of this hijack lol
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by amandalovesryan Jean-Marcus, sorry for the breakup, that sucks My confession-I have OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder) and i take meds for it, well that and depression. I was diagnosed when i was about 10ish. i used to be a hand-washer and checker. Now, i mainly check things, like whether or not the doors are locked or the stove is off. It sucks and i hate it. I have major anxiety issues too. Like tomorrow it is supposed to snow here. I do not have to go anywhere but everyone i love does, so therefore I worry about it. or like, sometimes and believe me as i type this, i realize how stupid it sounds, but sometimes i worry that if i don't say be careful to someone, then they will get in an accident or get hurt. typing that makes me want to cry! ahhh the break up needed to happen. i find OCD so very intersting. i watched a documentary on it and there was one guy who was a checker who would end up being late for work all the time becuase he would keep checking to see if the door was locked over and over and over.. im sorry that it is effecting yoru life like that. it cant be easy.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA My MOH is Pakistani and her husband is Greek. Both hairy beasts. We always say that when we have kids, they won't be able to play together because all their hair will get knotted together and they will be stuck to each other like Velcro. okay wow. ya you might take the cake there.. hehehe.. thanks for the photo you sent me of your husband. atleast you save money on your heating bill hehhe
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA You're not far off. I'm convinced I am part wookie. DH is a beast too. Our kids don't have a shot at having a normal amount of hair. you cant be worse then one of my exes. she was mediteranean and she would shave her legs and i swear within a couple hours it was like 20 grit sand paper...
  12. you might want to post that in the "you know you are addicted to BDW when" thread ... you might need serious counceling
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA (happens when you are a hairy beast like me). you just gave me the worst visual HAHAHA... umm just kind of imagine sasquatch getting his naughty bits waxed haha
  14. you should have taken the 4 wheeler and drove that into the pool
  15. oh happy birthday to you as well. birthdays are fun days
  16. i once stabbed a hobo walking down the train tracks and dumped his body over the bridge... wait a minute? that wasnt me... k lets see here . i dont really have may secrets. im pretty open about everything. but something to confess would probably be... -i still think pegging (tight rolling) your jeans is cool -people who keep those little stickers on their electronics because they think it will make it look new longer ANNOYYY ME -i always confuse daniel and danielle -i have a third nipple.. wait that was chandler -butt rock power ballads are some of the coolest songs ever -whenever im up in high places like tall buildings or something i want to jump off... or atleast throw something really expensive off of it -i twitch my nose because it gets bored sometimes -i havent paid my taxes for last year .. dont tell the IRS.. im getting to it... -i came back to edit and put this one in- my girlfriend and i just broke up and its kind of a relief because her family is sooooooo different from mine. and i dont see that meshing too well. i mean my family doesnt really smoke pot, and drink heavily, not that they werent nice people just i couldnt imagine the firs time they would have had to meet. talk about awkward
  17. hahah. its not just DC where weddings are expensive. my friend in san diego was going to have to pay 20,000 for the venue . INSANE...
  18. jean-marcus


    awesome. good for you... i bet its a relief to have that big decision out of the way.. make sure you get a contract stating what you are getting and for how much and when because it seems like some resrots try and up the prices on things after booked...
  19. a big welcome to you and happy planning. its hard to say which you will enjoy more but im sure after reading reviews on the place you will figure it out. you'll know
  20. welcome to the forum.. you got lots of time to get thigns organized and you will find this website so helpful. im sure you already are.. dont dilly dally though happy planning
  21. hello hello and hope you are finding this website helpful. happy planning and welcome to the forum
  22. dont you worry. you will find this website very informative and people eager to help... soon you will have it all laid out welcome and happy planning
  23. congrats on the engagement and welcome tot he forum. there are so many wonderful places to get married it all depends on factors like budget and how far you are willing to travel and what kind of places you like and on and on... you just need to start reading up on reviews on here of different places and resorts and start finding places you like happy planning and welcome again
  24. welcome to the forum and i hope this website is as informative to you as it is to most members
  25. jean-marcus

    wedding 08

    welcome.. you are gonna find this website to be like rubby slippers... just rub them together and ask a question and soon it will be answered for you
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