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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. DAMN YOU morgan.. you beat me to it. UGH. why do you always have to one up me?
  2. YOU are in lucky ... guess who offeres free monograms to BDW brides ... none other then your very own sarah... http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t15845 there ya go
  3. im too lazy right now (its 7 am and i got 3 hours sleep last night) to go through this entire thread but did she ever come back and reply? hopefully she didnt get turned off by this website from the responses at first. haha lord knows at first i got pissed at people on here cuase i was getting hounded because i didnt quite understand how it all worked but now i love it and all on here... hope she will know the ways too
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by starchild Side note, earlier this year I had to create an account to view someone's wedding photos here (I think it was with Pictage?) and I still get emails from them about ordering her prints! It's not her fault and I've been too lazy to unsubscribe. When I joined I missed the fine print saying they would solicit me, I just wanted to see the pics...lol SILLYYYY... you never ever use your real address for those things tahts what your junk mail email account is for hehehe
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Apparently there is a loophole to this fee - just simply add your photographer to your guestlist and there is nothing the resort can do about it! ah that is why this website is so beneficial... little tricks of the trade right there...
  6. ahh hello to you. welcome to the forum and happy plannings. you will find this website to be UBER beneficial
  7. in his flawless napoleon dynamite voice..... "HECK YEESSSSSS.... thats sweeeet" congrats on being all set up. the rest of the planning should be easily done now
  8. i have a confession... my socks stink. ewwww. (throws them in the hamper) i came back to edit this.. its not that.. i just realized its my hand. i had a sandwhich with onion on it. my hand smells like onion hahaha..
  9. theres really no easy way around it on this decision.. you have to really break down your budget and figure out what is most important. sticking to your budget or scrimping on parts of the budget in order to get a photographer there that you will be happy with OR to stick to the budget and get the photos from the resrort (which arent going to be bad just not as many) maybe you can find some photographers in the area who arent at the resort you can hire for an in between thing..
  10. you ALWAYS want to get the pictures on a disk.. trust meeeee
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by LadyCheese Photography is more important to me than a video but I still want a video...I had a friend who paid seven grand for hers and yes it was nice but jeeze, thats almost my whole budget!! LOL...I am planning to hire a videograper but I dont want to spend a small fortune on it. But its nice bc back home I can show it to the family & friends who didnt get to make the trip. holy schnikiess... WOW> 7 K . who was producing it? spielberg? hehehe
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian Jean-Marcus is officially my favorite now. Thanks for making me laugh! cacchhiiingg... you might as well change your profile name to jessicalovesjean-marcus hahaha psych.. oh man can we start saying PSYCH again.. ps im the worlds worst hijacker huh?
  13. hey.. ill take all the awards i can get.. i have no shame lol
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by MsShelley you have been top poster several days now, you will rack up points with all your posts wait... theres a top poster seriously? how come i didnt get a notice about this? umm i feel cheated, used, degraded... and violated.. i am going to go try and wash this filth off me. here i am posting and i had no idea i was top poster. i feel honored and all good things come to those ddeserving in the end i guess.. heheh OKAY BACK TO THE TOPIC AT HAND.... i love the large pictures as well. i was told to reduce mine in size becuase it made the thread scroll over to the right but i think i fixed that...
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by LisaG Jean-Marcus - you get points by begging people for them.... *GETS DOWN ON HIS KNEES AND GROVLES* please please please pleeeeease... may i have you share your abundant wealth of points with me.. i dont even know what the points do but i need them... i crave them.. i desire more.
  16. wait. i just wanna know how did she only have 74 posts and already have like 4,000 points? ive got like over 600 posts and i only have about 7,000 points . thats not fair...
  17. my sister did the same thing.. and my dad ended up picking "hoochie mama" by 2 live crew.... what can i say... he's GANGSTA' okay no he's not. he is whitie and bringin me down. but oh man would i love that if he frickin did choose that. i would have died haha
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by host serenity now...serenity now... HAHAHAHA... *snaps his fingers* "you go girl" ya. it was starting to be a cat fight in heaaaaaaaa'
  19. thank you jenn... it needed to be done seriously
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by Virginialedoux Way to go, making us Candian women look bad:-P its not that you canadians do it haha. i was just trying to think what is the opposite of brazil... well canada is pretty opposite... well then again i dont know.. do you canadians do that
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan good googly moggly, get your mind out of the gutter :bunny_4 :
  22. when i end up getting married its gonna be such an affair. like a rock show or something haha. im gonna have like 3 photographers and 2 videographers.. hell i might even have someone there making characatures and balloon replicas of us just for shi**s and giggles
  23. personally i prefer the canadian wax job. not a brazilian. the canadian, as i call it, is where you wax everything inside the bikini line and you let everything else on the outside grow so that it looks like a bald man. you can even do a comb over if you so choose then. hahahah okay im very very sorry for sharing that. maybe im the only one who thinks thats funny HAHA
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