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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. am i a total guy but what the hell is threading? all i can picture is someone sewing into your face? changes are you could clear up by tomorrow so dont worry too much. i had an allergic reaction two a face wash when i was in HS and it lasted about 8 hours. that is good advice to call the place that did it and ask if its common or if it will go away with a while or what.. i hope it clears up. IF NOT... you can photoshop the photos to look perfectly normal. so dont you worry
  2. i cant say enough good things about farmers insurance. ive been robbed twice at my old house (they came back 3 weeks later and cleared out the good stuff.. bastards) anywys farmers never skipped a beat, had a check out to me and were so considerate. its like the only hire the nicest people on earth haha
  3. thank god i always do carry on... STUPID AIRLINES... like they dont rip you off every other way already... just as bad as the cell phone companies
  4. a reallyyyyyyyy good bit of advise (if the ties are underneath the dress and not the one that hooks up outiside) have the person color coordinate the ties so that when its time to bustle you arent trying to remember what goes where. you just tie the two red strings together and the two blue and so on ... it can take forever otherwise if you forget or you can do it wrong and it looks uneven
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan Some visiting professor was giving a talk at a university near me. He has a USB drive with his talk on it. When he hooked it up to the computer, it instantly started to open up all his pictures, which included some porn. So there he is in front of an auditorium with his porn projected on the screen. I heard he didn't react & just proceeded with his talk. im glad im not the only one that happend too when i give my lectures
  6. theres only one way to describe it... a PLETHORA of information... almost a cornucopia if you will.. welcome to the forum and happy planning
  7. thats a great idea. and im sure would save ou some money... honestly the TTD shoot are the photos you are gonna love most.. invest your money into that. the wedding photos are a must but anyone can take those... i could give the camera to a monkey and get some photos that are okay haha. but the TTD shoot you really gotta know whats up
  8. OHHH another tip... when you bring in your cell phones.. you can darn well believe that they look through all your pictures... i caught one guy (umm lets just say he was a friend of nancy's) and he was lookin at my phone for just like 2 minutes which was giving me problems. and all of a sudden he started laughing because i had a really funny photo in there that someone had sent me and i called him out on it... its not like i even have photos on my phone really so no biggie. but just goes to show they will look through your photos any chance they get... hell i know i would if i was working there too so i dont get mad about it hahaha
  9. wow... thats too funny. AND emberassing.... and no offense canadians to what im gonna say but I HAAAATE the canadian/american border... oh my gosh they are a bunch of powertrip hungry douches that run that thing.. i swear i could practicaly walk acrosss the mexican customs but soon as it involves canada in the slightest i get hassled... im actually banned for a year because i tried to go up and take pictures in canada with no work permit. EVEN IF YOU DONT GET PAID. its so lame but ya.. thanks for the heads up about them going through laptops. and yes you do look likea child pornographer hahah
  10. well im sure she will be more then happy to do the TTD shoot. unless she is booked already... i highlyyyyy recommend the shoot though. they will be your fave photos..
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Do you know of anyone in Cancun that would be good to hire for the TTD shoot? sorry. i dont know of any photographers outside of the states. i hope that maybe on here ill learn of some ... i can help you find a photographer in almost any US state if you find of any let me know. alwyas love getting to know of other photographers
  12. hello to ou. welcome to the forum. hope you find it helpful and have lots of fun planing
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by dc22173 You have just convinced me to do a TTD session. These pictures are awsome. I have not picked a photographer yet but this will certainly be something that I would want. Thanks for the pics. first off thanks again for the compliments on my photos all.. secondly you should always consider a TTD shoot ladies... you dont really have to TRASH your dress.. laura just had to wash hers to get the salt out from the ocean and get some sand out but its still perfectly fine the photos always turn out so incredibly.
  14. there are a few budget threads ive seen on here that show you just about how much each wedding costs and you can see where they had it... happy planning and welcome to the forum
  15. i dissagree about the sweets thing... personally as long as its natrual sweetners like cane sugar and not high fructose corn syrup your body an break it down. and as long as you arent over doing it . the great thing about "the abs diet for women" is that it really breaks down how your body uses and burns calories in a way that everyone can understand. your body doesnt see HFCS and trans fats as anything more then a chemical so it stores it as fat right away which will make it much tougher to burn that off.
  16. hello to you... welcome to teh forum. and congrats on your engagement and the MR is such a great place. you will love it for oyur wedding
  17. why do they have to get all the same thing? wy not get each the thing they could use most. maybe one already has an ipod but doesnt have a gps or maybe one doesnt like the brewers. those are all great gifts though
  18. oh funnnn... guyana... yes you are gonna find this website so very very useful . i learn things every day and im not even a bride.. or umm groom i should say
  19. in the words of monty python.... "and now for something COMPLETELY different"
  20. love that name... sound it out phonetically for me cause im sure im saying it wrong but the way i hear it in my head it sounds sweet hahaha welcome to the forum
  21. all you girls need to stop complaining about your weight... im not sayign that like me bitching about you bitching.. hahah. im saying stop worrying so much about that your weight makes you who you are. (ps LADYP im sure your soon to be husband doesnt complain about you being "top heavy" hah) but i do agree that there is nothing wrong with wanting to be healthy, eating right, and regular excercise. my advice to anyone is to buy the book "the abs diet for women" its 15 bucks. i have the one for men and its changed my life. i eat so much better YET i still eat the same stuff i ate before just a healthier brand of it. and i feel so much better and slimming back down again. it doesnt make you eat a specific thing like grapefruits and nothing else and tell you to do 1000 sit ups a day. the opposite really. it tells you all the wonderful foods you can eat and what to avoid (high fructose corn syrup and trans fats) and little simple excercises anyone can do anywhere and you'll tone up and slim down the healthy way. and you actually want to stick with it. im going on a year of barely a drop of high fructosse corn syrup and ive maybe had 10 grams of trans fats combined and i don't miss it a bit
  22. you're welcome. always glad to help... if you get me the original file ill gladly swap out the color for you and change the text and send it back to you... not like i got much else to do right now... ummm well maybe edit that magazine cover but pssshhhh.. my brides come first right
  23. ohhh GLA-MA-ROUUSSSS.....*Snaps his fingers* hahah seriously though thats a really nice dress. post some photos of you trying it on when you get a chance
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by host have you ever thought to use the group hug smilie? noob. OH MAN>..i just got served... i learn something new every day on here... HAHA
  25. Quote: Originally Posted by SunBride Well first of all I didn't mean to offend anyone. This is a "suggestions and feedback" forum which is why I posted it as a comment rather than a question (but yeah, I had no idea you can turn them off). The truth is I don't want to turn them off completely, because I like seeing them too, they are fun and there are lots of really nice pictures. My point was only that some of them are huge. Most other forums I've been on have limits as to how big the pictures can be, I was just suggesting putting a limit (or if there is a limit in place, then making it smaller). I just don't like that sometimes one short post that is only 1 or 2 sentences and yet still takes up my entire screen. It just requires a lot of scrolling, that's all. I must say though, I'm pretty hurt and insulted in the way I've been bashed here, after making a comment in a feedback forum. Yes, in retrospect it could have been said nicer, but I don't think it was that bad either (again it being in a feedback forum, not in some other forum). i think in a way all the couples here felt that they were being bashed and so they kind of lashed out. maybe not on purpose.... why can't we all just get alone hehehhe lets all have a group huhg *GROUP HUG*
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