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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. the simple things in life makes me happy.... expensive foreing sports cars, lavish vacations, fine jewlery, over priced gadgets, and of course my ferret. well i dont have any of those things really but im still happy. seriously im very happy. its all about doing the one thing you love in life and some how find a way to make a living at it. which i have... k so my next question is.. speaking of gadgets "whats the one thing you cant live without... material posession wise"
  2. oh dear lord hahaha..... you might wanna go get taht checked out whats your dogs name?
  3. UHHH helloo. i dont see why the government doesnt realize he is hiding behind waldo. if we can find waldo we can find osama.... my next question to you is "where's waldo?"
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel Congrats! I can't wait to see the pics! You better own it Jean-Marcus. *snaps his fingers in a waving motion*...."oh im gonna work it girl" and morgan... i love you for having some RHCP in there.
  5. miss toya... can i pleeease call you "miss jackson" if im nasty? i dont care what any one else says that album was awesome
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Congrats! That rules!! Please please please just dont do the worm!! why do you have to hate on the worm? its classic and what else gets the party hyped up more then the worm...
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by Lilpaisley Thanks all. I'm so excited I don't know where to start. I hit Half Price Books today and bought my first WR magazine and book. I have already gotten so many great ideas off this web site, I can see I'm going to get addicted. I spent a long time in the DIY section last night. Jean-Marcus...so great to see another Seattle person! I also love that Hurricane Dean pic. half priced... love that place.. you two are gonna love this website. its super informative and everyone is so helpful... happy planning
  8. okay sorry i just had to break back to starchilds explostion death.. YOU RULE. tahts so how i want to go. big gigantic explosion. instant and awesome. haha k who ever replies next has to answer the first car question
  9. no way. i dont want that dreaded information hanging over my head... i want to live life with no worries like i do now .... what is your biggest fear...
  10. i would have stopped at nothing to win Liz over and have her move back to seattle....now she is lost forever If oyu could get rid of one person in your life so they would completely vanish and no one would even remember them or miss them .. who would it be
  11. my dad was actually the ships doctor on a royal carribean boat... (funny he actually had more power then the captain if he wanted) anyways he had nothing bad to say about the cruise. and he is pretty picky
  12. heyyyyy .. another seattlite... i can look out my window and see you. hahaha welcome to the forum
  13. im not sure about your dreams but the dreams tulum i photographed seemed to go till 1030 . maaaybe even 11. but no later then that
  14. woop woooop *raising the roof* ... oh wait sorry im a little out dated with that one. lemme break into the cabbage patch. it will be my HONOR to photograph your wedding jenny (and gregg if you're actually reading this as well) any bride that is thinking about walking down to november rain is top in my rankings
  15. hahaha. im a guy. we dont fake it. do you really think we could come up with those ugly faces on our own... "if you could have one magical power what would it be"
  16. welcome to the forum... feels good to post that first thread doesnt it... soon you will be hooked (on all the useful information that is) happy planning
  17. congrats and its never too early to start the planning happy planning
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Mel88 Your pictures are gorgeous! What photographer did you use? it was me. i left you a link in your newbie thread so you can see all the photos so you can get an understanding of the resort and all that. hope they help in your planning
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by FinallyMrsBeckermann I am really wishing we would have done TTD photos now!! Ugh!! well. whats to say you cant do it still? you have the dress dont you? just get dressed up again and find a local photographer and do something fun like in the woods or a gravel pit or just walking around downtown at night or you name it... so many options just because you didnt do it at your destination doesnt mean ou cant get some amazing photos done still wherever you are
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by shannon Jean-Marcus - you trip me out-- I would LOVE to have some for my FI-- makes me laugh thinking about it-hehe.. Love these-- am ordering them now!! YAH!! well if they are for him then technically they are calld "MAN-ties" haha
  21. oh you are going to LOVE ITTTTT.. if you havent gotten to go there or want to see a complete wedding from there go to Collages.net Home username "laura david" and password is 15095 when it asks for an email make one up you'll get a really good understanding of how it all lays out and the rooms and resort and the day of the wedding and reception. plus surrounding activities... hope that helps out
  22. my advice... if you dont own photoshop yet buy adobe lightroom... its cheaper then photoshop and it is a lot easier to pick up becasue al the tools you need are layed out before you. it doesnt sound like you wil need more more then to adjust the light levels, clarity, saturations, and white balance and such. plus you can easily apply the same corrections to many other photos at the same time. its really convenient. if you have photoshop there are tons of tutorials online you can find. do a good search for something specific like "white balance photoshop tutorial" or "light levels photoshop tutorial" this way you can save the cost of taking a class not to mention all the time going
  23. dont you just hate dreams like that. they seem so real and you wake up stressed out and not sure if it really happend. i used to have dreams about work like that when i was bartending.. just remember it was just a dream and that no matter what happens you are getting maried in a wonderful place (shot a wedding in la jolla on the bluffs there and the wedding went perfectly). just know that little things will snag you up on your day but dont let it get to you. you'll be there with the one oyu love most surrounded by friends and fmaily who love you and it will be awesome i was even at a wedding wehre during the reception a gigantic brawl broke up and the cops had to show up and have someone arrested... at the time it was a little crazy but now they just look back at it and laugh
  24. holy crazy... i would have thought it was part of the experience... are you sure you werent in one of those elevator rides like at disney land or something? atleast you didnt get stuck
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