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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. when you call up your lawyers to have them include profile names off BDW into your will okay i dont think anyones done this yet but that would definately be a sign
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by xJuicyJx Thats GORGEOUS!! thanks... hopefully you think the same of your photos after i take them
  3. well you can fill the pinata up with all sorts of adult stuff. the bridal shower i photographed this last weekend had a peni-ata filled with condoms and candy... you could do a pinata in the shape of some breastessusss for the guys and fill it with... OH WAITTT.. brilliant idea.. little bottles of booze. THE PLASTIC KIND of course so they wont shatter.. put condoms and candy in there as well
  4. what about going down to the florida keys or something... that wouldnt be too far of a plane ride and a drive.
  5. coolnesss. im gonna be down there on the 2nd of april shooting a wedding. maybe we will bump into each other happy wedding to you
  6. hello there. and a big hearty welcome to you happy planning and welcome again
  7. take it on one bit at a time. do a search for specific threads.. go to the specific section of where you are getting married to read reviews. ummm just start asking questions or lookin around. its very informative happy planning
  8. im sure oyu can trust the big ones like expeida and travelocity ... ive had couples deal with apple and they get things done but sometimes its a little bit on mexico time
  9. from an ex bartenders stand point..... if they are blended margaritas they are gonna be a PAIN to get into the flutes... unless its from one of those dispenser machines... so check to see first what they use. im sure the blender dispensers. from a photographers stand point though.... pina coladas out of a coconut.. now THATS a toast . imagine that photo with everyone holding up their coconuts
  10. why is it that i always come into this thread during the sexual questions.. LADIES... i have to remain professionall... *snickers* "favorite cereal?"
  11. gorgeous gorgeous... and Kauai is my fave island... its so beautiful and lush...
  12. tulum or ireland for sure... from a photographers stand point anyways. those places are so picturesque. total dichotomys though. ireland is such a beautiful country though. happy planning and i hope you find the answeres to your decision. Quote: Originally Posted by Theresa13 Hello, My name's Theresa and my boyfriend and I got engaged a few weeks ago. We want a destination wedding for sure, but are having a really hard time narrowing it down because we love so many places! The date is TBA depending on the location. We would love to share a great experience with our close friends and family while still keeping it relatively affordable for everyone. Top choices so far: Ireland, Yellowstone or Yosemite National Parks, Southwest USA, parts of Mexico, esp. Tulum (even though we are leaning against that because my sister just got married there a couple of months ago at the very place which would have been my top choice!). Any suggestions? I'm so happy to find a group of people I can talk to about this! Theresa
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by Morgan I can definitly do it. It's funny because I saw the title & came running. Then it had my name in the post. I did a double take. I guess you guys know me I'll PM you my email. I might not be able to do it today, but I can get to it tomorrow. im with you... soon as i see the word photoshop in a thread title i start to drool cause i know ill be useful... since oyu already got this ill let you work your magic
  14. ya. i just had the one pic to share right now. illl be sharing the entire gallery once im done editing the 1600 photos... WOW.....
  15. had to share this with you all. talk about a gorgeous sunset. i was trying to time all the family photos and everything so that id have the sun setting when it was time for the wedding couple. i got so lucky considering that it was just going down and the clouds looked so amazing at that exact moment. i still have some photoshopping to do. *EDIT*.... k so if you want to see the online gallery including the underwater pics....go to Collages.net Home and username "kristen greg" and username is 15095 and when it asks for an email make one up... NOW... this was kind of a party crowd wedding so they really just wanted lots of party photos...
  16. theres just something about those red shoes on the white walll.. LOVE IT... so my fave page layout is the shoes of course
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel JM- you have been slacking lately. I don't see as many posts these days! sorry sorry ladies and gents... i was in orlando for a few days shooting a wedding... im back now
  18. welcome to teh forum and congrats on the big wedding. enjoy the big day
  19. GREAT idea.... that could be pretty easily done... well with proper planning a head of time.. i know quicktime has a live broadcast program Apple - QuickTime - QuickTime Broadcaster you can do with your laptop and webcam. of course youd need to figure out the logistics with the resort ...
  20. ahhhhh sicily... beautiful... of course i cant hear that city without thinking of the golden girls... "picture it..... sicily.... 1942...." hehehe happy planning. i remember seeing one bride getting married in italy here. hope you find all your questions answered
  21. a big welcome to you and welcome to the forum.. youll find lots of useful reviews and suggestions on here. you wont have a hard time narrowing it down . of course there arent really any bad choices of places down there happy planning
  22. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva They actually wanted professional photos of a party like that? lol My bachelorette was hilarious but I was glad we only had one camera around. The digital pics are locked in a vault never to be printed. lol well.. there were grandmothers there so it was a little risque but not out of hand.. no strippers or nothing. of course they did offer me off as a door prize and ask me to strip a few times hahaha...
  23. when you look forward to the coming month so that you can know what the new theme of siggy pics will be
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