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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. looks like it was a perfect day for your wedding.. congrats
  2. im okay with rescheduling... just not the week after. im leaving april 1st for playa del carmen...
  3. oh im tottallyyy downnnnn... thats my moms birthday but who cares about her JUUUST KIDDING... no i think we are doing something on the weekend. i have to check first... but ill meet on the 20th if im in town... can i come can i come can i come
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by Leia78 Beautiful. There is something so magical when a photographer hits the money shot! It's so amazing....I wich I had that talent! OH DEAR LORD... did you just say "money shot" hahaha google that on the urban dictionary Urban Dictionary: Define Your World and just be aware when you use that phrase but thank you for the compliment and for being unedited in photoshop they are really happy so far.
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by manda0812 what a gorgeous picture, shame you are not in Australia, we have some amazing sunsets here, doubt i'll get one as good as that! Love your work and still loving your sense of humour! i know ive always wanted to go to australia/nz do me a favor and get lots of photos taken and post them up for me and glad my sense of humor shines through
  6. why limit yourself to those two... what about sideways and suspsended and swinging and slanted and any other thing that starts with S seems to work "funnies movie ever made?"
  7. hmm so many options.. im hoping that the two TTD shoots im doing in tulum this october on the same weekend wanna do a dual ttd shoot together. .... you two could have like a .... oh wait.. nope. i gotta keep that one secret. i just came up with a sweet one that im gonna do sometime. okay so lets see. you two could go to like a layground and both be on a teeter totter or on the swings or something.. hmmm. or both go into the woods and do some blurred running/chasing photos through the trees. that could look cool... or hmmmm well im sure kristie will come up with some great ideas. you better share the pics
  8. probably going camping with the family every summer on this island in between sweden and finland (im originally from sweden) and i will always remember that distinct zipper sound of waking up to my dad opening up the flaps of the tent. "if you had to loose one of your senses what would it be"
  9. kauai... no doubt.. such a beautiful island. go there. its not as touristy and more quiet and peaceful and true hawaii
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by LC_Rachel When you have to open a document in your work email and at first you wonder if it will cost points. okay that sh** is funnyyyyyyy.. hahaha
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 What a cute idea! I love that... I am probably "borrowing it" LOL okay.. but make sure you give the idea back when you are done borrowing it heheh
  12. oh you are going to love it ... welcome to the forum and happy planning. you stumbled upon a gold mine
  13. pictures pictures. we want pictures of the places
  14. oh man it all depends on the mood. sometimes i like crunchy sometimes smooth.. either way you just made me hungry for pbj.. haha question..." would you give up a kidney to save a family member.... and would you give up a kidney to save a stranger."
  15. hear hear... (or here here) haha i agree. i cant believe that. $70 bucks for some shorts.. laaaame. i never understood spending all that money on clothing. a tailored suite or a fitted dress or somthing made just for you ... YES... but something off the rack at A&F costing that much.. rediculous. especialy considering its all made by some 5 year old in vietnam i think its apauling.
  16. congrats on the engagement and up coming wedding.. he better not ever forget valentines day now right the DR is a great place. do you know what resort you will be at? the sand there is sooo amazing.
  17. great stuff there ed pingol... seattle dwf here.. checked out the site yesterday.. welcome welcome
  18. im doing it right now.... traveling the world.. doing my photography... trying to have as much fun as i can.. oh and marry allesandra ambrosio... the victoria secrets model.
  19. being a wedding photographer i think im one of the only few men in the world that knows what spanks are... everytime i hear that word i crack up. what a funny name for it. but it does work wonders i tell you
  20. i feel i got jipped... i came into this thread expecting something else HAHAHA with that said the bottom of the two looks great. i dont care for the beach chairs in the top one.
  21. there are about million dreams tulum cancun and other dreams couples on here and i dont htink ive ever heard any of them say anything negative. i stayed at the tulum one photographing a wedding and it was amazing... check out the reviews on here.
  22. first of all why didnt she try and fix them before calling you to stress you out....
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