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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. you know i always post up the destination weddings.. well cause tha'ts the only ones im allowed to post in here. you know where to find the more though
  2. Off to photograph another wedding down in one of my fave places... The Mayan Riviera. Staying at the Paradisius Riviera Cancun hotel. Been about 6 months since I was down there shooting so will be nice to get to shoot another destination wedding down yonder. Many many many pics to come I am sure
  3. oh click on the link called "SITE TITLE"
  4. So i am updating my website with new stuff. I need your help narrowing it down from 168 to just 100. So select 20 pictures that you think i should get rid of and ill see which numbers over lap and hopefully get down to 100 Site Title
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by Jennybell1 Awwww! Your so cute! Yep total school girl crush...but I love it! lol I read the whole thing and was reading it so fast so that I could find out what happened....its like reading Twilight....lol Congrats - I hope it all works out for you! wow. she will love hearing yous aid its like reading twilight cause she loves that book Quote: Originally Posted by mlabbe This is too sweet! Just read 23 pages... and this better end in marriage!!! You two really seem meant to be! i know it better end in marriage. acnt think of anyone else more perfect Quote: Originally Posted by cougs oooh so excited that you're bringing her home for thanksgiving ... that's huge! glad to see the love story is still ongoing ... i hadn't checked in for awhile! ya. i realized i hadnt updated this in a while
  6. So we got Danielle a flight with me to my wedding im shooting in Puerto Morelos this November. She is gonna help assist me and start getting back into photography. THEN guess who is coming back home with me for Thanksgiving to my familys house
  7. I WON I WON I WON I WON I WON I WON I WON I WOOOOONN!!!!! not only that but the tv show called me and wants to feature me on their yearly show and follow me at a wedding and interview me and show my work on the show. WOOP WOOP WOOP. this will be really good. THANK YOU ALL who voted for me
  8. yes please... remember DO NOT leave a comment if youvote though because my competitor starts making up votes whenver he sees i get any
  9. oh maaaan. its CRUNCH TIME... i so need those votes. I am tied for first/second place and i just cant be second place again this year. Don't Worry about leaving any comments though because I don't want the guy im tied with to see me getting all those votes
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by KarenM hahahahaha. hilarious! i got sweet moves.. Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva Miss ya Jean-Marcus. I still think my stache was better! dont be hating and jealous just cause i have the best mustache ever
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by meli122 Is it the white or the ivory dress? it's white
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by nsbride2010 too bad I already have mine!! I loved this dress when I was searching for dresses! why not have two dresses Quote: Originally Posted by Scubadiva Beautiful dress you sure it wasnt yours and you gained a few pounds Mr. Jean-Marcus, HAHAHAHA did you just call me fat jk hehe Quote: Originally Posted by ~*Kathy*~ LOL when I just saw the thread title and the person posting, I was all "wtf, did JM marry his sweetheart already?!?!?!" hahaha, never know...those two being so crazy in love and all! hehe. well no we havent gotten married yet but you never know Anyhoo, I think it's nice that you're helping out, JM! That dress is gorgeous and I'm sure it'll sell quickly....and 50% off is a hell of a deal, I'm jealous! heck ya its a hell of a deal. hopefully it sells soon for her
  13. So I have just spent about a week down here with Danielle and we are now in Arkansas for this giagantic biker rally that she is managing some promotions at. Its a blast and man talk about a surreal place to be. You can hardly have a conversation on the streets because they bikes are so loud. Just thought I'd pop in and say hey to all the BDWers
  14. So I am helping sell a destination wedding dress. It is an Italian made Maggie Sottero Destination wedding dress. It is UNALTERED size 6 and never used and unworn. Retail is $1400 but will sell for $700 OBO. Once again NEVER worn and can be altered to fit pretty much any size below that.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by kristaheer So you told us all the big plans when she came to visit you. Have anything up your sleeve this time? oh we have no plans lined up. just two weeks of relaxing. well saturday night we are going to some new Hard Rock Cafe Club opening up and then then this coming Wednesday going to this gian Biker Blues BBQ convention in Arkansas that she is managing promotions at. but none of that is realy work Quote: Originally Posted by CarlyChristine Have a great time!!! I know you will! thank you. im going to have a great time . lots of pics to come Quote: Originally Posted by BachataBride Have an amazing time JM!!! I know you're going to have so many great stories to share when you get back (or while your there....because I know you won't stay away from us for that long!) In the meantime...I have a great story of my own to share. My friend and I decided to have a girlie night last night. Needless to say, after a few daiquiris & tequila shots it turned into quite a night! We ended up at a Chippendale bar & OMG!!! The dancers were smokin!!! I just had to take a video...here it is! Just copy & paste this (no www) into the address bar... sendables.jibjab.com/view/faQwRiOOusTcP5O0 Enjoy!! HAHA> funnyyyy dont you just love jibjab
  16. Leaving for Tulsa to visit Danielle for two weeks tomorrow
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by mummergirl OMG i never made it to the end of the aaron neville thing last time because my stupid computer kept rebuffering ... i just went back and BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! you had made it so far! LOL i don't know much, but i know i love you. for reals. that seriously rocked my world. i'm going to bookmark it to watch whenever i'm having a day. oh definately. i still crack up every time i hear it.. danielle messaged me today and siad that there was a family guy bit where peter griffin was talking into a mega phone and it was all weird sounding and high pitched and shakey cause it was on "aaron neville mode" hahaha
  18. you're welcome. man i should really revamp those photos and do some editing to them. i just quickly posted the photos i snapped down there. hmm maybe ill just remake all the photos on my wedding in november and make some really coool ones
  19. I always offer couples the option to design their own album and i'll get it professionaly printed for them. the albums will run about $500 usually and some taxes and shipping. but i'll send you the dimensions if you know how to edit layouts
  20. wow all that is very unfortunate. i can't believe he threw down the photos and said he quit. ive never heard someone get pissed off over something like that. I understand not wanting to duplicate someone else's work and want to be original but how original can you really be these days. everything has been done. and that was just totally unprofessional. as for the lighting he has you two lit perfectly but he should have slowed the shutter down longer to show the lighting of the sky and not make it look like its midnight. thats unfortunate.
  21. oh man thats a tough one. but if she is saying herlself she wont be able to kepe her mouth shut you may have to ask her not to come. the last thing you want is someone there that is making rude comments and puting everyone else in a bad mood. just rip it off quick like a band aid....
  22. welcome to the forum.. how romantic... ITALY.. gorgeous. many many many gorgeous photo opportunites there for sure
  23. those are awesome.. i really like the dark night ones with the light behind.
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