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Everything posted by jean-marcus

  1. how daaaare you guys talk crap about apple hahaha.. okay so they had some hiccups and glitches.. like nic said. they released 3 major things on one day. bound to happen. BUTTT i updated my phone and it works great. and im gonna buy the new one just didnt have time to get down there. but i need the gps in a major way. PS... the remote application for itunes on your phone is so fricking bad asssssss... get it if you dont have it. ive been controling my music sitting outside my house and listening to my tunes . its sweeet
  2. didnt know they had extensions but i have seen some AWESOME fake eye lashes that the models have been wearing at some of the shoots for the magazine. like angled criss cross ones, and ones made from parts of peacock feathers and stuff... and im definatly loving those.. and im all for it SO DO IT
  3. hahaha..well i dont really have much to say about the dress... but im loving the new hair on you... and if im not mistaken thats a hawk on the man.. SA-WEEET is it time for your wedding yet... i wanna go party in mexico.. oh ya. and take your pics heheheh
  4. if they dont do that i got myself a new business.. hahaha
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by NewOrleansbride Happy 4th and Happy Birthday! You are so funny with the registry! I half believe you are telling the truth, though. only half believe?
  6. thanks everyone. and the 5d is on sale right now because the new one is coming out soon
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by lucy106 Happy 50th birthday!!! I will be sure to send those Depends your way... but seriously have an aweomse bday weekend!!! please hurry. i have 3 left and lord knows those might last through dinner
  8. hope you all play safe and dont blow your hands off with illegal fireworks.... and now that ive tricked you to come to my thread thinking its an innocent holiday wishes....tomorrow is my birthday. so i hope you all get me something nice... im registered at canon camera and the apple store hahah
  9. yup thats their review.. but not my pictures just so you know hehehe someone extened their wedding gallery though if you wanna see it Collages.net Home username "tristan petros" and password is 15095 thta gallery should be up till august
  10. you are also forgetting about one very important one... PERSONALITY.... what kind of personality does this person have... talk to them on the phone (or if they live in your city go hang out with them for a bit)..... picking a photogarpher that meshes with your personality is very imporant for a wedding but even more so for a destination wedding because most likely they will be there a couple days and whats worse then having some photographer who is pushy, or rude, or no sense of humor. ps.. if they have a myspace do some snooping and see what kind of person they are
  11. HHAHAHAA>... PHUCKET... one of my favorite cities in the world simply cause of the name.... i dont care what people say im gonna pronounce it the fun way
  12. i dont know if thats for me but THAT IS FUNNY... i like those for sure... maybe not my wedding (if i ever get married that is) but i could definatly have those at some sort of function sometime
  13. hmmm not sure actually.. we will see when i get to the restaurant... gonna try a few things on their menu... appetizers, salads, entree's and desserts... im photographing the food for a dining review for the magazine i work for FREE DELICIOUS FOOD hahaha. its a tough job
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 I was watching that too. LMAO cracked me up! ahhh goood ol' SNL...
  15. so i was watching SNL (because i have since like 1984) and they had a skit where a drunk best man was giving a toast and of course being inapropriate like most toasts end up being hahaha) anyways he said at the end of his speech "50% of all marriages end in divorce..... and the other 50% end in death... here's to hoping you die" now at first you think that was funny... then...wait that was rude... THEN.. if you really break it down and think about it its really kind of sweet. because thats what the vows are right? "till death do us part"... who doesnt want to grow old together and be a couple until death... SO to all you soon to be and just married couples on here... "i hope you die together"
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by becks Are you kidding?!? I LOVE it when people ask me this!! I tell them it's a size 6. (My other favorite is when they ask me if it's real.... I tell them that no, its imaginary.) YOU.... are awesome
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Well HA, Mr. Smartie Pants-I used to be a photographer so I know what you are talking about! well mrs smarty pants.. maybe i was thinking of everyone else. cause i already knew that about you.. i know everything about you... PS your shower is dripping.. Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson They all look great, but I really love the ones in front of the window!!! those are myfaves too
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Sounds like he needs to pawn it and buy himself a new fishing pole LOL HAHAHA.. here here..... i agree with that or find a new fiance hahaa Quote: Originally Posted by DreaW I think he is going to try to change it since he can't return it....add more diamonds to it or something...I don't know... ORRR he can just NOT spend any more money on her and realize she is a gold digger and move on to a woman who will love anything he provides for her because she loves him thats what i say
  19. no mind you all.. in no way am i saying just cuase someone gets a fancy ring that they are superficial or shallow or anything like that... the guy that bought the ring on here that i showed you makes 600K a year so thats like someone on a "normal" income paying 6K for theirs or something like that.. and granted it is gorgeous and really who wouldnt love a ring like that...and it sparkled so much that it messed up the autofocus on the camera hahaha. i am just glad that not everyone (as BDW) has proven to me cares that much about the size of the diamond... way to go BDW ... three cheers HIP HIP HORRAYYY HIP HIP HORRAYYY HIP HIP HORRAYYY
  20. Quote: Originally Posted by tvt I said "wow, it's really sparkly" and she's like "yeah it's perfect cut, clarity, and cost a lot of money - he really loves me" Quote: Originally Posted by foxytv I had a 'friend' talk behind my back about my e-ring. Very similar in looks and attitude as your 'frien' it sounds like. And I had a lady from our corporate offices at my last job tell me how "small and dainty" my e-ring was. Quote: Originally Posted by JenniferLynn When I went dress shopping, one of the stores I went into made me feel so uncomfortable. The moment I walked in I got the once over from head to toe, with a stop on my ring finger. I DONT believe in violance against women BY MEN... BUTTTT will you women please do me a favor and punch all those women you just told me about in the nose and slap some sense into them hahaha Quote: Originally Posted by BarefootBride OMG! Your friend is so damn shallow! Is she serious She will end up lonely and sad... thats ridiculous! and yes... she is shallow. i just came to realize... ive honestly never wished someone to end up alone and sad but i hope she does... well. hmm no .. wait no i dont. i hope she is alone until she gets old and leather faced and THENNNN she realizes that there is more to life then material things and diamonds and that having quality relationships with quality people is what matters in life....
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Agape Gems You always have the most interesting angles in your pics! And that was quite a modern looking church, they don't make'm like that in the south! ya the church was amazing.. so much light. the group pics turned out great because of it... Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN Looks like a fun group! Love the ones in front of the window-great lighting! ya that window was like a giant soft box provided great difused light. it was great....(sorry for the photography terms haha) Quote: Originally Posted by nikkianddean great pics as usual!! I loved the church..so modern!!! as always it looks like you had a little fun with the guests! i try and have fun with everyone... its a wedding... people always having fun
  22. FIRST OF ALLLL>.. leave it up to the people at BDW to show me that there are still good and wonderful people out there who do still believe in true love and not a big ring as a downpayment. you all cheered me up i needed that.... Quote: Originally Posted by TA Maureen Oh and I know another girl that made such a fuss about getting a certain size diamond so he got it for her even though it was way beyond his means. Well now that they are married she is making monthly payments on her ring. I find that hysterical! see. atleast she is making payments on it.. that shows some sort of hope... i mean if its so important to you what size diamond you have on your finger then let him get the band and you paya for the diamond... ill tell you what if i ever hear a woman complain about her diamond AND comlpain about womens equal rights i will take her and put her on a one way rocket trip set for outerspace haha Quote: Originally Posted by ethrondson I don't understand some people. I will admit that I had a ring picked out that I wanted and had it on the fridge for about a year. BUT, I didn't end up getting it, and I still love my ring. Jean-Marcus - the fact that this bothers you so much shows that you really do value true love as well. theres nothing wrong with dreaming... hell i dream of having my own private island.... but ill be just as happy if i dont get it . well maybe slightly less but it wont define my happiness.... and you better believe i still believe in true love.. i guess one reason i do what i do Quote: Originally Posted by Christine I think its a definite sign of immaturity if that's all a person cares about. When I was younger I had this idea that a certain kind of ring was what I wanted, then I met my husband and my priorities changed, Its really too bad that some women are so concerned with the rock that they don't think about what the marriage means. thats what upsets me. i thought my friend was old enough to know. i mean she is like 26 now i think... and i thought she was above all that.. i guess i was wrong about my friend. Quote: Originally Posted by shellb When my FI and I got engaged, I told him I didn't need an engagement ring. I personally think it's the wedding band part that is most important, the sign of your love and commitment to each other. You can't put a price tag on love. its cliche but its true... Quote: Originally Posted by JessicaLovesBrian I guess I'm an ugly girl!!!!! i beg to differ
  23. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 Some people marry out of convienience. It's whatever though. Just remember she is so shallow and she will never be truely happy unless she realizes what love is about. how can someone live with themselves and be that shallow.... does she realize that she is essentially whoring herself out... (OHHH I KNOW IM GONNA GET HEAAAT FOR THAT COMMENT ON HERE) hahah.. but seriously.. you cant defend what she is doing and say its anything else BUT that. its girls like her that makes me wanna get a cheap crappy ring and give it as the engagement ring just to test her out (whoever she may be when i do decide to propose) just to see if she really wants to be with me for me or just for a high priced ring...
  24. Quote: Originally Posted by Kat81 You are right though Jean-Marcus. I think the whole engagement ring situation is totally out of hand. You don't measure your decision on the size of the rock. And PS you are such a great guy. You are going to find an amazing girl and make her a great husband. ahh thanks... that made my night.. you totally got me out of my funk.. i was kind of upset really because i cant believe how some people think and waht people really value... no wonder everyone gets divorced these days and why the average length of a marriage is 7 years (just looked it up).... glad im not the only one who still values true love
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