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Everything posted by Melon80

  1. Hello, My name is Melissa Duenas and we got engaged in July right before my very special "other", Greg Fisher went into intensive training for his IT certifications. Needless to say we were unable to do much planning. I'm getting into the swing of things now, but am one of the most indecisive people ever! - I know we'd like to get married in the Spring or Summer of 2008, but I can't seem to pick a month. I'd love to say May, but doesn't everyone say "May?". - I'm not the most traditional of brides to be I'd say. Honestly, I thought this would be great fun to plan out a wedding, but I'm about 2 inches away from running away with my future hubby (who is originally from Las Vegas) and jumping ship. - We've toyed with the idea of Vegas, Miami (where I'm from) is out of the question, and Atlanta or rather Warner Robbins (where his family is at) is out of the question. To make things more interesting... we both met in Austin, TX. So the country is basically a giant hopscotch board. - Most recently I thought of a place I had been to in Mexico a few years back. I absolutely loved it, Xcaret (eco park), and always said this place would be an ideal place to live. I would love to get married here. - The issues are: logistics (will this this work for everyone?), pricing (is this way out of the range?), if you have a destination wedding does that mean honeymoon too?, does everyone hang out with you? AHHH! This is all so overwhelming, but I'm still in the very beginning stages. I feel so discouraged when I start to think about everything involved. The great irony is that at work I manage very complex research projects without a hitch, but I can't seem to get definitive milestones set for your "wedding". All I know is that we love each other, and I guess in the end - it's just important that we can finally be together. I look forward to learning some things on this site. - Melissa!
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