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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. Both of you look so cute in those photos. I love your shoes ( the wedges and the red patent leather pumps). Very chic!
  2. OOps, totally missed the 2006 portion of this thread . Does anyone have any experience w/ this type of scenerio/ceremony?
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by MERRYME I'm sorry I think you missunderstood. we are not having a catholic wedding. we will be exchanging vows and doing a civil ceremony on the beach followed by the "blessing". I think this will make veryone (grandma) feel like it is a little more meaningful. OMG, i think you may have solved one of my biggest dilemmas! My FI and I are both raised Catholic. My mom, especially, is not too crazy of a non-traditional ceremon. She jokes she will be carrying a bible w/ her. Anyways, I think she would feel better about our wedding if we were at least blessed by a priest. Do you mind posting your ceremony itinerary (readings, vows...)? Are you going to be reciting the catholic vows and having readings from the bible?
  4. For those thinking of booking Juan to do their wedding photos, I thought i'd post his prices. They have gone up, but his pics are priceless. For 6 hours would be: $4,200 USD Packages: $3,000 USD = 4 hours. (minimum) $3,500 USD = 5 hours. $4,900 USD = 7 hours. $6,300 USD = 9 hours. $7,000 USD = 10 hours. (maximum) 2 day Packages: $8,000 USD = 10 hours - wedding day + 3.5 hours - rehearsal. Delivered to you: - Online proofing for viewing and print orders from anywhere around the world for one year on my website (all of the prints are state of the art, the company is located in Los Angeles,California). - Includes "professional" touch-ups of photos. - $500 USD print credit for 4 to 6 hours, on your photos so that you can choose the photos you want printed. - $700 USD print credit for 6 to 8 hours. - $1000 USD print credit for 8 hours or more. - On-line slide-show of a few selected photos of your wedding, just like this one & you would also get a DVD of the slideshow for viewing at a home DVD player: http://www.juancarlostapia.com/Nicol...ren/index.html - "only" the 2 day package includes the High res digital files (Jpg) on a DVD.
  5. Just an FYI for those BTBs looking for BM gifts, costco has 14K gold starfish studs ($50), and 2 starfish niecklaces ($200).
  6. Those are great pics. I especially like the one where your veil is blowing in the wind. You guys look great together.
  7. I'm so sorry to hear that...but, I know wherever you get married it's going to be so fantastic b/c you have so many creative and unique ideas.
  8. to the forum! Congratulations and happy planning!
  9. Quote: Originally Posted by newfiebride I actually saw them at Michaels craft store first for $49.99 a box (for 40) then one day I saw the exact same ones at the dollar store, of all places!!! They were $10.00 a box so I bought one box but then ran out. When I went back to the dollar store they had a 75% off sale on wedding stuff, so I got all my invites for about 15 bucks!!! They are DIY ones so I just pasted the starfish pic in the template and typed in the info...really easy!! Thanks. I'll go check it out today.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by newfiebride Here is my EXTREMELY (and cheap, lol) simple starfish invitations I like your invites! How cheap are they I was thinking of ordering my invites from costco (starfish themed too) b/c they were simple and cheap; but if yours are more inexpensive....I hope you don't mind
  11. My FI and GMs are going to wear a Barong (formal men's wear of the Philippines). My FI is going to have long sleeves and the GMs are going to have short sleeves. still unsure if they are going to go traditional and wear black pants, or go w/ khaki.
  12. This is my BM dresses, in champagne. The girls are going to have them hemmed to mid knee. They're from nordstrom and they're inexpensive ($79), which is always a plus.
  13. Quote: Originally Posted by host well, air rates for nov. 2008 are not out yet...it would be cheaper for your guests to fly out of sfo than oakland and this year i was getting flights out of sfo in the $320-400 range usually. from san diego it was around $400-450 but if they are close to LAX it would be cheaper from there. Thanks for the info.
  14. WOW, you are truly blessed to have so many friends and family want to be there w/ you @ your Hawaii wedding! It is a dilemma when the hotel fills up...maybe you can talk w/ yout TA to help remedy the problem.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by amy&andy08 I swear by the Victoria Secret Very Sexy bra...now they have one with infiniti edge. It doesn't seem like much padding when you pick it up, but trust me it gets your puppies high and close together....give it a try! I can vouch for the Infinity Edge push up! That thing works. They even came out w/ a wireless version.
  16. Quote: Originally Posted by host yeah, that is how i usually do it and it is especially easier if i also do their air. BTW, how much do you think air would be? Most of our guests will be flying out of SFO, Oakland, and San Diego. I want to give them a rough est. on the pricing for flights on our website and newsletter.
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by host leia, i also help arrange transfers for your guest...it is $34 per person for roundtrip but it is worth it because your guests don't need to come at the same time and the transfer company is really nice and reliable Okay, good to know. Hmmm, this might be easier for them to book their hotel through you and at the same time arrange for transportation.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by fogdog The same thing happened to me with the reply email. Basically, unless you have 16+ people arriving all at the same time, there is no economic benefit to reserving as a group. For anything less, if you are not paying for your guests, the easiest thing is to have them book directly online. Personally, I'm not paying, but I have asked guests for their arrival info and will help coordinate for those who arrive at the same times to share private transit so they don't have to do a shuttle. But I will ask 1 person from the group to be the "leader" and do the online reservation and they can sort it out from there. So far, people are happy about this bc they can have more direct transit without having to pay the private price (assuming I can put together groups of 5 or more). Good point. I'll take this into consideration.
  19. Quote: Originally Posted by Jackie27 Your added to our list of Dreams brides to be http://bestdestinationwedding.com/fo...08-brides.html Its a thread just for us Dreams girls not married yet to post stuff! Thanks! I'll check it out now.
  20. I emailed Transcabo to set up transporation for my guests from the airport to Dreams. But I got an email back from a destination management company, Incentives Management, saying that they are a part of the Transcabo group. For the girls that have and are working w/ Transcabo, did you go through this other company? I'm just wondering if it's going to be more expensive b/c I have to work through a middleman. FYI, I spoke to Maye regarding transportation for my guests, and she quoted me $31/p. I'm just trying to find something cheaper.
  21. Quote: Originally Posted by Melissa Radolli Soo exciting! We are trying to confirm for November 27, 2008 if I could just get a response from the WC! I would love to hear all about your site visit - take lots of pics! Hi Meilssa, Yesica (WC) takes a few days to get back to you (I know, it's annoying). I will defiantely gather as much info as I can for all the brides-to-be.
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