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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. Leia78


    you've come to the right place!
  2. So precious! Congratulations!
  3. I pick shaved...I 'm partial b/c my guy is shaved.
  4. Everything looks so great. Your guests are going to love every detail . It's going to be amazing!
  5. Quote: Originally Posted by host oceana and portofino are my favs as well but i just love the omelette bar/breakfast at el patio...it was awesome!! Gotta love breakfast! El Patio breakfast buffet was a "must do" for us too.
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by CourtneyV Haha, too funny... Portofino was easily my fav. We wanted to try every restaurant at least once, but on the last night, we skipped out on the asian influenced (I can't remember the name of it!) to go back to the Portofino. It looked good from the outside hahahaha...we didn't try Himitsu either b/c it was closed d/t renovations.
  7. La Cascada Wedding at Terrace of Oceana's Pool Honeymoon suite (sorry blurry) Roomw/ 2 beds (sleeps 3 adults w/ kids) Junior 1 bedroom (sleeps 2 adults)This was our room.
  8. I liked Oceana. We couldn't go to Portofino b/c John didn't bring pants . How 'bout you?
  9. John and I just got back from Dreams on Friday! The resort is more beautiful than the pictures lead you to believe. We had a great time meeting w/ all the vendors and relaxing poolside. It was a much needed vacation for both of us. Here's some info that I gathered: Juan Carlos Tapia: We were so excited to meet him in person, just b/c we have been admiring his work for so long. He was nice in person, but he just didn't seem too excited to be a part of our wedding day. He also brought us an old album of his to showcase his work. I guess those are minor things...he does take fantastic pictures (no one can deny that). Sam Perches: We definately got a good vibe from him. He's so laid back and seems easy to work w/. He brought his laptop to showcase his demo, which was really put together and well done. He doesn't require a deposit, nor a contract. Just tell him what time to be there, for how long, and you pay him once you get the final product. I believe I posted his prices on another thread. FYI, for the singletons, his girlfriend works in the hotel next to Dreams. Fabian Espinosa: He does photography and videography. I posted his prices on another thread. He came w/ his wife; she's a photographer as well. Both were very enthusiastic to meet us. Although he has been in the advertising side of photography, I think he's beefing up his wedding business. His website isn't complete yet, and he didn't have a concise demo/portfolio on hand to show us. He is going to email me a slideshow of his "finished" photos; I will post as soon as I get them. Here is a link to his video sample Wedding video in cabo Yessica Garcia: She has the sweetest personality. She is very busy (we saw a wedding or a private event almost every day we were there) and gets a ton of emails. When we were checking out, the front desk person told us that we should try to be concise and thorough w/ our emails to Yesica b/c sometimes details may get lost in the shuffle. She has a very accomodating personality and I'm sure she'll do a great job. Dreams Spa: Wonderful! We got a couples massage and it was awsome. They're 2007 prices are posted somewhere, but they will be going up in 2008. For a mani/pedi party, the services must be held at the spa. They can do 4 people at a time (2 mani, 2 pedi). For those that are waiting for their turn, they can use the jacuzzi, sauna, or steam room. They only have 2 lounge chairs in the waiting/relaxing area. So if you have a large group, it might not be ideal. Food at Dreams: Pretty good. I think my guests will like it. The tasting went well. THe beef tenderloin is a must. My only complaint is that the seafood is laiden w/ butter. That's just my person preference though. Somes info I jotted down to let my guest know and/ or to remember: -if there are guest w/ special needs (elderly-first floor...) make arrangements w/ Yessica to accomodate them -american outlets (I can bring my hair dryer and flat iron) -put towel out on lounge chair ASAP -let BM and GM know that they will have to pay to get their attire pressed -rooms have DVD payer -you must pay for internet use -beware of vacation consultant once you check in. They will want to tell you about a "welcome package" AKA time share -Taxis are expensive (airport to Dreams $60; Dreams to airport $35) so make arrangement to and from airport -Bring $1 for tips for pool person, housekeeping, room service, airport shuttle driver and bell boy (especially if you have a lot of luggage) For all the BTBs, if you have any questions just PM me. Sorry this post is so long.
  10. Great review and beautiful pics! I just got back from Dreams, and I have to agree w/ you...the resort is great and gorgeous, but the room service people kinda suck.
  11. and Congratulations! Where in Spain are you getting married?
  12. to the forum and happy planning!
  13. Beautiful ring! Take it back and get it fixed ASAP. Don't let that big, sparkly rock fall out!
  14. I know your wedding is going to be beautiful! Congratulations and enjoy every moment of it!
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by browneyed4 Hi Leia, I couldn't figure out how to reply directly to the message you sent me regarding Fabian Espinosa so I figured I'd send it this way. Well, I would love to share my pictures with you but I haven't seen them yet. He did call me to let me know that he was going through a family crisis so I've been patient and anxious at the same time. All I can say is he showed up on time and stayed throughout the duration of the wedding. When I do finally get them, I'll share them with you. I just got back from Dreams yesterday. I met w. Fabian and his wife. Both of them seem so sweet and esy to work with. I'd really love to see your pics! Thanks so much!
  16. Both are beautiful, but I like #1. I am biased though, since I too am having an all cymbidium bouquet .
  17. Hi Jules! I love, love, love your veil and dress. You looked so beautiful! great choice in photographer.
  18. Leia78


    Welcome! This place is loaded w/ ideas.
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