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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by cessyboston love love love them......you must be so excited love prim and prixie they are so great to work with..... It's b/c of you Erica that I'm using them! I loved your STDs.
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw nice! i didnt realize the rsvp was a postcard, how cool! but is the rsvp side the front of the postcard or the back? like is there still a side to put an address, or will they go into envelopes? Here is the backside of the RSVP. I'm just going to put a stamp on it...no need for an envelope.
  3. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw leia those are so lovely! im so glad they turned out great! now im thinking about using them for my invitations for my american guests! can you post the measurements of your invitation and enclosures so i can get an idea about how big they are? invite 5 X 7 RSVP postcard 5 X 4 detail card 4.5 X 3.5 I specifically told them that I didn't want to pay extra on postage.
  4. They're great. They ask you to fill out an info sheet about what you want and what your budget is; then they try to come up w/ something w/in those guidelines.
  5. I got my invitations in the mail today! They're from Prim and Pixie . I love them! They have our monogram, they're shiny, and pink and green...just what I wanted. Each set cost $5.25 which includes an invite, an RSVP postcard, an event detail insert, and matching envelope. They were so sweet, fast, and easy to work with. I heart the Pixies! I'm going to use them for all my wedding stuff.
  6. So I bought all of my BM dresses from Strapless Satin Dress - Dresses - Nordstrom for full price. Then found out, today, that they were on sale. I called customer service to see if I can get a price adjustment, and they gave it to me. Mind you, I bought the dresses over a month ago. Nordstrom ROCKS!
  7. to the forum! This is a great place to share and get ideas from past and future brides. You will absolutely love it here. But I just have one question...what did you mean by a "cookie cutter Dreams wedding"? It's just that I'm having my wedding there in Oct., and I think my wedding is going to be anything but "cookie cutter"?
  8. Congrats Michelle...what a great acomplishment!!!
  9. I subscribe to this website and it has a lot of cool food ideas, recipes, info about eating healthy. I love it. Hungry Girl
  10. I came across this website on the Weddingbee. It catagorizes all the knot bios in one place. Another awsome place for inspirational ideas and pics. I especially loved the Pink and Green bio since those are my colors. http://bios.magnificentbliss.com/specialty/
  11. I cam across this site for all you DIY brides. Unfortunately, I'm not, but it's a great place for inspirational pics and ideas! Style Me Pretty: Color Palettes
  12. The pics are so beautiful! You guys look so cute together. Love the beach pictures...especially the one w/ the date in the sand
  13. This just proved that I AM addicted!!! I too was having withdrawls...
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by mauraw actually you CAN do it in itunes! best way to do this is first start by making a playlist with the songs you want. this way it will only shorten it in the playlist and not for the song in the library. click on the song you want to shorten, click get info and then go to options. there should be an option there for you to click a box that says both "Start time" and "Stop time" i did this for a friend's wedding in 2006 because i sang ave maria and i needed to cut some of the intro and the 3rd verse out. it was super easy though! holler if you have questions and I can try to walk you through it. Cool! I just never tried b/c my friend told me it wouldn't let you do it.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by StephanieMN You are my hero! We were actually just talking about needing to edit a`song for the cermony that has a super long intro and here you are tellling us about software that does it. Now we just have to hope I can figure it out It's easy...just be sure you convert your itunes into an MP3. An easy, but tedious way is to make a CD w/ your itunes then save it back to your computer. You can't edit itunes b/c of copyright legalities, i think.
  16. Music is SUPER important to me and my FI...we are using our Ipod during our reception but wanted to be able to edit the songs and transition them from one to another. Audacity: Free Audio Editor and Recorder is a free download that allows you to do this. We're getting all of our music from itunes (to get the best quality sound). The only thing is, is that you can't edit your music from itunes, so you have to convert it to an MP3 first and save it on your hard drive...then edit away... We plan to cut each song to approx. 2 min. each so it won't get boring. MUSIC + ALCOHOL = FUN
  17. Quote: Originally Posted by QuelMoffett HEY GUESS WHAT EVERYONE!?!?!?!?! I am one of Carly's bridemaids )))) That's so cool...2 BDW BFs! My best friend and I are planning our weddings together too! But her's is going to be a traditional Catholic one at home.
  18. Quote: Originally Posted by QuelMoffett This is very thoughtful gift! How many 'maids will you have? 4 of them.
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