Well...it's 2 am and I'm at work. It's quiet right now at the hospital, so it's a perfect time for me to have some "quality time" w/ the BDW forum.
2007 has come and gone really fast, Oct. 25, 2008 is just around the corner!!! I'm so excited to get married...
I start working full time again next week to help pay for the wedding expenses. I'm not looking forward to it...but we need the $$!
We just adopted another dog (Sophie) a couple weeks ago, but it doesn't seem to be working out. She is becoming really territorial and protective over me and doesn't like it when Bubba (our first dog) comes near me. We are probably going to have to give her back to the rescue place. John and I are so sad that we have to give her back, but Bubba is our #1. So off to Santa Barbara this weekend to return her...i think we'll make a weekend out of it...which means ROAD TRIP!!!!!!