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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. You made such a beautiful bride! Do you have the pics from Juan yet?
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by PaulaV I had a link to Sarah's (NurseSarah) OOT bags and how to's, but the link doesn't work anymore... maybe it was deleted? I cannot find it in search. Someone help please? I need the foolproof directions on the transfers since there were some tricks to getting them right. Thank you! I'm going to do this too. Any tips/tricks would be great.
  3. YAY another Dreams bride!!! Welcome and congratulations!
  4. Quote: Originally Posted by sandyroo Yeah, I definitely have to figure out what sorts of prizes would be good. I want to try to get a bunch of different ones. I was thinking itunes gift cards would be good. They come in 4 packs at costco. Need to think of something for the older guests though. Kiki, the cost I was quoted was $800 for the setup and the people to work the tables. I guess they set up like 3 or 4 different games. Leia, have you chosen a location to do it? I'm debating whether to just have a welcome dinner too, so that way the waitstaff would be around to serve drinks. Not sure yet though. I'm thinking Oceana Terrace since the reception is going to be at La Cascada. I'm going to make it my Welcome dinner too so I'll be doing the mexican buffet w/ it. I think I'm also going to rent the speaker from Dreams so that we can play music. Both of our families are really into gambling so i think it'll be fun.
  5. How do you multi quote? Also, is there a way to post a thread w/ a quote but not the picture?
  6. So I really don't know how I missed this thread....Tammy, you know I love your wedding photos! Juan did such an awsome job, you and Steve are such a cute couple and you guys had such a beautiful wedding!
  7. Quote: Originally Posted by ruby_otrp BTW how did your STD looked like? Here's a link http://bestdestinationwedding.com/forum/t11117
  8. I think it's called the Jungle Boat Tour. I'm not sure I'd recomend it though...the boat was kinda shoddy to say the least. They served really cheap tequila and alcohol in general. Everyone was so wasted on the boat...I'm not sure if it was all that safe when I look back on it . When everyone first got on the boat...it was silent...why did we all leave as friends pretty munch holding each other as we stepped off that thing! I was completely wasted and so was everyone else!
  9. I want to get a shared prong wedding band, but I heard it cuts into your engagement ring over time. Is this true?
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by host i was in a hospital room probably topless and pumping for my newborn and the nurse recognized me from the forum...she is now a member here...the internet can be crazy!!! I'll admit...I was stocking your pics for a second
  11. This sounds right up my ally. I'm making them!
  12. Leia78

    Cabo - May 08

    and congratulations! The Palmilla is a gorgeous hotel!
  13. Yay...another Dreams bride! Welcome and congratulations!
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by NYJen I know, I saw that too and thought, "Ok, now the media is just grasping at straws." I was so pissed when I saw that too...no wonder there are so many girls/women out there w/ eating disorders and body image issues!
  15. What a great newsletter! Your guests are going to be blown away!
  16. I also didn't want to wear white. My dress is a dark ivory...but doesn't have a designer. I think it's a knock off. I bought it off the rack at a wedding gown superstore.
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