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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan Have you posted your pictures from Juan on here? I would love to see them as I am sure all the other ladies on here too if you didn't mind! We def. would love too see your pics!!!
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by chprfan Have you posted your pictures from Juan on here? I would love to see them as I am sure all the other ladies on here too if you didn't mind! We def. would love to see your pics from Juan!!!!
  3. I really like the back of the second pic. But, take it from a gal who bought a dress, and now is changing her mind...don't rush. Make sure you are in love w/ your dress!
  4. Love the BM dresses! It'll look fantastic w/ your wedding gown! I love the detailing of your dress by the way.
  5. ooh la la! Strapless! He's too cute!!!!! I like it when a man knows what he wants!!!!!
  6. Your dress is really beautiful Shelley! Amos is going to melt when he sees you in it!
  7. I wanted to do it on my thread of "a tale of 2 dresses", but I just posted a whole new thread w/ the pics. Thanks Christine!
  8. How do you rename a thread that you posted. For example, adding "updated w/ pics".
  9. How do you change the color of your username on top of the avatar?
  10. I guess i sent out my stuff a bit early! My wedding is at the end of Oct., sent out the STDs in Nov., invitations in Jan. w/ an RSVP date of March.
  11. Thanks girls for your replies. I'm going to order the casablanca dress this week...then that's it...no more looking at dresses!
  12. They're cute! But Erica...you changed your colors?? No more pink?
  13. Leia78


    Quote: Originally Posted by chelsea Thanks for the welcome...I am still trying to figure out how to get around on here?!? How do you post pics? upload your pics onto photobucket, copy the IMG code, when you post hit the yellow mountain box, and paste the IMG code there.
  14. Leia78


    Welcome and Congratulations Chelsea! 4 weeks WOW!!! I'm so excited for you! I'm getting married there too, but in Oct.. Let me know if you need anything. Don't forget to tell us all about your big day and post pics...we live for that around here.
  15. Quote: Originally Posted by cheese_diva I like both.. keeping it simple is great idea as long as you feel beautiful in the style. .. remember on the right will keep it in all the alter photos.. Good tip Angela!!
  16. I like them! You can never have too many flowers and I love the colors.
  17. I bought the straighter gown w/ lace (final sale ), but kept stalking the casablanca dress online. I finally decided to try it on this weekend and I really, really like it . The lady is willing to work w/ me on the price of the gown, she said I didn't have to pay tax, and she'll throw in the veil...she knows I already bought the other gown.
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