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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. Congrats Susan! Don't you love it when you get stuff checked off the list!
  2. You look so radiant in all your photos Catherine! It looked like your wedding was so much fun!
  3. I don't think it's too much...he'll be such eye-candy!!! soooo cute...
  4. I don't know how I missed this review! Thanks Natalie for all the pics and being so detailed.
  5. What an amazing hotel! You guys are going to have the best time!
  6. Quote: Originally Posted by LALA Good choice. I love the form fitting look! The casablanca dress kinda looks like your dress...and you looked so gorgeous in yours! I can't wait to try on the right size...it'll look waaaaay better I'm sure, and more comfortable.
  7. John and I are paying for everything...which is probably why I have heart palpatations periodically. Now gifts are another story...
  8. Quote: Originally Posted by Tlseege NICE! Your story gives me hope. I just went today and tried on my "dress #2" for my mom. I think I'm going to be a two dress bride So if you figure out how to get rid of your first one, let me know! I just put mine on craigslist this afternoon and got one reply. If it doesn't look promising, I'm going to put it on ebay next week.
  9. I'm ready too! I need a good laugh!
  10. I ordered the Casablanca dress today. I can't wait to try it on!!!!! I'll post pics when I get it!
  11. Your dream dress looks so gorgeous! But like the others...maybe consider trying on a similar style before purchasing it?!? Take it from me...I bought a dress thinking that it would be the one, and then fell in love w/ another. Can your bridal store order a sample for you from the designer? That's what the store did for me. I had to pay for the shipping, but it would go towards my dress is I decided to get it.
  12. Was on their website the other day and came across this: From September 1 - December 16th, 2008 two kids can stay, play, and eat free when traveling with two paying adults. A family of four can save over $700 per week when they book their Unlimited-Luxury vacation! Book now! This offer ends December 16th! Dreams Resorts & Spas - Los Cabos I talked to Tammy (host) and she says that your guests have to book outside of your wedding room block.
  13. Have a great time Jenn! We'll all be thinking about you!
  14. I love all your stuff Heidi! The book for your sister is really special. She is going to treasure it!
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