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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. You looked so beautiful Amy! And from the looks of your pictures, one rockin' wedding...shoot...I wish i was there!!!
  2. Those pics are adorable! What kind of camera do you use?
  3. I love how your sister organized the site. Of course it helps that you have really beautiful pics too.
  4. advil, alka-seltzer, pepto bismol, benedryl, immodium,first aid kit, purell, and sun block.
  5. Welcome Back Abbie! Beautiful pics and thanks for the review!!!
  6. I can't wait to see this movie! I think John and I are going to watch it tomorrow night.
  7. We threw my BF's bachelorette party in Miami over the weekend. Despite some mishaps we all had a great time relaxing on the beach and getting our groove on. We stayed at the Essex House. It's a 3 star hotel, so it was decent. I really liked it b/c it was so close to the beach. The beach itself was beautiful; and surprisingly not too crowded. The waves were gentle and the water was clear. We ate at Ola's, which was sooooooo delicious! I highly recomend that restaurant to anyone who is planning on going to South Beach. Of course we did the strip club thing, and we danced at Prive and Opium Garden. We also had a few drinks at some of the hotel bars. One of my favs was the Delano. Really beautiful place and great people watching! Drinks and food is really expensive there. And for those that are planning a trip to South Beach, tip is included on the bill. So here are some pics. Our theme was fedoras. That's why we're all wearing the hat.
  8. I really like your 2nd draft. Your pictures turned out so beautiful Morgan!
  9. Those are beautiful! Morgan, you must be ecstatic right now!
  10. I'm leaving to go to Miami tonight for my bf's bachelorette party!! I'm so excited... It's going to be 5 girls, all of whom have been friends for years. It won't be too wild and crazy b/c we just found out that one of them is preggers!!!! Of course I'll post pics when i get back.
  11. The personalized robes and the matching toiletry bag will be perfect. What a treat!
  12. Congrats Amy! Besides the mishaps at the Melia and Church, sounds like you had a beautiful, wedding. Love your teaser pics. You looked gorgeous. And I gotta show John, Hans' outfit, he'll love it.
  13. So here's a pic the seller sent me. it actually looks good. The charm is a circle tile charm that's only 1/2 inch in diameter. She said it will blend in good w/ an ivory ribbon. I may just do it... The boutonniere pic is my inspirational pic. John will be the only one wearing the pink orchid, while everyone else will have a green orchid boutonniere.
  14. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura leia, ill be honest, i think it might look weird on the bout. i think it would be much nicer to sew it on a hankie or inside his suit jacket or something like that. actually, once I thought about it more, I thought it may look kinda weird on the boutonniere. Quote: Originally Posted by Maura btw, Leia, i changed the name of the thread to fix the spelling of boutonniere in case someone goes searching for stuff relating to boutonnieres, it comes up thanks!
  15. Thanks everyone for all your ideas. I never thought of putting it on the inside of his jacket...that may actually be better.
  16. John saw my idea of having 2 small bouquet photo charms to honor my deceased grandparents. He really liked the idea and wants to order one to remember his grandfather who recently passed. We were trying to think of a place to put it on him. Do you think a boutineer photo charm would be tacky? We are going to go w/ the smallest tile or charm...to make it inconspicuous. Once the seller on etsy emails me the pics and specs of the charms, I'll post it. Here's the seller Etsy :: charmingmemories :: Custom Photo Jewelry and other Fun Stuff. She's been great so far.
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