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Everything posted by Leia78

  1. That pic you posted of the bouquet looks like it's been post processed by the photog. I'm sorry you're not happy w/ them. However, yours do look a little lighter than mine. Here's a pic of my USI flowers: And here's AA:
  2. Quote: Originally Posted by carly Leia, got any pics of your cousin? Sounds cute! But I am a totally visual person so can't picture. I should also say that my hair is fine and has a bit of wave to it. So usually I am 100% against razoring my hair, it just makes it wispy. Let me look for a pic, and I'll post.
  3. Hi Carly! I love Katie's hair, except not too thick bangs and then maybe have them layer the bangs w/ a razor or something...so it won't look so bowl-like. My cousin got her hair done like that and it looks so chic.
  4. Wow Yari, you're so on top of things! I gotta "beautify" myself too next week. I can't wait till you get married
  5. You're leaving already Yari?!?!?!?! Have a safe trip and one heck-of-a wedding!!!!! Yea for October!!!!
  6. OMG Jac, you're b-day is the day after mine! I just turned the dirty 30 too...but your party was way more exciting than mine...we kept it low key. happy be-lated to ya!
  7. Everything looks so put together erica. Every detail yo thought off turned out perfectly! I can't believe you're getting married in a few days XOXOXO, leia
  8. That was 1 awsome TTD slideshow! I loved your pics Angela...makes me so much more excited for Juan to shoot our wedding
  9. You guys look so cute together! Love the earings and the SHOES!!! And your dog is adorable too.
  10. Quote: Originally Posted by C1smith I noticed that your wedding is coming up (congrats!!!). I also have Yesica as a WC but since my wedding is still a while away (August 8, 2009) I haven't worked with her on anything, other than picking a date. Can you tell me when you started working with her planning your wedding, picking out vendors, colors, menu, etc? I don't want to bug her cause I know she's busy but I also don't want to put anything off at the last minute. Thanks!! I contacted her right when we secured our date. Our first emails were about confirming where we wanted our welcome dinner, ceremony, cocktail hour, and reception. I highly advise doing that b/c I think Dreams may have more than 1 wedding a day. After that, I laid off emailing her b/c I was on this forum a lot gathering info and ideas for the girls. Also, Tammy was my TA so she was able to answer a lot of my questions too. I dealt w/ her directly for our room block, rates, etc... I went on a site visit last year in Nov. and had a great experience w/ Yesica and Maye. I was able to see a few weddings too, which gave me an idea of how things were set up. Hope this helps...
  11. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO I'm so excited for you guys. Oh, hey, did John ever get a hat to wear? Or has he changed his mind? LOL I'm definitely going to check out White House/Black Market! Thanks OMG Yolanda, he said he was going to go looking this weekend for a trilby (sp?). HAHAHA!
  12. Quote: Originally Posted by JUSTUSTWO Leia, those pics are too cute. Love the cupcakes and love that dress! Was that one of the choices of the shower dresses that you posted before? You look so cute in it. Anyway, looks like you guys had a great time! Are you almost ready for the big day? Thanks Yolanda! John and I are getting so excited! We're pretty much ready, just tying up a few loose ends. This dress is from White House Black Market. I think it's on sale now.
  13. I'm so sorry, for your bad experience w/ Yesica. But I agree w/ Tammy, there is so much info on this forum, that you can pretty much plan your wedding all yourself. I'm using Yesica, and I will agree that she's not the fastest w/ responding to emails. But I have noticed that since my wedding is getting pretty close she has gotten back to ma A LOT faster.
  14. So I just watched it...now I'm going to watcha million more times!! You were a gorgeous bride Angela! I can't wait to show your slideshow to John. He's going to love it!
  15. So you can get an idea of what it looked like Me and my Flower girl, Malia...she wanted her daddy Me opening presents My dad looking cool More pics
  16. My parents thru John and I our last shower this past weekend. I was totally surprised w/ how they decorated it. They put lights all around their backyard and had it catered by a near by mexican restaurant. The tables had zarapas and my MOH made cupcakes! This just proves to us that if we had our wedding in SF, it would be way too huge! We both have crazy, big asian families that we love, but can be too much at the same time Here are some pics... John & I Cupcakes! Me blowing out the candles Our shower/my b-day cake...notice the 3 candles and the "0"!
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