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Everything posted by lscilley

  1. Those look great your probably so excited to see the rest! Your dress looked amazing!
  2. Wow it's looks beautiful there makes me re-think where I want to have my wedding! Your dress looked great on you! Congrats!
  3. Wow you looked amazing and you guys all looked like you had so much fun! Congrats!
  4. Hey Where did you get the logo done on your lip balm and stuff it looks amazing!
  5. Hey everyone so I have been doing alot of research and everyone says to invite everyone, even the people you don't think will make it because you never know who might actually come. But I want to keep it small no more than 40 people and we both have quite a few siblings so they take up alot of that 40. Is that wrong will people get offended if they are not invited to Punta Cana? We are going to have a reception back home and everyone will be invited to that. Another big thing for me was the cost for a larger group it seemed like every resort package was only for 15-20 people and everyone else you had to pay extra for. I don't think I could afford a larger wedding with the prices I have seen. Anyone have any advice?
  6. Thanks for the info. I wasn't too worried about it but I thought I'd ask.
  7. Does anyone know when hurricane season ends? We want to get married in November but I heard it was still hurricane season and people keep saying that I shouldn't get married in hurricane season.
  8. lscilley


    Hi My name is Leslie and I am getting married in Punta Cana in Nov 2009. I haven't decided on any locations or anything yet still have a ways to go, just trying to get information on different places.
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